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the moravians in georgia-第13章

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No unpleasant presentiments; however; troubled them; as they went busily about their work during the next weeks。 Mr。 Causton was very pleasant to them; selling them provisions at cost; offering them credit at the store; and promising Spangenberg a list of such Indian words as he had been able to learn and write down。 He also introduced him to Tomochichi; the Indian Chief; and to John Musgrove; who had a successful trading house near the town。  Musgrove had married Mary; an Indian princess of the Uchees; who had great influence with all the neighboring tribes。  At a later time; through the machinations of her third husband; she made much trouble in Georgia; but during the earlier years of the Colony she was the true friend of the white settlers; frequently acting as Interpreter in their conferences with the Indians; and doing much to make and keep the bond of peace between the two races。

On the 11th of April the five acre garden belonging to Spangenberg was surveyed; and work was immediately begun there; as it was just the season for planting corn。  Nine days later Nitschmann's garden was laid out aside of Spangenberg's。  By the 14th the cabin on Spangenberg's town lot was finished。  It was twenty feet long; ten feet wide; and fourteen feet high; with a little loft where they slept; their goods; with a table and benches being in the room below。  At daybreak they rose; sang a hymn; and prayed together; breakfasted at eight o'clock; the daily text being read aloud; then worked until half past eleven; when they dined and read the Bible。  More work; an evening prayer service; and such conference as was needed that each might engage in the next day's labor to the best advantage; prepared them for their well…earned repose。

With this simple program steadily carried out; much was accomplished。 A fence was built around a small kitchen…garden on their town property; and a chicken…yard was enclosed; while the neighbors came to look on and opine 〃that the Moravians had done more in a week than their people in two years。〃 As the gardens (the five acre lots) lay at some distance from Savannah; a hut was built there; to serve as a shelter against sun and rain; a heavy storm having chased them home one day soon after their arrival。

Either from the noonday heat; or other conditions to which they were not yet acclimated; Gotthard Demuth and George Haberland became seriously ill; causing Spangenberg much anxiety; for he did not feel at liberty to send for a physician; as they could not afford to pay for medicine。  So resort was had to bleeding; then an approved practice; and to such medicine as remained from their voyage; and Rose was fortunate enough to shoot a grouse; which gave them some much needed palatable meat and broth。  Perhaps the most serious case was Gottfried Haberecht's; who suffered for several days with fever resulting from a cut on his leg。  Finally oak…leaves were heated and bound about the limb; which induced free perspiration and quickly relieved him; so that he was able to return to work!

A day was appointed on which Spangenberg and several others were to ride out into the country to select the five hundred acre tract granted to Count Zinzendorf; and the additional two hundred acres which the Trustees had promised to hold in reserve; and grant to the Count's 〃servants〃 whenever he should request it; but there was rumor of a raid by hostile Indians; under Spanish influence; so the expedition had to be postponed; with the promise; however; that it should be made as soon as possible。

By the close of the third week in Georgia the invalids were better; and matters were in such a shape that the Moravians resolved 〃that on each Saturday work should stop early; and every Sunday should be a real day of rest。〃  As an immediate beginning; they on Saturday evening united in a Lovefeast; where 〃we recalled much loving…kindness which God has shown us hitherto; Toeltschig washed the feet of the Brethren; we remained together until very late; and were truly blessed。〃

  Aim and Attainment。

When the 〃first company〃 left Herrnhut for London and the New World; they took with them Count Zinzendorf's formal 〃Instructions〃 for the conduct of their affairs:

〃I shall not attempt to tell you what you are to do from day to day。 I know that in many ways Love will lead you; prepare the way; and point out your path。  I shall only bid you remember the principles and customs of our Congregation; in which; if you stand fast; you will do well。  Your one aim will be to establish a little place near the heathen where you may gather together the dispersed in Israel; patiently win back the wayward; and instruct the heathen tribes。

〃You have and will ask nothing more than the opportunity to attain this end through your own labors; but you will request free transportation for yourselves and those who will follow you;  if they receive your present small number the Lord will send you more。

〃If you should be tempted to injure any work of the Lord for my sake; refrain from doing it; remembering that I am under a gracious guardianship which nothing can disturb。

〃You will take absolutely no part in the Spangenberg…Halle controversy; you know the mind of the Congregation regarding it。  If you find people prejudiced against you leave it to Him who has bidden you go to Georgia。 Enter into no disputes; but; if questions are asked; give the history of the Congregation; being careful not to censure our opposers; and saying; which is true; that the Congregation at Herrnhut gives them little heed。 Entire freedom of conscience must be granted you; but there may be points which you can yield without injuring the cause of Christ;  if so you will find them in due time。

〃You must live alone; establishing your own little corner; where your customs will irritate no one; and as soon as you are settled an ordained minister will be sent you; out of consideration for the scruples of the Salzburgers; although our Brethren in other Colonies are served by laymen; as permitted by our ancient constitution。

〃God willing; I shall soon follow you; and only wait until He opens the way for me。  Our dear Elder (Spangenberg) will quickly return from America; and in his absence I commit you to the mighty grace of God。

                         Your brother and servant;                                    Lewis Count v。 Zinzendorf。

〃At this time one of the Elders at Herrnhut。  November 27th; 1734。

  〃‘He everywhere hath way;   And all things serve His might; etc。'〃

That these sensible and liberal instructions were not fully carried out is at once apparent; especially in the two points of free transportation and settlement in a quiet; secluded spot。  The inability of the Trustees to grant their request for the first; burdened the Moravian colonists with what was; under the circumstances; a heavy debt; while the location of Zinzendorf's five hundred acre tract was responsible for their failure in attaining the second。

When Gen。 Oglethorpe planned the fortifications and defense of Savannah in 1733; he decided to erect a small fort on the Ogeechee River; some miles south; in order to command one of the trails by which the Indians had been accustomed to inv
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