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worldly ways and byways-第52章

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interesting as showing what an ingenious race; deprived of the 

secrets of modern science; could accomplish。

The more aesthetic of the newcomers even affected to admire the 

antiquated places of worship and residences they visited abroad; 

pointing out to their compatriots that in many cases marble; bronze 

and other old…fashioned materials had been so cleverly treated as 

to look almost like the superior cast…iron employed at home; and 

that some of the old paintings; preserved with veneration in the 

museums; had nearly the brilliancy of modern chromos。  As their 

authors had; however; neglected to use a process lending itself to 

rapid reproduction; they were of no practical value。  In other 

ways; the continental races; when discovered; were sadly behind the 

times。  In business; they ignored the use of 〃corners;〃 that 

backbone of American trade; and their ideas of advertising were but 

little in advance of those known among the ancient Greeks。

The discovery of Europe by the Americans was made about 1850; at 

which date the first bands of adventurers crossed the seas in 

search of amusement。  The reports these pioneers brought back of 

the NAIVETE; politeness; and gullibility of the natives; and the 

cheapness of existence in their cities; caused a general exodus 

from the western to the eastern hemisphere。  Most of the Americans 

who had used up their credit at home and those whose incomes were 

insufficient for their wants; immediately migrated to these happy 

hunting grounds; where life was inexpensive and credit unlimited。

The first arrivals enjoyed for some twenty years unique 

opportunities。  They were able to live in splendor for a pittance 

that would barely have kept them in necessaries on their own side 

of the Atlantic; and to pick up valuable specimens of native 

handiwork for nominal sums。  In those happy days; to belong to the 

invading race was a sufficient passport to the good graces of the 

Europeans; who asked no other guarantees before trading with the 

newcomers; but flocked around them; offering their services and 

their primitive manufactures; convinced that Americans were all 


Alas!  History ever repeats itself。  As Mexicans and Peruvians; 

after receiving their conquerors with confidence and enthusiasm; 

came to rue the day they had opened their arms to strangers; so the 

European peoples; before a quarter of a century was over; realized 

that the hordes from across the sea who were over…running their 

lands; raising prices; crowding the native students out of the 

schools; and finally attempting to force an entrance into society; 

had little to recommend them or justify their presence except 

money。  Even in this some of the intruders were unsatisfactory。  

Those who had been received into the 〃bosom〃 of hotels often forgot 

to settle before departing。  The continental women who had provided 

the wives of discoverers with the raiment of the country (a luxury 

greatly affected by those ladies) found; to their disgust; that 

their new customers were often unable or unwilling to offer any 


In consequence of these and many other disillusions; Americans 

began to be called the 〃Destroyers;〃 especially when it became 

known that nothing was too heavy or too bulky to be carried away by 

the invaders; who tore the insides from the native houses; the 

paintings from the walls; the statues from the temples; and 

transported this booty across the seas; much in the same way as the 

Romans had plundered Greece。  Elaborate furniture seemed especially 

to attract the new arrivals; who acquired vast quantities of it。

Here; however; the wily natives (who were beginning to appreciate 

their own belongings) had revenge。  Immense quantities of worthless 

imitations were secretly manufactured and sold to the travellers at 

fabulous prices。  The same artifice was used with paintings; said 

to be by great masters; and with imitations of old stuffs and bric…

a…brac; which the ignorant and arrogant invaders pretended to 

appreciate and collect。

Previous to our arrival there had been an invasion of the Continent 

by the English about the year 1812。  One of their historians; 

called Thackeray; gives an amusing account of this in the opening 

chapters of his 〃Shabby Genteel Story。〃  That event; however; was 

unimportant in comparison with the great American movement; 

although both were characterized by the same total disregard of the 

feelings and prejudices of indigenous populations。  The English 

then walked about the continental churches during divine service; 

gazing at the pictures and consulting their guide…books as 

unconcernedly as our compatriots do to…day。  They also crowded into 

theatres and concert halls; and afterwards wrote to the newspapers 

complaining of the bad atmosphere of those primitive establishments 

and of the long ENTR'ACTES。

As long as the invaders confined themselves to such trifles; the 

patient foreigners submitted to their overbearing and uncouth ways 

because of the supposed benefit to trade。  The natives even went so 

far as to build hotels for the accommodation and delight of the 

invaders; abandoning whole quarters to their guests。

There was; however; a point at which complacency stopped。  The 

older civilizations had formed among themselves restricted and 

exclusive societies; to which access was almost impossible to 

strangers。  These sanctuaries tempted the immigrants; who offered 

their fairest virgins and much treasure for the privilege of 

admission。  The indigenous aristocrats; who were mostly poor; 

yielded to these offers and a few Americans succeeded in forcing an 

entrance。  But the old nobility soon became frightened at the 

number and vulgarity of the invaders; and withdrew severely into 

their shells; refusing to accept any further bribes either in the 

form of females or finance。

From this moment dates the humiliation of the discoverers。  All 

their booty and plunder seemed worthless in comparison with the 

Elysian delights they imagined were concealed behind the closed 

doors of those holy places; visions of which tortured the women 

from the western hemisphere and prevented their taking any pleasure 

in other victories。  To be received into those inner circles became 

their chief ambition。  With this end in view they dressed 

themselves in expensive costumes; took the trouble to learn the 

〃lingo〃 spoken in the country; went to the extremity of copying the 

ways of the native women by painting their faces; and in one or two 

cases imitated the laxity of their morals。

In spite of these concessions; our women were not received with 

enthusiasm。  On the contrary; the very name of an American became a 

byword and an abomination in every continental city。  This 

prejudice against us abroad is hardly to be wondered at on 

reflecting what we have done to acquire it。  The agents chosen by 

our g
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