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little dorrit-信丽(英文版)-第70章

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attentive man and very respectful。 Young Chivery; too; really almost
with a delicate perception of one's position here。 A very well conducted
family indeed; the Chiveries。 Their behaviour gratifies me。'

The devoted Young John all this time regarded the family with reverence。
He never dreamed of disputing their pretensions; but did homage to the
miserable Mumbo jumbo they paraded。 As to resenting any affront from her
brother; he would have felt; even if he had not naturally been of a most
pacific disposition; that to wag his tongue or lift his hand against
that sacred gentleman would be an unhallowed act。 He was sorry that
his noble mind should take offence; still; he felt the fact to be not
inpatible with its nobility; and sought to propitiate and conciliate
that gallant soul。 Her father; a gentleman in misfortune……a gentleman of
a fine spirit and courtly manners; who always bore with him……he deeply
honoured。 Her sister he considered somewhat vain and proud; but a young
lady of infinite acplishments; who could not forget the past。 It was
an instinctive testimony to Little Dorrit's worth and difference from
all the rest; that the poor young fellow honoured and loved her for
being simply what she was。

The tobacco business round the corner of Horsemonger Lane was carried
out in a rural establishment one story high; which had the benefit of
the air from the yards of Horsemonger Lane jail; and the advantage of a
retired walk under the wall of that pleasant establishment。 The business
was of too modest a character to support a life…size Highlander; but it
maintained a little one on a bracket on the door…post; who looked like
a fallen Cherub that had found it necessary to take to a kilt。 From the
portal thus decorated; one Sunday after an early dinner of baked viands;
Young John issued forth on his usual Sunday errand; not empty…handed;
but with his offering of cigars。 He was neatly attired in a
plum…coloured coat; with as large a collar of black velvet as his figure
could carry; a silken waistcoat; bedecked with golden sprigs; a chaste
neckerchief much in vogue at that day; representing a preserve of
lilac pheasants on a buff ground; pantaloons so highly decorated with
side…stripes that each leg was a three…stringed lute; and a hat of
state very high and hard。 When the prudent Mrs Chivery perceived that
in addition to these adornments her John carried a pair of white kid
gloves; and a cane like a little finger…post; surmounted by an ivory
hand marshalling him the way that he should go; and when she saw him; in
this heavy marching order; turn the corner to the right; she remarked to
Mr Chivery; who was at home at the time; that she thought she knew which
way the wind blew。

The Collegians were entertaining a considerable number of visitors that
Sunday afternoon; and their Father kept his room for the purpose of
receiving presentations。 After making the tour of the yard; Little
Dorrit's lover with a hurried heart went up…stairs; and knocked with his
knuckles at the Father's door。

'e in; e in!' said a gracious voice。 The Father's voice; her
father's; the Marshalsea's father's。 He was seated in his black velvet
cap; with his newspaper; three…and…sixpence accidentally left on the
table; and two chairs arranged。 Everything prepared for holding his

'Ah; Young John! How do you do; how do you do!'

'Pretty well; I thank you; sir。 I hope you are the same。'

'Yes; John Chivery; yes。 Nothing to plain of。'

'I have taken the liberty; sir; of……'

'Eh?' The Father of the Marshalsea always lifted up his eyebrows at this
point; and became amiably distraught and smilingly absent in mind。

'……A few cigars; sir。'

'Oh!' (For the moment; excessively surprised。) 'Thank you; Young John;
thank you。 But really; I am afraid I am too……No? Well then; I will say
no more about it。 Put them on the mantelshelf; if you please; Young
John。 And sit down; sit down。 You are not a stranger; John。'

'Thank you; sir; I am sure……Miss;' here Young John turned the great hat
round and round upon his left…hand; like a slowly twirling mouse…cage;
'Miss Amy quite well; sir?' 'Yes; John; yes; very well。 She is out。'
'Indeed; sir?'

'Yes; John。 Miss Amy is gone for an airing。 My young people all go out a
good deal。 But at their time of life; it's natural; John。'

'Very much so; I am sure; sir。'

'An airing。 An airing。 Yes。' He was blandly tapping his fingers on
the table; and casting his eyes up at the window。 'Amy has gone for
an airing on the Iron Bridge。 She has bee quite partial to the Iron
Bridge of late; and seems to like to walk there better than anywhere。'
He returned to conversation。 'Your father is not on duty at present; I
think; John?'

'No; sir; he es on later in the afternoon。' Another twirl of the
great hat; and then Young John said; rising; 'I am afraid I must wish
you good day; sir。'

'So soon? Good day; Young John。 Nay; nay;' with the utmost
condescension; 'never mind your glove; John。 Shake hands with it on。 You
are no stranger here; you know。'

Highly gratified by the kindness of his reception; Young John descended
the staircase。 On his way down he met some Collegians bringing up
visitors to be presented; and at that moment Mr Dorrit happened to call
over the banisters with particular distinctness; 'Much obliged to you
for your little testimonial; John!'

Little Dorrit's lover very soon laid down his penny on the tollplate of
the Iron Bridge; and came upon it looking about him for the well…known
and well…beloved figure。 At first he feared she was not there; but as he
walked on towards the Middlesex side; he saw her standing still; looking
at the water。 She was absorbed in thought; and he wondered what
she might be thinking about。 There were the piles of city roofs and
chimneys; more free from smoke than on week…days; and there were the
distant masts and steeples。 Perhaps she was thinking about them。

Little Dorrit mused so long; and was so entirely preoccupied; that
although her lover stood quiet for what he thought was a long time; and
twice or thrice retired and came back again to the former spot; still
she did not move。 So; in the end; he made up his mind to go on; and seem
to e upon her casually in passing; and speak to her。 The place was
quiet; and now or never was the time to speak to her。

He walked on; and she did not appear to hear his steps until he was
close upon her。 When he said 'Miss Dorrit!' she started and fell back
from him; with an expression in her face of fright and something like
dislike that caused him unutterable dismay。 She had often avoided him
before……always; indeed; for a long; long while。 She had turned away and
glided off so often when she had seen him ing toward her; that the
unfortunate Young John could not think it accidental。 But he had hoped
that it might be shyness; her retiring character; her foreknowledge of
the state of his heart; anything short of aversion。 Now; that momentary
look had said; 'You; of all people! I would rather have seen any one on
earth than you!'

It was but a momentary look; inasmuch as she checked it; and said in her
soft little voice; 'Oh; Mr John! Is it you?' But 
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