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worldly ways and byways-第48章

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debutante whom she is trying to launch; or the sitting through a 

particularly dull opera in order to see her to the carriage; her 

lord and master having slipped off early to his club and a quiet 

game of pool。  Many people who read these lines are old enough to 

remember that prehistoric period when unmarried girls went to the 

theatre and parties; alone with the men they knew。  This custom 

still prevails in our irrepressible West。  It was an arrangement by 

which all the expenses fell on the man … theatre tickets; carriages 

if it rained; and often a bit of supper after。  If a youth asked a 

girl to dance the cotillion; he was expected to send a bouquet; 

sure to cost between twenty and twenty…five dollars。  What a 

blessed change for the impecunious swell when all this went out of 

fashion!  New York is his paradise now; in other parts of the world 

something is still expected of him。  In France it takes the form of 

a handsome bag of bon…bons on New Year's Day; if he has accepted 

hospitality during the past year。  While here he need do absolutely 

nothing (unless he wishes to); the occasional leaving of a card 

having been suppressed of late by our JEUNESSE DOREE; five minutes 

of their society in an opera box being estimated (by them) as ample 

return for a dinner or a week in a country house。

The truth of it is; there are so few men who 〃go out〃 (it being 

practically impossible for any one working at a serious profession 

to sit up night after night; even if he desired); and at the same 

time so many women insist on entertaining to amuse themselves or 

better their position; that the men who go about get spoiled and 

almost come to consider the obligation conferred; when they dine 

out。  There is no more amusing sight than poor paterfamilias 

sitting in the club between six and seven P。M。 pretending to read 

the evening paper; but really with his eve on the door; he has been 

sent down by his wife to 〃get a man;〃 as she is one short for her 

dinner this evening。  He must be one who will fit in well with the 

other guests; hence papa's anxious look; and the reason the 

editorial gets so little of his attention!  Watch him as young 

〃professional〃 lounges in。  There is just his man … if he only 

happens to be disengaged!  You will see 〃Pater〃 cross the room and 

shake hands; then; after a few minutes' whispered conversation; he 

will walk down to his coupe with such a relieved look on his face。  

Young 〃professional;〃 who is in faultless evening dress; will ring 

for a cocktail and take up the discarded evening paper to pass the 

time till eight twenty…five。

Eight twenty…five; advisedly; for he will be the last to arrive; 

knowing; clever dog; how much eCLAT it gives one to have a room 

full of people asking each other; 〃Whom are we waiting for?〃 when 

the door opens; and he is announced。  He will stay a moment after 

the other guests have gone and receive the most cordial pressures 

of the hand from a grateful hostess (if not spoken words of thanks) 

in return for eating an exquisitely cooked dinner; seated between 

two agreeable women; drinking irreproachable wine; smoking a cigar; 

and washing the whole down with a glass of 1830 brandy; or some 

priceless historic madeira。

There is probably a moral to be extracted from all this。  But 

frankly my ethics are so mixed that I fail to see where the blame 

lies; and which is the less worthy individual; the ostentatious 

axe…grinding host or the interested guest。  One thing; however; I 

see clearly; viz。; that life is very agreeable to him who starts in 

with few prejudices; good manners; a large amount of well…concealed 

〃cheek〃 and the happy faculty of taking things as they come。

CHAPTER 36 … American Society in Italy

THE phrase at the head of this chapter and other sentences; such as 

〃American Society in Paris;〃 or London; are constantly on the lips 

of people who should know better。  In reality these societies do 

not exist。  Does my reader pause; wondering if he can believe his 

eyes?  He has doubtless heard all his life of these delightful 

circles; and believes in them。  He may even have dined; EN PASSANT; 

at the 〃palace〃 of some resident compatriot in Rome or Florence; 

under the impression that he was within its mystic limits。  

Illusion!  An effect of mirage; making that which appears quite 

tangible and solid when viewed from a distance dissolve into thin 

air as one approaches; like the mirage; cheating the weary 

traveller with a vision of what he most longs for。

Forty; even fifty years ago; there lived in Rome a group of very 

agreeable people; Story and the two Greenoughs and Crawford; the 

sculptor (father of the brilliant novelist of today); Charlotte 

Cushman (who divided her time between Rome and Newport); and her 

friend Miss Stebbins; the sculptress; to whose hands we owe the 

bronze fountain on the Mall in our Park; Rogers; then working at 

the bronze doors of our capitol; and many other cultivated and 

agreeable people。  Hawthorne passed a couple of winters among them; 

and the tone of that society is reflected in his 〃Marble Faun。〃  He 

took Story as a model for his 〃Kenyon;〃 and was the first to note 

the exotic grace of an American girl in that strange setting。  They 

formed as transcendental and unworldly a group as ever gathered 

about a 〃tea〃 table。  Great things were expected of them and their 

influence; but they disappointed the world; and; with the exception 

of Hawthorne; are being fast forgotten。

Nothing could be simpler than life in the papal capital in those 

pleasant days。  Money was rare; but living as delightfully 

inexpensive。  It was about that time; if I do not mistake; that a 

list was published in New York of the citizens worth one hundred 

thousand dollars; and it was not a long one!  The Roman colony took 

〃tea〃 informally with each other; and 〃received〃 on stated evenings 

in their studios (when mulled claret and cakes were the only 

refreshment offered; very bad they were; too); and migrated in the 

summer to the mountains near Rome or to Sorrento。  In the winter 

months their circle was enlarged by a contingent from home。  Among 

wealthy New Yorkers; it was the fashion in the early fifties to 

pass a winter in Rome; when; together with his other dissipations; 

paterfamilias would sit to one of the American sculptors for his 

bust; which accounts for the horrors one now runs across in dark 

corners of country houses; … ghostly heads in 〃chin whiskers〃 and 

Roman draperies。

The son of one of these pioneers; more rich than cultivated; 

noticed the other day; while visiting a friend of mine; an 

exquisite eighteenth…century bust of Madame de Pompadour; the pride 

of his hostess's drawing…room。  〃Ah!〃 said Midas; 〃are busts the 

fashion again?  I have one of my father; done in Rome in 1850。  I 

will bring it down and put it in my parlor。〃

The travellers consulted
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