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the moravians in georgia-第50章

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         〃       〃   〃     〃     〃    David Zeisberger                     〃       〃   〃     〃     〃    Rosina Zeisberger                    〃       〃   〃     〃     〃    David Zeisberger; Jr。                〃       〃   〃     〃     〃    Benjamin Somers                      〃       〃   〃     〃     〃    James                            〃       〃   〃     〃     〃    Johanna Hummel                       〃       〃 Feb。;       1742。  John Hagen                           〃       〃   〃           〃    Abraham Bueninger                    〃       〃             1744。  James Burnside                       〃       〃               〃    Rebecca Burnside                     〃       〃             1745。  John Brownfield                      〃       〃               〃    Henry Ferdinand Beck                 〃       〃               〃    Barbara Beck                         〃       〃               〃    Maria Christina Beck                 〃       〃               〃    Jonathan Beck                        〃       〃               〃    David Beck                           〃       〃               〃    Anna Catherina Kremper               〃       〃             1776。  Andrew Broesing                     To North Carolina。 May;        1779。  John George Wagner                  To England。


Oct。  11th; 1735。  Friedrich Riedel                    In Savannah。 March 19th; 1736。  Jacob Frank                          〃     〃 March 30th;   〃    Henry Roscher                        〃     〃 June  17th;   〃    Rosina Haberecht                     〃     〃 Oct。   3rd;   〃    Matthias Boehnisch                   〃     〃 Sept。 30th; 1737。  George Haberland                     〃     〃

(Nov。?)       〃    Anna Catherina Rose                  〃     〃 Aug。   4th; 1739。  George Schulius                     In Purisburg。 Aug。  10th;   〃    John Michael Schober                In Savannah。 Oct。  11th; 1775。  Ludwig Mueller                      At Knoxborough。



From Europe           43 From Pennsylvania      1 Born in Georgia        2 From North Carolina    1                                              47


At Savannah            8 At Purisburg           1 At Knoxborough         1                                              10


To Bethlehem; Pa。                             18 To other Moravian Congregations in America     3 To Moravian Congregations in Europe            8 Scattered                                      8                                                                                              37


Following the Moravians from Georgia to Bethlehem     13


'The index is retained to allow readers to browse the subjects mentioned in this book。  The bracketed numbers indicate how many mentions are made。 A brief mention or 10 pages worth can both count as a single mention; so the numbers are sometimes deceptive。'

Act of Parliament '3' Aeltester '5' Allen; Brierly '1' Altamaha River '7' Anna '1' Anthony '1' Altona '3' Arrivals in Georgia '2' Associates of the late Dr。 Bray '5' Augsburg '2' Augusta '1'

Bader; Paul Peter '1' Bands '6' Beck; Barbara '1' Beck; David '1' Beck; Henry Ferdinand '1' Beck; Jonathan '1' Beck; Maria Christina '1' Benzien; Christian Lewis '1' Berthelsdorf '2' Bethlehem (Penn。) '10' Bohemia '8' Boehler; Peter '10'   Boehnisch; George '2'   Bolzius; Martin '6' Bray; Thomas '1' Broesing; Andrew '3'   Burnside; James '1' Burnside; Rebecca '1'

Calendar '1' Calvin; John '1' Carolina '11' Causton; Thomas '9' Charles II '1' Charles V '1' Charlestown '9'  (modern Charleston; S。 C。) Cherokees '2' Chief Elder  (see Aeltester) Christ Church '1' Church of England '9' Collegiants '2' Comenius; John Amos '1' Comfort '1' Committee for relief of Debtors '2' Confession of Faith; Moravian '1' Coram; Thomas '2' Cornish; Capt。 '3' Creek Confederacy '1' Cunow; John Gebhard '2'

Deaths '2' Delamotte; Charles '10' Demuth; Gotthard '6' Demuth; Gottlieb '3' Demuth; Regina '4' Departures from Georgia '2' Diener '5' Dober; John Andrew '11' Dober; Leonard '1' Dober; Maria Catherine '4' Dunbar; Capt。 '1' Duesseldorf '1'   Jena '5' Jews '1' Johnson '1' Journal; John Wesley's '3'

Kellar; George '2' Knox; Mr。 '1' Knoxborough '1' Koker; Pieter '2' Korte; Jonas '6' Krankenwaerter '1'   Mueller; Ludwig '2'  
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