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little dorrit-信丽(英文版)-第14章

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proceeded to get a pillow into its case。

'How did it happen?'

'Why; Jeremiah; o' course;' said Affery; with an end of the pillow…case
between her teeth。

'Of course he proposed it; but how did it all e about? I should have
thought that neither of you would have married; least of all should I
have thought of your marrying each other。'

'No more should I;' said Mrs Flintwinch; tying the pillow tightly in its

'That's what I mean。 When did you begin to think otherwise?'

'Never begun to think otherwise at all;' said Mrs Flintwinch。

Seeing; as she patted the pillow into its place on the bolster; that he
was still looking at her as if waiting for the rest of her reply;
she gave it a great poke in the middle; and asked; 'How could I help

'How could you help yourself from being married!'

'O' course;' said Mrs Flintwinch。 'It was no doing o' mine。 I'D never
thought of it。 I'd got something to do; without thinking; indeed! She
kept me to it (as well as he) when she could go about; and she could go
about then。' 'Well?'

'Well?' echoed Mrs Flintwinch。 'That's what I said myself。 Well! What's
the use of considering? If them two clever ones have made up their minds
to it; what's left for me to do? Nothing。'

'Was it my mother's project; then?'

'The Lord bless you; Arthur; and forgive me the wish!' cried Affery;
speaking always in a low tone。 'If they hadn't been both of a mind in
it; how could it ever have been? Jeremiah never courted me; t'ant likely
that he would; after living in the house with me and ordering me
about for as many years as he'd done。 He said to me one day; he said;
〃Affery;〃 he said; 〃now I am going to tell you something。 What do you
think of the name of Flintwinch?〃 〃What do I think of it?〃 I says。
〃Yes;〃 he said; 〃because you're going to take it;〃 he said。 〃Take it?〃 I
says。 〃Jere…MI…ah?〃 Oh! he's a clever one!'

Mrs Flintwinch went on to spread the upper sheet over the bed; and the
blanket over that; and the counterpane over that; as if she had quite
concluded her story。 'Well?' said Arthur again。

'Well?' echoed Mrs Flintwinch again。 'How could I help myself? He said
to me; 〃Affery; you and me must be married; and I'll tell you why。 She's
failing in health; and she'll want pretty constant attendance up in
her room; and we shall have to be much with her; and there'll be nobody
about now but ourselves when we're away from her; and altogether it will
be more convenient。 She's of my opinion;〃 he said; 〃so if you'll put
your bon on next Monday morning at eight; we'll get it over。〃' Mrs
Flintwinch tucked up the bed。


'Well?' repeated Mrs Flintwinch; 'I think so! I sits me down and says
it。 Well!……Jeremiah then says to me; 〃As to banns; next Sunday being the
third time of asking (for I've put 'em up a fortnight); is my reason for
naming Monday。 She'll speak to you about it herself; and now she'll find
you prepared; Affery。〃 That same day she spoke to me; and she said; 〃So;
Affery; I understand that you and Jeremiah are going to be married。 I
am glad of it; and so are you; with reason。 It is a very good thing for
you; and very wele under the circumstances to me。 He is a sensible
man; and a trustworthy man; and a persevering man; and a pious man。〃
What could I say when it had e to that? Why; if it had been……a
smothering instead of a wedding;' Mrs Flintwinch cast about in her mind
with great pains for this form of expression; 'I couldn't have said a
word upon it; against them two clever ones。'

'In good faith; I believe so。' 'And so you may; Arthur。'

'Affery; what girl was that in my mother's room just now?'

'Girl?' said Mrs Flintwinch in a rather sharp key。

'It was a girl; surely; whom I saw near you……almost hidden in the dark

'Oh! She? Little Dorrit? She's nothing; she's a whim of……hers。' It was a
peculiarity of Affery Flintwinch that she never spoke of Mrs Clennam
by name。 'But there's another sort of girls than that about。 Have you
forgot your old sweetheart? Long and long ago; I'll be bound。'

'I suffered enough from my mother's separating us; to remember her。

I recollect her very well。'

'Have you got another?'


'Here's news for you; then。 She's well to do now; and a widow。 And if
you like to have her; why you can。'

'And how do you know that; Affery?'

'Them two clever ones have been speaking about it。……There's Jeremiah on
the stairs!' She was gone in a moment。

Mrs Flintwinch had introduced into the web that his mind was busily
weaving; in that old workshop where the loom of his youth had stood; the
last thread wanting to the pattern。 The airy folly of a boy's love had
found its way even into that house; and he had been as wretched under
its hopelessness as if the house had been a castle of romance。 Little
more than a week ago at Marseilles; the face of the pretty girl from
whom he had parted with regret; had had an unusual interest for him; and
a tender hold upon him; because of some resemblance; real or imagined;
to this first face that had soared out of his gloomy life into the
bright glories of fancy。 He leaned upon the sill of the long low window;
and looking out upon the blackened forest of chimneys again; began to
dream; for it had been the uniform tendency of this man's life……so much
was wanting in it to think about; so much that might have been better
directed and happier to speculate upon……to make him a dreamer; after

CHAPTER 4。 Mrs Flintwinch has a Dream

When Mrs Flintwinch dreamed; she usually dreamed; unlike the son of her
old mistress; with her eyes shut。 She had a curiously vivid dream that
night; and before she had left the son of her old mistress many hours。
In fact it was not at all like a dream; it was so very real in every
respect。 It happened in this wise。

The bed…chamber occupied by Mr and Mrs Flintwinch was within a few paces
of that to which Mrs Clennam had been so long confined。 It was not on
the same floor; for it was a room at the side of the house; which was
approached by a steep descent of a few odd steps; diverging from the
main staircase nearly opposite to Mrs Clennam's door。 It could scarcely
be said to be within call; the walls; doors; and panelling of the old
place were so cumbrous; but it was within easy reach; in any undress;
at any hour of the night; in any temperature。 At the head of the bed
and within a foot of Mrs Flintwinch's ear; was a bell; the line of which
hung ready to Mrs Clennam's hand。 Whenever this bell rang; up started
Affery; and was in the sick room before she was awake。

Having got her mistress into bed; lighted her lamp; and given her good
night; Mrs Flintwinch went to roost as usual; saving that her lord had
not yet appeared。 It was her lord himself who became……unlike the
last theme in the mind; according to the observation of most
philosophers……the subject of Mrs Flintwinch's dream。 It seemed to her
that she awoke after sleeping some hours; and found Jeremiah not yet
abed。 That she looked at the candle she had left burning; and; measuring
the time like King Alfred the Great; was confirmed by its wasted state
in her belief that she had been asleep for some
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