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little dorrit-信丽(英文版)-第194章

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Mr Dorrit an idea that the Bosom flushed……which was one of her best

'I say so much;' she then explained; 'merely because Mr Merdle has
always taken the greatest interest in Edmund; and has always expressed
the strongest desire to advance his prospects。 Edmund's public position;
I think you know。 His private position rests solely with Mr Merdle。 In
my foolish incapacity for business; I assure you I know no more。'

Mr Dorrit again expressed; in his own way; the sentiment that business
was below the ken of enslavers and enchantresses。 He then mentioned his
intention; as a gentleman and a parent; of writing to Mr Merdle。 Mrs
Merdle concurred with all her heart……or with all her art; which was
exactly the same thing……and herself despatched a preparatory letter by
the next post to the eighth wonder of the world。

In his epistolary munication; as in his dialogues and discourses on
the great question to which it related; Mr Dorrit surrounded the
subject with flourishes; as writing…masters embellish copy…books and
ciphering…books: where the titles of the elementary rules of
arithmetic diverge into swans; eagles; griffins; and other calligraphic
recreations; and where the capital letters go out of their minds and
bodies into ecstasies of pen and ink。 Nevertheless; he did render the
purport of his letter sufficiently clear; to enable Mr Merdle to make a
decent pretence of having learnt it from that source。 Mr Merdle replied
to it accordingly。 Mr Dorrit replied to Mr Merdle; Mr Merdle replied to
Mr Dorrit; and it was soon announced that the corresponding powers had
e to a satisfactory understanding。

Now; and not before; Miss Fanny burst upon the scene; pletely arrayed
for her new part。 Now and not before; she wholly absorbed Mr Sparkler in
her light; and shone for both; and twenty more。 No longer feeling that
want of a defined place and character which had caused her so much
trouble; this fair ship began to steer steadily on a shaped course; and
to swim with a weight and balance that developed her sailing qualities。

'The preliminaries being so satisfactorily arranged; I think I will now;
my dear;' said Mr Dorrit; 'announce……ha……formally; to Mrs General……'

'Papa;' returned Fanny; taking him up short upon that name; 'I don't see
what Mrs General has got to do with it。'

'My dear;' said Mr Dorrit; 'it will be an act of courtesy to……hum……a
lady; well bred and refined……'

'Oh! I am sick of Mrs General's good breeding and refinement; papa;'
said Fanny。 'I am tired of Mrs General。'

'Tired;' repeated Mr Dorrit in reproachful astonishment; 'of……ha……Mrs

'Quite disgusted with her; papa;' said Fanny。 'I really don't see what
she has to do with my marriage。 Let her keep to her own matrimonial
projects……if she has any。'

'Fanny;' returned Mr Dorrit; with a grave and weighty slowness upon him;
contrasting strongly with his daughter's levity: 'I beg the favour of
your explaining……ha……what it is you mean。' 'I mean; papa;' said Fanny;
'that if Mrs General should happen to have any matrimonial projects of
her own; I dare say they are quite enough to occupy her spare time。 And
that if she has not; so much the better; but still I don't wish to have
the honour of making announcements to her。'

'Permit me to ask you; Fanny;' said Mr Dorrit; 'why not?'

'Because she can find my engagement out for herself; papa;' retorted
Fanny。 'She is watchful enough; I dare say。 I think I have seen her
so。 Let her find it out for herself。 If she should not find it out for
herself; she will know it when I am married。 And I hope you will not
consider me wanting in affection for you; papa; if I say it strikes me
that rs General。'

'Fanny;' returned Mr Dorrit; 'I am amazed; I am displeased by
this……hum……this capricious and unintelligible display of animosity
towards……ha……Mrs General。'

'Do not; if you please; papa;' urged Fanny; 'call it animosity; because
I assure you I do not consider Mrs General worth my animosity。'

At this; Mr Dorrit rose from his chair with a fixed look of severe
reproof; and remained standing in his dignity before his daughter。 His
daughter; turning the bracelet on her arm; and now looking at him; and
now looking from him; said; 'Very well; papa。 I am truly sorry if you
don't like it; but I can't help it。 I am not a child; and I am not Amy;
and I must speak。'

'Fanny;' gasped Mr Dorrit; after a majestic silence; 'if I request
you to remain here; while I formally announce to Mrs General; as
an exemplary lady; who is……hum……a trusted member of this family;
the……ha……the change that is contemplated among us; if I……ha……not only
request it; but……hum……insist upon it……'

'Oh; papa;' Fanny broke in with pointed significance; 'if you make so
much of it as that; I have in duty nothing to do but ply。 I hope I
may have my thoughts upon the subject; however; for I really cannot help
it under the circumstances。'So; Fanny sat down with a meekness which;
in the junction of extremes; became defiance; and her father; either not
deigning to answer; or not knowing what to answer; summoned Mr Tinkler
into his presence。

'Mrs General。'

Mr Tinkler; unused to receive such short orders in connection with the
fair varnisher; paused。 Mr Dorrit; seeing the whole Marshalsea and all
its testimonials in the pause; instantly flew at him with; 'How dare
you; sir? What do you mean?'

'I beg your pardon; sir;' pleaded Mr Tinkler; 'I was wishful to know……'
'You wished to know nothing; sir;' cried Mr Dorrit; highly flushed。

'Don't tell me you did。 Ha。 You didn't。 You are guilty of mockery; sir。'

'I assure you; sir……' Mr Tinkler began。

'Don't assure me!' said Mr Dorrit。 'I will not be assured by a
domestic。 You are guilty of mockery。 You shall leave me……hum……the whole
establishment shall leave me。 What are you waiting for?'

'Only for my orders; sir。'

'It's false;' said Mr Dorrit; 'you have your orders。 Ha……hum。 MY
pliments to Mrs General; and I beg the favour of her ing to me; if
quite convenient; for a few minutes。 Those are your orders。'

In his execution of this mission; Mr Tinkler perhaps expressed that Mr
Dorrit was in a raging fume。 However that was; Mrs General's skirts were
very speedily heard outside; ing along……one might almost have said
bouncing along……with unusual expedition。 Albeit; they settled down at
the door and swept into the room with their customary coolness。

'Mrs General;' said Mr Dorrit; 'take a chair。'

Mrs General; with a graceful curve of acknowledgment; descended into the
chair which Mr Dorrit offered。

'Madam;' pursued that gentleman; 'as you have had the kindness to
undertake the……hum……formation of my daughters; and as I am persuaded
that nothing nearly affecting them can……ha……be indifferent to you……'

'Wholly impossible;' said Mrs General in the calmest of ways。

'……I therefore wish to announce to you; madam; that my daughter now

Mrs General made a slight inclination of her head to Fanny; who made
a very low inclination of her head to Mrs General; and came loftily
upright again。

'……That my daughter Fanny is……ha……contracted to be married to Mr
Sparkler; ; you will be
relieved of h
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