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the days of my life-第115章

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d was held up to the readers of sundry journals as a cruel brute by persons who call themselves “humanitarians” because; as a farmer; I advocated an organised State crusade against rats and sparrows; which (owing largely to the destruction of the hawk and owl tribes; and of other creatures of prey in the interest of game preservation) work such incalculable damage in this country。 “Humanitarians” evidently do not earn their living from the land。 If they did they might take a different view of sparrows。 It is; however; cheap to be pitiful at the expense of others!
I know that the above views on shooting may be thought a hard saying by many who greatly enjoy what they consider a harmless and a healthful sport。 But really it is not so; since in such matters every man must act according to his own heart。 If his conscience is not afraid of a thing; let him do it; if it is afraid; let him leave it alone。 So talks St。 Paul of whatever is sold in the shambles。 “To him that esteemeth anything to be unclean; it is unclean。” “All things indeed are pure; but it is evil for that man who eateth with offence。” And again; “He that doubteth is condemned if he eat because he eateth not of faith;” which I take it is another way of saying that a man must follow the light that is lit in him。 Therefore; although I no longer shoot myself; I still go out shooting with my friends who are happy in so doing。 So far as I am concerned; however; the  result of it all is that “Othello’s occupation’s gone。” I have now no recreation left save that of the garden and of my solitary walks about the farm; which lead; perhaps; to too much thinking。
The publication of this “Bob” correspondence in The Times and; I may add; everywhere throughout the civilised world; brought me many letters of which the general tenor went to prove that similar examples of such psychical or telepathic munications were by no means unknown; though none of these were quite so clear as that which I have set out above。 Nor were they so well supported by evidence。 Moreover; it seemed almost certain that the dog Bob municated with me after its death; which; if it could be absolutely and finally proved; as it cannot; would solve one of the mysteries of our being; by showing that the spirit even of a dog can live on when its mortal frame is destroyed and physical death has happened。 If a dog — then how much more a man!
None of the experiences of my correspondents went so far as this。 A number of these letters I sent to the Psychical Research Society; but a great bundle of them still remains which I have not the time to re…read。 On this point of the continuance of individual existence after physical death; I once wrote a letter to Sir Oliver Lodge; who is both an eminent man of science and a great student of such hidden matters。 I asked him whether he possessed such evidence as would satisfy a reasonable person; say a judge or a juryman; of the fact of the continued existence of the individual after his physical death。 He answered:
As to your question — it is not an easy one。 By scientific experience I have myself bee absolutely convinced of persistence of existence; and I regard death as an important episode — the reverse of birth — but neither of these episodes really initial or final。 One is the assumption of connection with matter; the other is the abandoning of that connection。
If it be further asked whether after we have abandoned matter we can; by indirect means; occasionally continue to act upon it — on the matter of the inorganic world or the matter of our friends’ brains; for instance — I am inclined to answer; though now more doubtfully; that in my judgment the evidence points to the existence of some indistinct and undeveloped power of this sort。
The simplest and best developed variety of this continued interaction with matter is on the side of telepathy。
This is experimentally found existent between the living; and I have reason to believe that this is the one mode of munication which survives the transition; and that under favourable conditions we can still influence and be influenced by the process of events and emotions here 。 。 。 。
This is forting; so far as it goes; and of course extremely interesting。 But; after all; we have here only the experience and the deductions of one man who; brilliant and utterly upright as he is known to be; may still be mistaken like the rest of us。 The manifestations exist — many can bear witness to them。 But whence do they e? That is the question。 May not some Power be mocking us that; directly or indirectly; draws its strength from our vital forces and has its roots in our own intelligence; exalted in an access of spiritual intoxication? Yet if so; this does not explain the “Bob” incident when I was seeking for nothing; and had gone to sleep tired out with my usual day’s work。 Why; in such circumstances; should this dog have materialised itself in my slumbering brain and at the moment of its death; or rather; as I firmly believe; several hours after that event? Therein lies a hint of great marvels。
Years afterwards another dream about an animal came to me which I embodied in the story called “The Mahatma and the Hare;” a little book that; up to the present; has no great public vogue。 Largely this is because so many of the papers neglected it as though it were something improper。 Their reason was; I think; that they feared to give offence to that great section of their readers who; directly or indirectly; are interested in sport; by extended notices of a parable which doubtless in its essence amounts to an attack upon our habit of killing other creatures for amusement。 I hope; however; that its day may e; though perhaps not yet。
As I am touching on mystical subjects; probably for the last time; I will instance here a series of imaginings which developed themselves in my mind at intervals over a period of several months early in the present year。 I noted them down at the time and; except for an addendum to No。 4; give them without alteration; as I think it best not to interfere with the original words; on which; perhaps unconsciously; I might attempt to improve。 Indeed it would be easy to make a story out of each of these mind…pictures。 At the head of them I have stated the alternative explanations which occur to me。 Personally I favour — indeed I might almost say that I accept — the last。
Only then the question will arise as to whether it is possible for us to imagine anything that has not; somewhere in this great universe whereof we only know the fringe; an actual counterpart; perhaps very distorted; of some unseen truth? However far we throw out our mental hands; can they close on anything which is not in its essence a fact; or the reflection of a fact? Are we not walled in by facts; and is it within our scope to travel one inch beyond that wall? But the thing is very subtle; and I am by no means certain that I make my meaning clear。 Moreover; it could be argued in a dozen ways; and as these dream…pictures are merely given as a curiosity in which I have no personal faith; it is not worth while to waste time in discussing them。 Here they are:
During the past few months there have e to me; generally between s
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