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the women of the french salons-第75章

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ks her to cheer her husband's gloomy moods。  Indeed; she roused little of that bitter jealousy which is usually the penalty of exceptional beauty or exceptional gifts of any sort。  The sharp tongue of Mme。 de Genlis lost its sting in writing of her。  She idealized her as Athenais; in the novel of that name; which has for its background the beauties of Coppet; and vaguely reproduces much of its life。  The pious and austere Mme。 Swetchine; whose prejudices against her were so strong that for a long time she did not wish to meet her; confessed herself at once a captive to her 〃penetrating and indefinable charm。〃  Though she did not always escape the shafts of malice; no better tribute could be offered to the graces of her character than the indulgence with which she was regarded by the most severely judging of her own sex。

But she has her days of depression。  Chateaubriand is absorbed in his ambitions and sometimes indifferent; his antagonistic attitude towards Montmorency; who is far the nobler character of the two; is a source of grief to her。  She tries in vain to reconcile her rival friends。  Once she feels compelled to tear herself from an influence which is destroying her happiness; and goes to Italy。  But she carries within her own heart the seeds of unrest。  She still follows the movements of the man who occupies so large a space in her horizon; sympathizes from afar with his disappointments; and cares for his literary interest; ordering from Tenerani; a bas…relief of a scene from 〃The Martyrs。〃

After her return her life settles into more quiet channels。  Chateaubriand; embittered by the chagrins of political life; welcomed her with the old enthusiasm。  From this time he devoted himself exclusively to letters; and sought his diversion in the convent…salon which has left so wide a fame; and of which he was always the central figure。  The petted man of genius was moody and capricious。  His colossal egotism found its best solace in the gentle presence of the woman who flattered his restless vanity; anticipated his wishes; studied his tastes; and watched every shadow that flitted across his face。  He was in the habit of writing her a few lines in the morning; at three o'clock he visited her; and they chatted over their tea until four; when favored visitors began to arrive。  In the evening it was a little world that met there。  The names of Ampere; Tocqueville; Montalembert; Merimee; Thierry; and Sainte…Beuve suggest the literary quality of this circle; in which were seen from time to time such foreign celebrities as Sir Humphry and Lady Darcy; Maria Edgeworth; Humboldt; the Duke of Hamilton; the gifted Duchess of Devonshire; and Miss Berry。  Lamartine read his 〃Meditations〃 and Delphine Gay her first poems。  Rachel recited; and Pauline Viardot; Garcia; Rubini; and Lablache sang。   Delacroix; David; and Gerard represented the world of art; and the visitors from the grand monde were too numerous to mention。  In this brilliant and cosmopolitan company; what resources of wit and knowledge; what charms of beauty and elegance; what splendors of rank and distinction were laid upon the altar of the lovely and adored woman; who recognized all values; and never forgot the kindly word or the delicate courtesy that put the most modest guests at ease and brought out the best there was in them!

One day in 1847 there was a vacant place; and the faithful Ballanche came no more from his rooms across the street。  A year later Chateaubriand died。  After the death of his wife he had wished to marry Mme。 Recamier; but she thought it best to change nothing; believing that age and blindness had given her the right to devote herself to his last days。  To her friends she said that if she married him; he would miss the pleasure and variety of his daily visits。

Old; blind; broken in health and spirit; but retaining always the charm which had given her the empire over so many hearts; she followed him in a few months。

Mme。 Recamier represents better than any woman of her time the peculiar talents that distinguished the leaders of some of the most famous salons。  She had tact; grace; intelligence; appreciation; and the gift of inspiring others。  The cleverest men and women of the age were to be met in her drawing room。  One found there genius; beauty; esprit; elegance; courtesy; and the brilliant conversation which is the Gallic heritage。  But not even her surpassing fascination added to all these attractions could revive the old power of the salon。  Her coterie was charming; as a choice circle gathered about a beautiful; refined; accomplished woman; and illuminated by the wit and intelligence of thoughtful men; will always be; but its influence was limited and largely personal; and it has left no perceptible traces。  Nor has it had any noted successor。  It is no longer coteries presided over by clever women that guide the age and mold its tastes or its political destinies。  The old conditions have ceased to exist; and the prestige of the salon is gone。

The causes that led to its decline have been already more or less indicated。  Among them; the decay of aristocratic institutions played only a small part。  The salons were au fond democratic in the sense that all forms of distinction were recognized so far as they were amenable to the laws of taste; which form the ultimate tribunal of social fitness in France。  But it cannot be denied that the code of etiquette which ruled them had its foundation in the traditions of the noblesse。  The genteel manners; the absence of egotism and self…assertion; as of disturbing passions; the fine and uniform courtesy which is the poetry of life; are the product of ease and assured conditions。  It is struggle that destroys harmony and repose; whatever stronger qualities it may develop; and the greater mingling of classes which inevitably resulted in this took something from the exquisite flavor of the old society。  The increase of wealth; too; created new standards that were fatal to a life in which the resources of wit; learning; and education in its highest sense were the chief attractions。  The greater perfection of all forms of public amusement was not without its influence。  Men drifted; also; more and more into the one…sided life of the club。  Considered as a social phase; no single thing has been more disastrous to the unity of modern society than this。  But the most formidable enemy of the salon has been the press。  Intelligence has become too universal to be focused in a few drawing rooms。  Genius and ambition have found a broader arena。  When interest no longer led men to seek the stimulus and approval of a powerful coterie; it ceased to be more than an elegant form of recreation; a theater of small talents; the diversion of an idle hour。  When the press assumed the sovereignty; the salon was dethroned。

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