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the women of the french salons-第62章

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iginal; so foreign to her own; gave rise to many anxieties and occasional antagonisms。  This touches the weak point in her character。  She was not wholly free from a certain egotism and intellectual vanity; without the imagination to comprehend fully an individuality quite remote from all her preconceived ideas。  She was slow to accept the fact that her system of education was at fault; and her failure to mold her daughter after her own models was long a source of grief and disappointment。  She was ambitious too; and had not won her position without many secret wounds。  When misfortunes came; the blows that fell upon her husband struck with double force into her own heart。  She was destined to share with him the chill of censure and neglect; the bitter sting of ingratitude; the lonely isolation of one fallen from a high place; whose friendship and whose favors count no more。

In the solitude of Coppet; where she died at fifty…seven; during the last and darkest days of the Revolution; perhaps she realized in the tireless devotion of her husband and the loving care of Mme。 de Stael the repose of heart which the brilliant world of Paris never gave her。

With all her gifts; which have left many records that may be read; and in spite of a few shadows that fall more or less upon all earthly relations; not the least of her legacies to posterity was the beautiful example; rarer then than now; of that true and sympathetic family life in which lies the complete harmony of existence; a safeguard against the storms of passion; a perennial fount of love that keeps the spirit young; the tranquility out of which spring the purest flowers of human happiness and human endeavor。

There were many salons of lesser note which have left agreeable memories。  It would be pleasant to recall other clever and beautiful women whose names one meets so often in the chronicles of the time; and whose faces; conspicuous for their clear; strong outlines; still look out upon us from the galleries that perpetuate its life; but the list is too long and would lead us too far。  From the moving procession of social leaders who made the age preceding the Revolution so brilliant I have chosen only the few who were most widely known; and who best represent its dominant types and its special phases。

The most remarkable period of the literary salons was really closed with the death of Mme。 du Deffand; in 1780。  Mme。 Geoffrin had already been dead three years; and Mlle。 de Lespinasse; four。  Some of the most noted of the philosophers and men of letters were also gone; others were past the age of forming fresh ties; the young men belonged to another generation; and no new drawing rooms exactly replaced the old ones。  Mme。 Necker still received the world that was wont to assemble in the great salons; Mme。 de Condorcet presided over a rival coterie; and there were numerous small and intimate circles; but the element of politics was beginning to intrude; and with it a degree of heat which disturbed the usual harmony。  The reign of esprit; the perpetual play of wit had begun to pall upon the tastes of people who found themselves face to face with problems so grave and issues so vital。  There was a slight reaction towards nature and simplicity。  〃They may be growing wiser;〃 said Walpole; 〃but the intermediate change is dullness。〃  For nearly half a century learned men and clever women had been amusing themselves with utopian theories; a few through conviction; the majority through fashion; or egotism; or the vanity of saying new things; just as the world is doing today。  The doctrines put forth by Montesquieu; vivified by Voltaire; and carried to the popular heart by Rousseau had been freely discussed in the salons; not only by philosophers and statesmen; but by men of the world; poets; artists; and pretty women。  The sparks of thought with which they played so lightly filtered slowly through the social strata。  The talk of the drawing room at last reached the street。  But the torch of truth which; held aloft; serves as a beacon star to guide the world towards some longed for ideal becomes often a deadly explosive when it falls among the poisonous vapors of inflammable human passions。  Liberty; equality; fraternity assumed a new and fatal significance in the minds of the hungry and restless masses who; embittered by centuries of wrong; were ready to carry these phrases to their immediate and living conclusions。  They had found their watchwords and their hour。  The train was already laid beneath this complex social structure; and the tragedy that followed carried to a common ruin court and salon; philosophers and beaux esprits; innocent women and dreaming men。

That the salons were unconscious instruments in hastening the catastrophe; which was sooner or later inevitable; is undoubtedly true。  Their influence in the dissemination of thought was immense。  The part they played was; to a limited extent; precisely that of the modern press; with an added personal element。  They moved in the drift of their time; directed its intelligence; and reflected its average morality。  As centers of serious conversation they were distinctly stimulating。  It is quite possible that they stimulated the intellect to the exclusion of the more solid qualities of character; and that they were the source of a vast amount of affectation。  It was the fashion to have esprit; and those who were deficient in an article so essential to success were naturally disposed to borrow it; or to put on the semblance of it。  But no phase of life is without its reverse side; and the present generation cannot claim freedom from pretension of the same sort。  It is not unlikely that in expanding the intelligence they established new standards of distinction; which in a measure weakened the old ones。  But if they precipitated the downfall of the court they began by rivaling; it was in the logical course of events; which few were wise enough to foresee; much less to determine。

It is worthy of remark that this reign of women; in which the manners and forms of modern society found their initiative and their models; was not a reign of youth; or beauty; though these qualities are never likely to lose their own peculiar fascination。  It was; before all things; a reign of intelligence; and ascendency of women who had put on the hues of age without laying aside the permanent charm of a fully developed personality。  It was intelligence blended with practical knowledge of the world and with the graceful amenities that heightened while half disguising its power。  The women of the present have different aims。  They are no longer content with the role of inspirer。  Their methods are more direct。  They depend less upon finesse; more upon inherent right and strength。  But it is to the women who shone so conspicuously in France for more than two hundred years that we may trace the broadened intellectual life; the unfettered activities; the wide and beneficent influence of the women of today。

CHAPTER XVII。 SALONS OF THE REVOLUTIONMADAME ROLAND Change in the Character of the SalonsMme。 de CondorcetMme。 Roland's Story of Her Own LifeA Marriage of Reason  Enthusiasm for the RevolutionHer Modest SalonHer Tragical Fate

The salo
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