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the moravians in georgia-第24章

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 10 Feb。 1736。

Nitschmann。  Feb。 10th。

The whole day was stormy; and all night the waves broke over the ship。

Wesley。  Jan。 30th。

We had another storm; which did us no other harm than splitting the foresail。 Our bed being wet; I laid me down on the floor and slept sound till morning。

 12 Feb。 1736。

Nitschmann。  Feb。 12th。

(We were obliged to drift; because we did not know how far we were from land。 About noon we sighted three ships; sailed toward them; and saw they were English; our sailors lowered the boat; we wrote in haste; and sent letters to Herrnhut。  The ships came from Charlestown; and told us we were thirty hours' run from Georgia。   Dober's Diary。)

Wesley。  Feb。 1st; Sunday。

(Three sails appearing; we made up toward them; and got what letters we could write; in hopes some of them might be bound for England。 One of them; that was bound for London; made towards us; and we put our letters on board her。   Ingham's Journal。)

 13 Feb。 1736。

Nitschmann。  Feb。 13th。

To…day we had another storm; and twice saw the ocean not far from us; drawn up like smoke; so that the water reached up to the clouds; and the ship would have been in great danger if it had struck us。

 14 Feb。 1736。

Nitschmann。  Feb。 14th。

Soundings toward evening showed twenty…eight fathoms of water; and we hope to see land to…morrow。

 15 Feb。 1736。

Nitschmann。  Feb。 15th。

About two o'clock we saw land。  I climbed the mast; and poured out my heart to God; thanking Him; and praying that He would care for us in our new home。 We anchored for the night。

Wesley。  Feb。 4th; Wednesday。

About noon the trees were visible from the mast; and in the afternoon from the main deck。  In the Evening Lesson were these words; 〃A great door; and effectual; is opened;〃 O let no one shut it!

 16 Feb。 1736。

Nitschmann。  Feb。 16th。

It was a beautiful day; and the land looked very fair。 At two o'clock we reached Tybee; and were all very happy。 The song service was blessed; and we thanked God with prayer and praise。

Wesley。  Feb。 5th。

Between two and three in the afternoon God brought us all safe into the Savannah River。  We cast anchor near Tybee Island; where the grove of pines; running along the shore; made an agreeable prospect; showing; as it were; the bloom of spring in the depths of winter。

 17 Feb。 1736。

Nitschmann。  Feb。 17th。

I went on shore with Mr。 Oglethorpe; and we together fell on our knees and thanked God; and then took a boat to Savannah。  I went at once to the Brethren; and we rejoiced to meet again。  I found the Brethren well; and looked with wonder at what they had accomplished; went with Toeltschig and Spangenberg to the garden; and also received letters from Herrnhut。  Spangenberg had to go immediately to Mr。 Oglethorpe to discuss many things with him。

Wesley。  Feb。 6th; Friday。

About eight in the morning we first set foot on American ground。 It was a small; uninhabited island; (Peeper Island); over against Tybee。 Mr。 Oglethorpe led us to a rising ground; where we all kneeled down to give thanks。  He then took boat for Savannah。  When the rest of the people were come on shore; we called our little flock together to prayers。 Several parts of the Second Lesson (Mark 6) were wonderfully suited to the occasion。

 18 Feb。 1736。

Nitschmann。  Feb。 18th。

(About six o'clock in the evening; Br。 Spangenberg came from Savannah to us; which made us very glad and thankful。  He told us of the death of Br。 Riedel; and held the song service; praying and thanking God for having brought us together again。   Dober's Diary。)

Wesley。  Feb。 7th。

Mr。 Oglethorpe returned from Savannah with Mr。 Spangenberg; one of the pastors of the Germans。  I soon found what spirit he was of; and asked his advice with regard to my own conduct。

 19 & 20 Feb。 1736。

Nitschmann。  Feb。 19th and 20th。

(We waited for the small vessel that was to come for us。 Br。 Spangenberg held the prayer and song services。   Dober's Diary。)

Wesley。  Feb。 9th。

I asked Mr。 Spangenberg many questions; both concerning himself and the church at Herrnhut。

 21 Feb。 1736。

Nitschmann。  Feb。 21st。

(The small vessel came; we had much rain; and the wind was so strong against us that we had to spend the night on the transport。  Dober's Diary。)

 22 Feb。 1736。

Nitschmann。  Feb。 22nd。

(In the afternoon we reached Savannah; where we were lodged in the house which the Brethren who came a year ago have built in the town。 The Lord has done all things well; and has turned to our good all that has befallen us; even when we did not understand His way; and has laid His blessing upon our journey;  thanks be unto Him。  Dober's Diary。)

 27 Feb。 1736。

Wesley。  Feb。 16th。

Mr。 Oglethorpe set out for the new settlement on the Altamahaw River。 He took with him fifty men; besides Mr。 Ingham; Mr。 Hermsdorf; and three Indians。

 6 Mar。 1736。

Wesley。  Feb。 24th; Tuesday。

Mr。 Oglethorpe returned。  The day following I took my leave of most of the passengers of the ship。  In the evening I went to Savannah。


The arrival of the 〃second company〃 was a marked event in the eyes of the Moravians already settled at Savannah。 Hitherto all had been preparation; and labor had seemed less arduous and privations less severe because they were smoothing the path for those who were to follow; and it was with well…earned satisfaction that wives and friends were lodged in the new house; taken to the garden and the farm; and introduced to acquaintances in the town。 No doubt poor Catherine Riedel's heart ached with loneliness; and her tears flowed fast; when; at the close of that long and stormy voyage; she heard of her husband's death; and stood beside his grave in the Savannah cemetery;  but there was little time for grieving in the press of matters that required attention; for Spangenberg's long visit was now to end; Nitschmann was to remain only until the organization of the Congregation was complete; and there was much to be done before these two able leaders took their departure。

Scarcely had Bishop Nitschmann greeted the members of the 〃first company〃 in the dawn of Feb。 17th; 1736; when Spangenberg and Toeltschig took him to the garden two miles distant; that they might have a private and undisturbed conference。  All too soon; however; word was brought that Gen。 Oglethorpe wanted to see Spangenberg at once; so they retraced their steps; and Spangenberg received a hearty greeting from the General; and many compliments on what he and his party had accomplished。  There is no record of the conversations among the Moravians on that day; but they are not difficult to imagine; for the news from home and from the mission fields on the one side; and the problems and prospects in Georgia on the other; would furnish topics which many days could not exhaust。

That evening Spangenberg again called on Gen。 Oglethorpe; who gave orders that a boat should take him next day to Tybee; where the ship lay at anchor; with all her passengers aboard。 He also told Spangenberg about the English preacher whom he had brought over; and made inquiries about Nitschmann's position; asking that the ex
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