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the women of the french salons-第52章

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ts of Gluck's 〃Armida〃 and Piccini's 〃Roland〃 as upon taxes; grains; and the policy of the government。  The gay little Abbe Galiani brings perennial sunshine with the inexhaustible wit and vivacity that lights his clear and subtle intellect。  〃He is a treasure on rainy days;〃 says Diderot。  〃If they made him at the toy shops everybody would want one for the country。〃  〃He was the nicest little harlequin that Italy has produced;〃 says Marmontel; 〃but upon the shoulders of this harlequin was the head of a Machiavelli。  Epicurean in his philosophy and with a melancholy soul; seeing everything on the ridiculous side; there was nothing either in politics or morals apropos of which he had not a good story to tell; and these stories were always apt and had the salt of an unexpected and ingenious allusion。〃 He did not accept the theories of his friends; which he believed would 〃cause the bankruptcy of knowledge; of pleasure; and of the human intellect。〃  〃Messieurs les philosophes; you go too fast;〃 he said。  〃I begin by saying that if I were pope I would put you in the Inquisition; and if I were king of France; into the Bastille。〃  He saw the drift of events; but if he reasoned like a philosopher he laughed like a Neapolitan。  What matters tomorrow if we are happy today!

The familiar notes and letters of these clever people picture for us a little world with its small interests; its piques; its loves; its friendships; its quarrels; and its hatreds。  Diderot; who refused for a long time to meet Mme。 d'Epinay; but finally became an intimate and lasting friend; touches often; in his letters to Sophie; upon the pleasant informality of La Chevrette; with its curious social episodes and its emotional undercurrents。  He does not forget even the pigeons; the geese; the ducks; and the chickens; which he calls his own。  Pouf; the dog; has his place here too; and flits often across the scene; a tiny bit of reflected immortality。  These letters represent the bold iconoclast on his best side; kind; simple in his tastes; and loyal to his friends。  He was never at home in the great world。  He was seen sometimes in the salons of Mme。 Geoffrin; Mme。 Necker; and others; but he made his stay as brief as possible。  Mme。 d'Epinay succeeded better in attaching him to her coterie。  There was more freedom; and he probably had a more sympathetic audience。  〃Four lines of this man make me dram more and occupy me more;〃 she said; 〃than a complete work of our pretended beaux esprits。〃  Grimm; too; was a central figure here; and Grimm was his friend。  But over his genius; as over that of Rousseau; there was the trail of the serpent。  The breadth of his thought; the brilliancy of his criticisms; the eloquence of his style were clouded with sensualism。  〃When you see on his forehead the reflection of a ray from Plato;〃 says Sainte…Beuve; 〃do not trust it; look well; there is always the foot of a satyr。〃

It was to the clear and penetrating intellect of Grimm; with its vein of German romanticism; that Mme。 d'Epinay was indebted for the finest appreciation and the most genuine sympathy。  〃Bon Dieu;〃 he writes to Diderot; 〃how this woman is to be pitied!  I should not be troubled about her if she were as strong as she is courageous。  She is sweet and trusting; she is peaceful; and loves repose above all; but her situation exacts unceasingly a conduct forced and out of her character; nothing so wears and destroys a machine naturally frail。〃  She aided him in his correspondance litteraire; wrote a treatise on education; which had the honor of being crowned by the Academy; and; among other things of more or less value; a novel; which was not published until long after her death。  With many gifts and attractions; kind; amiable; forgiving; and essentially emotional; Mme。 d'Epinay seems to have been a woman of weak and undecided character; without sufficient strength of moral fiber to sustain herself with dignity under the unfortunate circumstances which surrounded her。  〃It depends only upon yourself;〃 said Grimm; 〃to be the happiest and most adorable creature in the world; provided that you do not put the opinions of others before your own; and that you know how to suffice for yourself。〃  Her education had not given her the worldly tact and address of Mme。 Geoffrin; and  her salon never had a wide celebrity; but it was a meeting place of brilliant and radical thinkers; of the men who have perhaps done the most to change the face of the modern world。  In a quiet and intimate way; it was one among the numberless forces which were gathering and gaining momentum to culminate in the great tragedy of the century。  Mme。 d'Epinay did not live to see the catastrophe。  Worn out by a life of suffering and ill health; she died in 1783。

Whatever her faults and weaknesses may have been; the woman who could retain the devoted affection of so brilliant and versatile a man as Grimm for twenty…seven years; who was the lifelong friend and correspondent of Galiani and Voltaire; and the valued confidante of Diderot; must have had some rare attractions of mind; heart; or character。

CHAPTER XIV。 SALONS OF THE NOBLESSEMADAME DU DEFFAND La Marechale de LuxembourgThe TempleComtesse de Boufflers  Mme。 du DeffandHer Convent SalonRupture with Mlle。 de LespinasseHer Friendship with Horace WalpoleHer brilliancy and Her Ennui

While the group of iconoclasts who formed the nucleus of the philosophical salons was airing its theories and enjoying its increasing vogue; there was another circle which played with the new ideas more or less as a sort of intellectual pastime; but was aristocratic au fond; and carefully preserved all the traditions of the old noblesse。  One met here the philosophers and men of letters; but they did not dominate; they simply flavored these coteries of rank and fashion。  In this age of esprit no salon was complete without its sprinkling of literary men。  We meet the shy and awkward Rousseau even in the exclusive drawing room of the clever and witty but critical Marechale de Luxembourg; who presides over a world in which the graces rulea world of elegant manners; of etiquette; and of forms。  This model of the amenities; whose gay and faulty youth ripened into a pious and charitable age; was at the head of that tribunal which pronounced judgment upon all matters relating to society。  She was learned in genealogy; analyzed and traced to their source the laws of etiquette; possessed a remarkable memory; and without profound education; had learned much from conversation with the savants and illustrious men who frequented her house。  Her wit was proverbial; and she was never at a loss for a ready repartee or a spicy anecdote。  She gave two grand suppers a week。  Mme。 de Genlis; who was often there; took notes; according to her custom; and has left an interesting record of conversations that were remarkable not only for brilliancy; but for the thoughtful wisdom of the comments upon men and things。  La Harpe read a great part of his works in this salon。  Rousseau entertained the princely guests at Montmorency with 〃La Nouvelle Heloise〃 and 〃Emile;〃 and though never quite at ease; his democratic theories did not prevent him from feeling greatly honored by their friendly courtes
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