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war of the spider queen 1 dissolution-第172章

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 open with fingers up as if signaling someone to halt。 A lanky male in a baggy cloak had taken shelter behind the translucent manifestation from the spears and arrows that several priestesses were sending his way。
Quenthel sighed; because she knew the lunatic; and he couldn't possibly be her unknown foe。 By all accounts; he'd been too busy down in the city the past few days。
She gestured with the whip; terminating the barrage of missiles。
〃Master Mizzrym;〃 she called。 〃You pound your crimes by breaknoting in where no male may e unbidden。〃
Pharaun bent low in obeisance。 He looked winded; and; most peculiarly for such a notorious dandy; disheveled。
〃Mistress; I beg your pardon; but I must confer with you。 Time is of the essence。〃
〃I have little to say to you except to condemn you as the Archmage should have done。〃
〃Kill me if you must。〃 The giant hand winked out of existence and he continued; 〃Given my recent peccadilloes; I half expected it。 But hear my message first。 The undercreatures are rebelling。〃
Quenthel narrowed her eyes and asked; 〃The Archmage sent you here with this news?〃
〃Alas;〃 the mage replied; 〃I was unable to locate him but knew this was something that must be brought to the attention of the most senior memnotbers of the Academy。 I realize no one ever dreamed it could happen; but it has。 Walk to the verge of the plateau with me; and you'll see。〃
The Baenre frowned。 Pharaun's manner was too presumptuous by half; yet something in it manded attention。
〃Very well;〃 she said; 〃but if this is some sort of demented jest; you'll suffer for it。〃
〃Mistress;〃 Minolin said; 〃he may want to lead you into…〃
Quenthel silenced the fool with a cold stare; then turned back to Pharaun。
〃Lead on; Master of Sorcere。〃
In point of fact; the high priestess didn't have to walk all the way to the drop…off to tell that something was badly wrong in the city below。 The wavering yellow glare of firelight and a foul smoky tang in the air alerted her as soon as she stepped outside the spider…shaped temple。 Heedless of her dignity; she sprinted for the edge; and Pharaun scrambled to keep up with her。
Below her; portions of Menzoberranzan…portions of the stone; how could that be?…were in flames。 Impossibly; even the Great Mound of the Baenre sprouted a tuft of flame at its highest point; like a tassel on a hat。 Once Quenthel's eyes adjusted to the dazzling brightness; she could vaguely make out the mobs rampaging through the streets and plazas。
〃You see;〃 said Pharaun; 〃that's why I ran halfway across the city; dodgnoting marauders at every turn; to reach you; my lady。 If I may say so; the sitnotuation's even worse than it may look。 By and large; the nobles haven't even begun reclaiming the streets。 They're bogged down on their estates fightnoting their own household goblins。 Therefore; I suggest you…〃
The mage was smart enough to stop talking at the sight of Quenthel's glare。
〃We will mobilize Tier Breche;〃 she said。 〃Melee…Magthere and Arach…Tinilith can fight。 Sorcere will divide its efforts between supporting us and extinguishing the fires。 You will either find my brother Gromph or act in his stead。〃
Pharaun bowed low。
Quenthel turned and saw that her priestesses and novices had followed her out onto the plateau。 Something in their manner brought her up short。
〃Mistress;〃 said long…eared Viconia Agrach Dyrr; one of the senior innotstructors; rather diffidently; 〃it makes perfect sense for Melee…Magthere and Sorcere to descend the stairs; but 。。。〃
〃But you ladies have lost your magic;〃 Pharaun said。
The sisters of the temple gaped at him。
〃You know?〃 Quenthe
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