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little dorrit-信丽(英文版)-第15章

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in her belief that she had been asleep for some considerable period。
That she arose thereupon; muffled herself up in a wrapper; put on
her shoes; and went out on the staircase; much surprised; to look for

The staircase was as wooden and solid as need be; and Affery went
straight down it without any of those deviations peculiar to dreams。
She did not skim over it; but walked down it; and guided herself by the
banisters on account of her candle having died out。 In one corner of
the hall; behind the house…door; there was a little waiting…room; like a
well…shaft; with a long narrow window in it as if it had been ripped up。
In this room; which was never used; a light was burning。

Mrs Flintwinch crossed the hall; feeling its pavement cold to her
stockingless feet; and peeped in between the rusty hinges on the door;
which stood a little open。 She expected to see Jeremiah fast asleep or
in a fit; but he was calmly seated in a chair; awake; and in his usual
health。 But what……hey?……Lord forgive us!……Mrs Flintwinch muttered some
ejaculation to this effect; and turned giddy。

For; Mr Flintwinch awake; was watching Mr Flintwinch asleep。 He sat on
one side of the small table; looking keenly at himself on the other side
with his chin sunk on his breast; snoring。 The waking Flintwinch had his
full front face presented to his wife; the sleeping Flintwinch was
in profile。 The waking Flintwinch was the old original; the sleeping
Flintwinch was the double; just as she might have distinguished between
a tangible object and its reflection in a glass; Affery made out this
difference with her head going round and round。

If she had had any doubt which was her own Jeremiah; it would have been
resolved by his impatience。 He looked about him for an offensive weapon;
caught up the snuffers; and; before applying them to the cabbage…headed
candle; lunged at the sleeper as though he would have run him through
the body。

'Who's that? What's the matter?' cried the sleeper; starting。

Mr Flintwinch made a movement with the snuffers; as if he would have
enforced silence on his panion by putting them down his throat; the
panion; ing to himself; said; rubbing his eyes; 'I forgot where I

'You have been asleep;' snarled Jeremiah; referring to his watch; 'two
hours。 You said you would be rested enough if you had a short nap。'

'I have had a short nap;' said Double。

'Half…past two o'clock in the morning;' muttered Jeremiah。 'Where's your
hat? Where's your coat? Where's the box?'

'All here;' said Double; tying up his throat with sleepy carefulness in
a shawl。 'Stop a minute。 Now give me the sleeve……not that sleeve; the
other one。 Ha! I'm not as young as I was。' Mr Flintwinch had pulled
him into his coat with vehement energy。 'You promised me a second glass
after I was rested。'

'Drink it!' returned Jeremiah; 'and……choke yourself; I was going
to say……but go; I mean。'At the same time he produced the identical
port…wine bottle; and filled a wine…glass。

'Her port…wine; I believe?' said Double; tasting it as if he were in the
Docks; with hours to spare。 'Her health。'

He took a sip。

'Your health!'

He took another sip。

'His health!'

He took another sip。

'And all friends round St Paul's。' He emptied and put down the
wine…glass half…way through this ancient civic toast; and took up the
box。 It was an iron box some two feet square; which he carried under his
arms pretty easily。 Jeremiah watched his manner of adjusting it; with
jealous eyes; tried it with his hands; to be sure that he had a firm
hold of it; bade him for his life be careful what he was about; and then
stole out on tiptoe to open the door for him。 Affery; anticipating
the last movement; was on the staircase。 The sequence of things was
so ordinary and natural; that; standing there; she could hear the door
open; feel the night air; and see the stars outside。

But now came the most remarkable part of the dream。 She felt so afraid
of her husband; that being on the staircase; she had not the power to
retreat to her room (which she might easily have done before he had
fastened the door); but stood there staring。 Consequently when he came
up the staircase to bed; candle in hand; he came full upon her。 He
looked astonished; but said not a word。 He kept his eyes upon her; and
kept advancing; and she; pletely under his influence; kept retiring
before him。 Thus; she walking backward and he walking forward; they
came into their own room。 They were no sooner shut in there; than Mr
Flintwinch took her by the throat; and shook her until she was black in
the face。

'Why; Affery; woman……Affery!' said Mr Flintwinch。 'What have you been
dreaming of? Wake up; wake up! What's the matter?'

'The……the matter; Jeremiah?' gasped Mrs Flintwinch; rolling her eyes。

'Why; Affery; woman……Affery! You have been getting out of bed in your
sleep; my dear! I e up; after having fallen asleep myself; below; and
find you in your wrapper here; with the nightmare。 Affery; woman;' said
Mr Flintwinch; with a friendly grin on his expressive countenance; 'if
you ever have a dream of this sort again; it'll be a sign of your being
in want of physic。 And I'll give you such a dose; old woman……such a

Mrs Flintwinch thanked him and crept into bed。

CHAPTER 5。 Family Affairs

As the city clocks struck nine on Monday morning; Mrs Clennam was
wheeled by Jeremiah Flintwinch of the cut…down aspect to her tall
cabi。 When she had unlocked and opened it; and had settled herself
at its desk; Jeremiah withdrew……as it might be; to hang himself more
effectually……and her son appeared。

'Are you any better this morning; mother?'

She shook her head; with the same austere air of luxuriousness that she
had shown over…night when speaking of the weather。

'I shall never be better any more。 It is well for me; Arthur; that I
know it and can bear it。'

Sitting with her hands laid separately upon the desk; and the tall
cabi towering before her; she looked as if she were performing on a
dumb church organ。 Her son thought so (it was an old thought with him);
while he took his seat beside it。

She opened a drawer or two; looked over some business papers; and put
them back again。 Her severe face had no thread of relaxation in it; by
which any explorer could have been guided to the gloomy labyrinth of her

'Shall I speak of our affairs; mother? Are you inclined to enter upon

'Am I inclined; Arthur? Rather; are you? Your father has been dead a
year and more。 I have been at your disposal; and waiting your pleasure;
ever since。'

'There was much to arrange before I could leave; and when I did leave; I
travelled a little for rest and relief。'

She turned her face towards him; as not having heard or understood his
last words。 'For rest and relief。'

She glanced round the sombre room; and appeared from the motion of her
lips to repeat the words to herself; as calling it to witness how little
of either it afforded her。

'Besides; mother; you being sole executrix; and having the direction and
management of the estate; there remained little business; or I might say
none; that I could
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