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pen,pencil and poison-第2章

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Like Disraeli; he determined to startle the town as a dandy; and

his beautiful rings; his antique cameo breast…pin; and his pale

lemon…coloured kid gloves; were well known; and indeed were

regarded by Hazlitt as being the signs of a new manner in

literature:  while his rich curly hair; fine eyes; and exquisite

white hands gave him the dangerous and delightful distinction of

being different from others。  There was something in him of

Balzac's Lucien de Rubempre。  At times he reminds us of Julien

Sorel。  De Quincey saw him once。  It was at a dinner at Charles

Lamb's。  'Amongst the company; all literary men; sat a murderer;'

he tells us; and he goes on to describe how on that day he had been

ill; and had hated the face of man and woman; and yet found himself

looking with intellectual interest across the table at the young

writer beneath whose affectations of manner there seemed to him to

lie so much unaffected sensibility; and speculates on 'what sudden

growth of another interest' would have changed his mood; had he

known of what terrible sin the guest to whom Lamb paid so much

attention was even then guilty。

His life…work falls naturally under the three heads suggested by

Mr。 Swinburne; and it may be partly admitted that; if we set aside

his achievements in the sphere of poison; what he has actually left

to us hardly justifies his reputation。

But then it is only the Philistine who seeks to estimate a

personality by the vulgar test of production。  This young dandy

sought to be somebody; rather than to do something。  He recognised

that Life itself is in art; and has its modes of style no less than

the arts that seek to express it。  Nor is his work without

interest。  We hear of William Blake stopping in the Royal Academy

before one of his pictures and pronouncing it to be 'very fine。'

His essays are prefiguring of much that has since been realised。

He seems to have anticipated some of those accidents of modern

culture that are regarded by many as true essentials。  He writes

about La Gioconda; and early French poets and the Italian

Renaissance。  He loves Greek gems; and Persian carpets; and

Elizabethan translations of CUPID AND PSYCHE; and the

HYPNEROTOMACHIA; and book…binding and early editions; and wide…

margined proofs。  He is keenly sensitive to the value of beautiful

surroundings; and never wearies of describing to us the rooms in

which he lived; or would have liked to live。  He had that curious

love of green; which in individuals is always the sign of a subtle

artistic temperament; and in nations is said to denote a laxity; if

not a decadence of morals。  Like Baudelaire he was extremely fond

of cats; and with Gautier; he was fascinated by that 'sweet marble

monster' of both sexes that we can still see at Florence and in the


There is of course much in his descriptions; and his suggestions

for decoration; that shows that he did not entirely free himself

from the false taste of his time。  But it is clear that he was one

of the first to recognise what is; indeed; the very keynote of

aesthetic eclecticism; I mean the true harmony of all really

beautiful things irrespective of age or place; of school or manner。

He saw that in decorating a room; which is to be; not a room for

show; but a room to live in; we should never aim at any

archaeological reconstruction of the past; nor burden ourselves

with any fanciful necessity for historical accuracy。  In this

artistic perception he was perfectly right。  All beautiful things

belong to the same age。

And so; in his own library; as he describes it; we find the

delicate fictile vase of the Greek; with its exquisitely painted

figures and the faint 'Greek text which cannot be reproduced'

finely traced upon its side; and behind it hangs an engraving of

the 'Delphic Sibyl' of Michael Angelo; or of the 'Pastoral' of

Giorgione。  Here is a bit of Florentine majolica; and here a rude

lamp from some old Roman tomb。 On the table lies a book of Hours;

'cased in a cover of solid silver gilt; wrought with quaint devices

and studded with small brilliants and rubies;' and close by it

'squats a little ugly monster; a Lar; perhaps; dug up in the sunny

fields of corn…bearing Sicily。'  Some dark antique bronzes contrast

with the pale gleam of two noble CHRISTI CRUCIFIXI; one carved in

ivory; the other moulded in wax。'  He has his trays of Tassie's

gems; his tiny Louis…Quatorze BONBONNIERE with a miniature by

Petitot; his highly prized 'brown…biscuit teapots; filagree…

worked;' his citron morocco letter…case; and his 'pomona…green'


One can fancy him lying there in the midst of his books and casts

and engravings; a true virtuoso; a subtle connoisseur; turning over

his fine collection of Mare Antonios; and his Turner's 'Liber

Studiorum;' of which he was a warm admirer; or examining with a

magnifier some of his antique gems and cameos; 'the head of

Alexander on an onyx of two strata;' or 'that superb ALTISSIMO

RELIEVO on cornelian; Jupiter AEgiochus。'  He was always a great

amateur of engravings; and gives some very useful suggestions as to

the best means of forming a collection。  Indeed; while fully

appreciating modern art; he never lost sight of the importance of

reproductions of the great masterpieces of the past; and all that

he says about the value of plaster casts is quite admirable。

As an art…critic he concerned himself primarily with the complex

impressions produced by a work of art; and certainly the first step

in aesthetic criticism is to realise one's own impressions。  He

cared nothing for abstract discussions on the nature of the

Beautiful; and the historical method; which has since yielded such

rich fruit; did not belong to his day; but he never lost sight of

the great truth that Art's first appeal is neither to the intellect

nor to the emotions; but purely to the artistic temperament; and he

more than once points out that this temperament; this 'taste;' as

he calls it; being unconsciously guided and made perfect by

frequent contact with the best work; becomes in the end a form of

right judgment。  Of course there are fashions in art just as there

are fashions in dress; and perhaps none of us can ever quite free

ourselves from the influence of custom and the influence of

novelty。  He certainly could not; and he frankly acknowledges how

difficult it is to form any fair estimate of contemporary work。

But; on the whole; his taste was good and sound。  He admired Turner

and Constable at a time when they were not so much thought of as

they are now; and saw that for the highest landscape art we require

more than 'mere industry and accurate transcription。'  Of Crome's

'Heath Scene near Norwich' he remarks that it shows 'how much a

subtle observation of the elements; in their wild moods; does for a

most uninteresting flat;' and of the popular type of landscape of

his day he says that it is 'simply an enumeration of hill and dale;

stumps of trees; shrubs
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