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the deliverance-第96章

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After looking at her anxiously an instant; Fletcher poured out a glass of water and begged her to take a swallow。 〃Thar; thar; I didn't mean to skeer you;〃 he said kindly。 〃You mustn't mind my rough…and…ready ways; for I'm a plain man; God knows。 If you are sure you feel fainty;〃 he added; 〃I'll git you a sip of whisky; but it's a pity to waste it unless you have a turn。〃

〃Oh; I'm all right;〃 answered Maria; sitting up; and returning his inquiring gaze with a shake of the head。 〃My ankle is still weak; you know; and I felt a sudden twinge from standing on it。 What were you looking for at this hour?〃

〃Well; I've been out in the air sense supper; and I feel kind of gone。 I thought I'd like a bite of somethingmaybe a scrap of that cold jowl we had for dinner。 But I can't find it。 Do you reckon Saidie is such a blamed fool as to throw the scraps away?〃

〃There's Malindy; you know; she must eat。〃

〃I'd like to see one nigger eat up half a jowl;〃 grumbled Fletcher; rooting among the dishes in the sideboard。 〃Thar was a good big hunk of it left; for you didn't touch it。 You don't seem to thrive on our victuals;〃 he added bluntly; turning to peer into her face。

〃I'm a small eater; it makes little difference。〃

〃Well; we mustn't starve you;〃 he said; as he went back to his search; 〃and if it's a matter of a pound of fresh butter; or a spring chicken; even; I won't let it stand in your way。 Why; what's this; I wonder?〃

Ripping out an oath with an angry snort; he drew forth Miss Saidie's walnut cake and held it squarely before the candle。 〃I declar; if she ain't been making walnut cake agin; and I told her last week I wan't going to have her wasting all my eggs。 Look at it; will you? If she's beat up one egg in that cake she's beat up a dozen; to say nothing of the sugar!〃

〃Don't scold her; grandfather。 She has a sweet tooth; you know; and it's so hard for her not to make desserts。〃

〃Pish! Tush! I don't reckon her tooth's any sweeter than mine。 I've a powerful taste for trash myself; and always had since the time I overate ripe honey…shucks when I was six months old; but the taste don't make me throw away good money。 I'll have no more of this; I tell you; and I've said my say。 She can bake a bit of cake once a week if she'll stint herself to an egg or two; but when it comes to mixing up a dozen at a time; I'll be darned if I'll allow it。〃

Lifting the plate in one hand; he stood surveying the big cake with disapproving yet admiring eyes。 〃It would serve her right if I was to eat up every precious crumb;〃 he remarked at last。

〃Suppose you try it;〃 suggested Maria pleasantly。 〃It would please Aunt Saidie。〃

〃It ain't to please her;〃 sourly responded Fletcher; as he drove the knife with a lunge into the yellow loaf。 〃She's a thriftless; no…account housekeeper; and I'll tell her so tomorrow。〃

Still holding the knife in his clenched fist; he sat munching the cake with a relish which brought a smile to Maria's tired eves。

〃Yes; I've a powerful sweet tooth myself;〃 he added; as he cut another slice。

CHAPTER VII。 Will Faces Desperation and Stands at Bay

Rising at daybreak next morning; Will's eyes lighted in his first glance from the window on Christopher's blue…clad figure commanding the ploughed field on the left of the house。 In the distance towered the black pines; and against them the solitary worker was relieved in the slanting sunbeams which seemed to arrest and hold his majestic outline。 The split basket of plants was on his arm; and he was busily engaged in 〃setting out〃 Will's neglected crop of tobacco。

Leaving Molly still asleep; Will dressed himself hurriedly; and; putting the diamond brooch in his pocket; ran out to where Christopher was standing midway of the bare field。

〃So you're doing my work again;〃 he said; not ungratefully。

〃If I didn't I'd like to know who would;〃 responded Christopher with rough kindliness; as he dropped a wilted plant into a hole。 〃You're up early this morning。 Where are you off to?〃

Will drew the brooch from his pocket and held it up with a laugh。

〃Maria gave me this;〃 he explained; 〃and I'm going to town to turn it into money。〃

〃Well; I'll keep an eye on the place while you are away;〃 returned Christopher; without looking at the trinket。 〃Go about your business; and for heaven's sake don't stop to drink。 Some men can stand liquor; you can't。 It makes a beast of you。〃

〃And not of you; eh?〃

〃It never gets the chance。 I know when to stop。 That's the difference between us。〃

〃Of course that's the difference;〃 rejoined Will a little doggedly。 〃I never know when to stop about anything; I'll be hanged if I do。 It's my cursed luck to go at a headlong gait。〃

〃And some day you'll get your neck broken。 Well; be off now; or you'll most likely miss the stage。〃

He turned away to sort the young plants in his basket; while Will started at a brisk pace for the cross…roads。

The planting was tedious work; and it was almost evening before Christopher reached the end of the field and started home along the little winding lane。 He had eaten a scant dinner with Molly; who had worried him by tearful complaints across the turnip salad。 She had never looked prettier than in her thin white blouse; with her disordered curls shadowing her blue eyes; and he had never found her more frankly selfish。 Her shallow…rooted nature awakened in him a feeling that was akin to repulsion; and he saw in imagination the gallant resolution with which Maria would have battled against such sordid miseries。 At the first touch of her heroic spirit they would have been sordid no longer; for into the most squalid suffering her golden nature would have shed something of its sunshine。 Beauty would have surrounded her; in Will's cabin as surely as in Blake Hall。 And with the thought there came to him the knowledge; wrung from experience; that there are souls which do not yield to events; but bend and shape them into the likeness of themselves。 No favouring circumstance could have evolved Maria out of Molly; nor could any crushing one have formed Molly from Maria's substance。 The two women were as far asunder as the poles; united only by a certain softness of sex he found in them both。

The sun had dropped behind the pines and a gray mist was floating slowly across the level landscape。 The fields were still in daylight; while dusk already enshrouded the leafy road; and it was from out the gloom that obscured the first short bend that he saw presently emerge the figure of a man who appeared to walk unsteadily and with an effort。

For an instant Christopher stopped short in the lane; then he went forward at a single impetuous stride。

〃Will!〃 he cried in a voice of thunder。

Will looked up with dazed eyes; and; seeing who had called him; burst into a loud and boisterous laugh。

〃So you'll begin with your darn preaching;〃 he remarked; gaping。

For reply; Christopher reached out; and; seizing him by the shoulder; shook him roughly to his senses。

〃What's the meaning of this tomfoolery?〃 he demanded。 〃Do you mean to say you've made a beast of yourself; after all?〃

Partly sobered by the shock; Will gazed back at him with a dogged misery which gave his face the colour o
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