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pen,pencil and poison-第7章

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offended him。  But his hand seems to have lost its cunning。  Both

of his attempts were complete failures; and in 1844; being

thoroughly dissatisfied with Tasmanian society; he presented a

memorial to the governor of the settlement; Sir John Eardley

Wilmot; praying for a ticket…of…leave。  In it he speaks of himself

as being 'tormented by ideas struggling for outward form and

realisation; barred up from increase of knowledge; and deprived of

the exercise of profitable or even of decorous speech。'  His

request; however; was refused; and the associate of Coleridge

consoled himself by making those marvellous PARADIS ARTIFICIELS

whose secret is only known to the eaters of opium。  In 1852 he died

of apoplexy; his sole living companion being a cat; for which he

had evinced at extraordinary affection。

His crimes seem to have had an important effect upon his art。  They

gave a strong personality to his style; a quality that his early

work certainly lacked。  In a note to the LIFE OF DICKENS; Forster

mentions that in 1847 Lady Blessington received from her brother;

Major Power; who held a military appointment at Hobart Town; an oil

portrait of a young lady from his clever brush; and it is said that

'he had contrived to put the expression of his own wickedness into

the portrait of a nice; kind…hearted girl。'  M。 Zola; in one of his

novels; tells us of a young man who; having committed a murder;

takes to art; and paints greenish impressionist portraits of

perfectly respectable people; all of which bear a curious

resemblance to his victim。  The development of Mr。 Wainewright's

style seems to me far more subtle and suggestive。  One can fancy an

intense personality being created out of sin。

This strange and fascinating figure that for a few years dazzled

literary London; and made so brilliant a DEBUT in life and letters;

is undoubtedly a most interesting study。  Mr。 W。 Carew Hazlitt; his

latest biographer; to whom I am indebted for many of the facts

contained in this memoir; and whose little book is; indeed; quite

invaluable in its way; is of opinion that his love of art and

nature was a mere pretence and assumption; and others have denied

to him all literary power。  This seems to me a shallow; or at least

a mistaken; view。  The fact of a man being a poisoner is nothing

against his prose。  The domestic virtues are not the true basis of

art; though they may serve as an excellent advertisement for

second…rate artists。  It is possible that De Quincey exaggerated

his critical powers; and I cannot help saying again that there is

much in his published works that is too familiar; too common; too

journalistic; in the bad sense of that bad word。  Here and there he

is distinctly vulgar in expression; and he is always lacking in the

self…restraint of the true artist。  But for some of his faults we

must blame the time in which he lived; and; after all; prose that

Charles Lamb thought 'capital' has no small historic interest。

That he had a sincere love of art and nature seems to me quite

certain。  There is no essential incongruity between crime and

culture。  We cannot re…write the whole of history for the purpose

of gratifying our moral sense of what should be。

Of course; he is far too close to our own time for us to be able to

form any purely artistic judgment about him。  It is impossible not

to feel a strong prejudice against a man who might have poisoned

Lord Tennyson; or Mr。 Gladstone; or the Master of Balliol。  But had

the man worn a costume and spoken a language different from our

own; had he lived in imperial Rome; or at the time of the Italian

Renaissance; or in Spain in the seventeenth century; or in any land

or any century but this century and this land; we would be quite

able to arrive at a perfectly unprejudiced estimate of his position

and value。  I know that there are many historians; or at least

writers on historical subjects; who still think it necessary to

apply moral judgments to history; and who distribute their praise

or blame with the solemn complacency of a successful schoolmaster。

This; however; is a foolish habit; and merely shows that the moral

instinct can be brought to such a pitch of perfection that it will

make its appearance wherever it is not required。  Nobody with the

true historical sense ever dreams of blaming Nero; or scolding

Tiberius; or censuring Caesar Borgia。  These personages have become

like the puppets of a play。  They may fill us with terror; or

horror; or wonder; but they do not harm us。  They are not in

immediate relation to us。  We have nothing to fear from them。  They

have passed into the sphere of art and science; and neither art nor

science knows anything of moral approval or disapproval。  And so it

may be some day with Charles Lamb's friend。  At present I feel that

he is just a little too modern to be treated in that fine spirit of

disinterested curiosity to which we owe so many charming studies of

the great criminals of the Italian Renaissance from the pens of Mr。

John Addington Symonds; Miss A。 Mary F。 Robinson; Miss Vernon Lee;

and other distinguished writers。  However; Art has not forgotten

him。  He is the hero of Dickens's HUNTED DOWN; the Varney of

Bulwer's LUCRETIA; and it is gratifying to note that fiction has

paid some homage to one who was so powerful with 'pen; pencil and

poison。'  To be suggestive for fiction is to be of more importance

than a fact。
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