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〃Well;〃 I said; 〃don't let it get you down; Del。 Nobody's going to make you play skiprope with him out in the yard。〃
There was a creaking sound from behind me as Coffey got off his bunk。 〃Boss Edgebe!〃 he said again。 This time he sounded urgent。 〃I need to talk to you!〃
I turned to him; thinking; all right; no problem; talking was my business。 All the time trying not to shiver; because the fever had turned cold; as they sometimes will。 Except for my groin; which still felt as if it had been slit open; filled with hot coals; and then sewed back up again。
〃So talk; John Coffey;〃 I said; trying to keep my voice light and calm。 For the first time since he'd e onto E Block; Coffey looked as though he was really here; really among us。 The almost ceaseless trickle of tears from the corners of his eyes had ceased; at least for the time being; and I knew he was seeing what he was looking at … Mr。 Paul Edgebe; E Block's bull…goose screw; and not some place he wished he could return to; and take back the terrible thing he'd done。
〃No;〃 he said。 〃You got to e in here。〃
〃Now; you know I can't do that;〃 I said; still trying for the light tone; 〃at least not right this minute。 I'm on my own here for the time being; and you outweigh me by just about a ton and a half。 We've had us one hooraw this afternoon; and that's enough。 So we'll just have us a chat through the bars; if it's all the same to you; and … 〃
〃Please!〃 He was holding the bars so tightly that his knuckles were pale and his fingernails were white。 His face was long with distress; those strange eyes sharp with some need I could not understand。 I remember thinking that maybe I could've understood it if I hadn't been so sick; and knowing that would have given me a way of helping him through the rest of it。 When you know what a man needs; you know the man; more often than not。 〃Please; Boss Edgebe! You have to e in!〃
That's the nuttiest thing I ever heard; I thought; and then realized something even nuttier: I was going to do it。 I had my keys off my belt and I was hunting through them for the ones that opened John Coffey's cell。 He could have picked me up and broken me over his knee like kindling on a day when I was well and feeling fine; and this wasn't that day。 All the same; I was going to do it。 On my own; and less than half an hour after a graphic demonstration of where stupidity and laxness could get you when you were dealing with condemned murderers; I was going to open this black giant's cell; go in; and sit with him。 If I was discovered; I might well lose my job even if he didn't do anything crazy; but I was going to do it; just the same。
Stop; I said to myself; you just stop now; Paul。 But I didn't。 I used one key on the top lock; another on the bottom lock; and then I slid the door back on its track。
〃You know; boss; that maybe not such a good idear;〃 Delacroix said in a voice so nervous and prissy it would probably have made me laugh under other circumstances。
〃You mind your business and I'll mind mine;〃 I said without looking around。 My eyes were fixed on John Coffey's; and fixed so hard they might have been nailed there。 It was like being hypnotized。 My voice sounded to my own ears like something which had e echoing down a long valley。 Hell; maybe I was hypnotized。 〃You just lie down and take you a rest。〃
〃Christ; this place is crazy;〃 Delacroix said in a trembling voice。 〃Mr。 Jingles; I just about wish they'd fry me and be done widdit!〃
I went into Coffey's cell。 He stepped away as I stepped forward。 When he was backed up against his bunk … it hit him in the calves; that's how tall he was … he sat down on it。 He patted the mattress beside him; his eyes never once leaving mine。 I sat down there next to him; and he put his arm around my shoulders; as if we were at the movies and I was his girl。
〃What do you want; John Coffey?〃 I asked; still looking into his eyes … those sad; serene eyes。
〃Just to help;〃 he said。 He sighed like a man will when he's faced with a job he doesn't much want to do; and then he put his hand down in my crotch; on that shelf of bone a foot or so below the navel。
〃Hey!〃 I cried。 〃Get your goddam hand………〃
A jolt slammed through me then; a big painless whack of something。 It made me jerk on the cot and bow my back; made me think of Old Toot shouting that he was frying; he was frying; he was a done tom turkey。 There was no heat; no feeling of electricity; but for a moment the color seemed to jump out of everything; as if the world had been somehoade to sweat。 I could see every pore on john Coffey's face; I could see every bloodshot snap in his haunted eyes; I could see a tiny healing scrape on his chin。 I was aware that my fingers were hooked down into claws on thin air; and that my feet were drumming on the floor of Coffey's cell。
Then it was over。 So was my urinary infection。 Both the heat and the miserable throbbing pain were gone from my crotch; and the fever was likewise gone from my head。 I could still feel the sweat it had drawn out of my skin; and I could smell it; but it was gone; all right。
〃What's going on?〃 Delacroix called shrilly。 His voice still came from far away; but when John Coffey bent forward; breaking eye…contact with me; the little Cajun's voice suddenly came clear。 It was as if someone had pulled wads of cotton or a pair of shooters' plugs out of my ears。 〃What's he doing to you?〃
I didn't answer。 Coffey was bent forward over his own lap with his face working and his throat bulging。 His eyes were bulging; too。 He looked like a man with a chicken bone caught in his throat。
〃John!〃 I said。 I clapped him on the back; it was all I could think of to do。 〃John; what's wrong?〃
He hitched under my hand; then made an unpleasant gagging; retching sound。 His mouth opened the way horses sometimes open their mouths to allow the bit … reluctantly; with the lips peeling back from the teeth in a kind of desperate sneer。 Then his teeth parted; too; and he exhaled a cloud of tiny black insects that looked like gnats or noseeums。 They swirled furiously between his knees; turned white; and disappeared。
Suddenly all the strength went out of my middsection。 It was as if the muscles there had turned to water。 I slumped back against the stone side of Coffey's cell。 I remember thinking the name of the Savior … Christ; Christ; Christ; over and over; like that … and I remember thinking that the fever had driven me delirious。 That was all。
Then I became aware that Delacroix was bawling for help; he was telling the world that John Coffey was killing me; and telling it at the top of his lungs。 Coffey was bending over me; all right; but only to make sure I was okay。
〃Shut up; Del;〃 I said; and got on my feet。 I waited for the pain to rip into my guts; but it didn't happen。 I was better。 Really。 There was a moment of dizziness; but that passed even before I was able to reach out and grab the bars of Coffey's cell door for balance。 〃I'm totally okey…doke。〃
〃You get on outta here;〃 Delacroix said; sounding like a nervy old woman telling a kid to climb down out of that…ere apple tree。 〃You ain't suppose to be in there wit no one else on the block。〃
I looked at John Coffey; who sat on th