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18。 v。 1。 in the shape of three celestiall men; and Gen。 15。 v。
1。 In a vision; and vers。 13。 In a dream; which is matter of
faith。 In what shape God appeared unto Abraham; by what kinde of
sound he spake to him; is not exprest; yet it is plain that
Abraham beleeved that voyce to be the voyce of God; and a true
Revelation; and would have all his to worship him; who had so
spoken unto him; for God the Creatour of the world; and that his
faith was grounded on this; not that he beleeved God to have a
being; or that he was true in his promises; that which all men
beleeve; but that he doubted not him to be God; whose voice; and
promises he had heard; and that the God of Abraham signified not
simply God; but that God which appeared unto him; even as the
worship which Abraham owed unto God in that notion; was not the
worship of reason; but of Religion; and Faith; and that; which
not reason; but God had supernaturally revealed。
    V。 But we read of no Lawes given by God to Abraham; or by
Abraham to his family; either then; or after; secular; or sacred
(excepting the Commandement of Circumcision; which is contained
in the Covenant it selfe); whence it is manifest; that there were
no other Lawes; or worship; which Abraham was obliged to; but the
Lawes of nature; rationall worship; and circumcision。
    VI。 Now Abraham was the Interpreter of all Lawes; as well
sacred as secular; among those that belonged to him; not meerly
naturally; as using the Lawes of nature onely; but even by the
form of the Covenant it selfe; in which obedience is promised by
Abraham not for himselfe onely; but for his seed also; which had
been in vain; except his children had been tyed to obey his
Commands: And how can that be understood; which God sayes Gen。
18。 vers。 18。 19。 (All the Nations of the earth shall be blessed
in him; for I know him; that he will command his children; and
his houshold after him; and they shall keep the way of the Lord
to doe justice; and judgement) unlesse his children and his
houshold were supposed to be obliged to yeeld obedience unto his
    VII。 Hence it followes; that Abrahams subjects could not
sinne in obeying him; provided that Abraham commanded them not;
to deny Gods Existence; or Providence; or to doe somewhat
expresly contrary to the honour of God。 In all other things; the
word of God was to be fetcht from his lips only; as being the
Interpreter of all the Lawes; and words of God。 For Abraham alone
could teach them who was the God of Abraham; and in what manner
he was to be worshipped。 And they who after Abrahams death were
subject to the Soveraignty of Isaac or Iacob; did by the same
reason obey them in all things without sin; as long as they
acknowledged; and profest the God of Abraham to be their God。 For
they had submitted themselves to God simply; before they did it
to Abraham; and to Abraham before they did it to the God of
Abraham; againe; to the God of Abraham before they did it to
Isaac。 In Abrahams subjects therefore; To deny God was the only
Treason against the Divine Majesty; but in their posterity it was
also Treason to deny t he God of Abraham; that is to say; to
worship God otherwise then was instituted by Abraham; to wit; in
Images made with hands; as other Nations did; which for that
reason were called Idolators。 And hitherto subjects might easily
enough discern what was to be observed; what avoyded in the
Commands of their Princes。 In Images made with hands In the 15。
Chap。 14。 Article; There wee have shewed such a kinde of worship
to be irrationall; but if it be done by the command of a City to
whom the written word of God is not known; nor received; we have
then shewed this worship in the 15。 Chap。 art。 18。 to be
rationall。 But where God reigns by way of Covenant; in which it
is expresly warned not to worship thus; as in the Covenant made
with Abraham; there; whether it be with; or without the Command
of the City; it is ill done。
    VIII。 To goe on now; following the guidance of the holy
Scripture; The same Covenant was renewed; Gen。 26。 vers。 3; 4。
with Isaac; and Gen。 28。 vers。 14。 with Iacob; where God stiles
himselfe not simply God; whom nature doth dictate him to be; but
distinctly the God of Abraham and Isaac; afterward being about to
renew the same Covenant; by Moyses; with the whole People of
Israel; Exod。 3。 v。 6。 I am saith he the God of thy Father; the
God of Abraham; the God of Isaac; and the God of Jacob。 Afterward
when that People; not only the freest; but also the greatest
enemy to humane subjection; by reason of the fresh memory of
their AEgyptian bondage; abode in the wildernesse near mount
Sinai; that antient Covenant was propounded to them all to be
renewed in this manner; Exod。 19。 ver。 5。 Therefore if yee will
obey my voice indeed; and keep my Covenant; (to wit; that
Covenant which was made with Abraham; Isaac; and Iacob) then
shall yee be a peculiar Treasure unto me; above all People; for
all the earth is mine; and yee shall be to me a Kingdome of
Priests; and an holy Nation。 And all the People answered
together; and said; All that the Lord hath spoken; will we doe;
vers。 8。
    IX。 In this Covenant; among other things; we must consider
well the appellation of Kingdom not used before。 For although God
both by nature & by Covenant made with Abraham; was their King;
yet owed they him an obedience and worship only naturall; as
being his subjects; & religious such as Abraham instituted; as
being the Subjects of Abraham; Isaac; & Iacob; their naturall
Princes; For they had received no word of God beside the naturall
word of right reason; neither had any Covenant past between God
and them; otherwise then as their wils were included in the will
of Abraham; as their Prince。 But now by the Covenant made at
mount Sinai; the consent of each man being had; there becomes an
institutive Kingdome of God over them。 That Kingdom of God so
renowned in Scriptures and writings of Divines; took its
beginning from this time; and hither tends that which God said to
Samuel; when the Israelites asked a King; 1。 Sam。 8。 7。 They have
not rejected thee; but they have rejected me; that I should not
reign over them; and that which Samuel told the Israelites; 1。
Sam。 12。 12。 Yee said unto me; nay; but a King shall reign over
us; when the Lord your God was your King; and that which is said;
Jer。 31。 vers。 31。 I will make a new Covenant; &c。 Although I was
an Husband unto them; And the doctrine also of Judas Galilaeus;
where mention is made in Ioseph。 Antiq。 of the Iewes; 18。 Book;
2。 Chap。 in these words: But Judas Galilaeus was the first
authour of this fourth way of those who followed the study of
wisdome。 These agree in all the rest with the Pharisees;
excepting that they burn with a most constant desire of liberty;
beleeving God alone to be held for their Lord and Prince; and
will sooner endure even the most exquisite kinds of torments;
together with their kinsfolks; and dearest friends; then call any
mortall man their Lord。
    X。 The Right of the Kingdome being thus constituted by way of
Covenant; let us see in the next place; what lawes God propounded
to them; now those are knowne to a
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