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the deliverance-第62章

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on a fallen log。 The girl had been crying; and at the sight of Christopher she gave a frightened sob and pulled her blue gingham sunbonnet down over her forehead; but Will; inspired at the instant by some ideal of chivalry; drew her hand through his arm and came out boldly into the road。

〃You know Molly;〃 he said in a brave voice that was not without pathos; 〃but you don't know that she has promised to be my wife。〃

Whatever the purpose of the girl's tears; she had need of them no longer; for with an embarrassed little laugh she flushed and dimpled into her pretty smile。

〃Your wife?〃 repeated Christopher blankly。 〃Why; you're no better than two children and deserve to be whipped。 If I were in your place; I'd start to catching butterflies; and quit fooling。〃

He passed on laughing merrily; but before the day was over he began to wonder seriously if Will could be really sincere in his intention to marry Molly Peterkinpoor; pretty Molly; whose fame was blown to the four corners of the county。

By night the question had come to perplex him in earnest; and it was almost with relief that he heard a familiar rattle on his window…pane as he undressed; and; looking out; saw Will standing in the long grass by the porch。

〃Well; it's time you turned up;〃 he said; when he had slipped cautiously down the staircase and joined him in the yard。

〃Get your lantern;〃 returned Will; 〃and come on to the barn。 There's something I must see you about at once;〃 and while the other went in search of the light; he stood impatiently uprooting a tuft of grass as he whistled a college song in unsteady tones。

At the end of a minute Christopher reappeared; bearing the lantern; which he declared was quite unnecessary because of the rising moon。

〃Oh; but I must talk indoors;〃 responded Will; 〃the night makes me creepyit always did。〃

〃So there is something to say; and it's no nonsense? Are the skies about to fall; or has your grandfather got a grip on his temper?〃

〃Pshaw! It's not that。 Wait till we get inside。〃 And when they had entered the barn; he turned and carefully closed the door; after flashing the light over the trampled straw in the dusky corners。 In the shed outside a new…born calf bleated plaintively; and at the sound he started and broke into an apologetic laugh。 〃You thought I was joking to…day;〃 he said suddenly。

Christopher nodded。

〃So I presumed;〃 he answered; wondering if drink or love or both together had produced so extreme an agitation。

〃Well; I wasn't;〃 declared Will; and; placing the lantern on the floor; he raised his head to meet the other's look。 〃I was as dead in earnest as I am this minuteand if it's the last word I ever speak; I mean to marry Molly Peterkin。〃

His excitable nerves were plainly on the rack of some strong emotion; and as he met the blank amazement in Christopher's face he turned away with a gesture of angry reproach。

〃Then you're a fool;〃 said Christopher; with a shrug of his shoulders。

Will quivered as if the words struck him like a whip。

〃Because she's Sol Peterkin's daughter?〃 he burst out。 Christopher smiled。

〃It's not her father; but her character; that I was thinking of;〃 he answered; and the next instant fell back in sheer surprise; for Will; flinging himself recklessly upon him; struck him squarely in the mouth。

As they fell breathlessly apart Christopher was conscious that for the first time in his life he felt something like respect for Will Fletcheror at least for that expression of courageous passion which in the vivid moments of men's lives appears to raise the strong and the weak alike above the ordinary level of their surroundings。 For a second he stood swallowing down the anger which the blow aroused in himan anger as purely physical as the mounting of the hot blood to his cheekthen he looked straight into the other's face and spoke in a pleasant voice。

〃I beg your pardon; it was all my fault;〃 he said。

〃I knew you'd see it;〃 answered Will; appeased at once by the confession; 〃and I counted on you to help us; that's why I came。〃

〃To help you?〃 repeated Christopher; a little startled。

〃Well; we've got to be married; you knowthere's simply nothing else to do。 All this confounded talk about Molly has come near killing her; and the poor child is afraid to look anybody in the face。 She's so innocent; you know; that half the time she doesn't understand what their lies are all about。〃

〃Good God!〃 said Christopher beneath his breath。

〃And besides; what use is there in waiting?〃 urged Will。 〃Grandpa won't be any better fifty years from now than he is to…day; and by that time we'd be old and gray…haired。 This life is more than I can stand; anyway; and it makes mighty little difference whether it ends one way or another。 Just so I have Molly I don't care much what happens。 〃

〃But you can't marryit's simply out of the question。 Why; you're not yet twenty。〃

〃Oh; we can't marry here; of course; but we're going on to Washington to…morrowall our plans are made; and that's why I came to see you。 I want to borrow your horses to take us to the crossroads at midnight。 〃

Seizing him by the shoulder; Christopher shook him roughly in a powerful grasp。

〃Wake up;〃 he said impatiently; 〃you are either drunk or asleep; and you're going headlong to the devil。 If you do this thing you'll be ashamed of it in two weeks。〃 Then he released him; laughing as he watched him totter and regain his balance。 〃But if you're bent on being an ass; then; for heaven's sake; go and be one;〃 he added irritably。

A shiver passed through Will; and he stuttered an instant before he could form his words。

〃She told me you'd say that;〃 he replied。 〃She told me you'd always hated her。〃

〃Hate her? Nonsense! She isn't worth it。 I'd as soon hate a white kitten。 As far as that goes; I've nothing against the girl; and I don't doubt she'd be a much better wife than most men deserve。 I'm not prating about virtue; mind you; I'm only urging common sense。 You're too young and too big a fool to marry anybody。〃

〃Well; you disapprove of her; at any rateyou're against her; and that's why I haven't talked about her before。 She's the most beautiful creature alive; I tell you; and I wouldn't give her up if to keep her meant I'd be a beggar。〃

〃It will mean that; most likely。〃

Turning away; Will drew a small flask from his pocket and; unscrewing the stopper; raised the bottle to his lips。 〃I'd go mad but for this;〃 he said; 〃that's why I've carried it about with me for the last week。 It's the only thing that drives away this horrible depression。〃

As he drank; Christopher regarded him curiously; noting that the whisky lent animation to his face and an unnatural luster to his eyes。 The sunburn on his forehead appeared to deepen all at once; and there was a bright red flush across his cheeks。

〃You won't take my advice;〃 said Christopher at last; 〃but I can't help telling you that unless you're raving mad you'd better drop the whole affair as soon as possible。〃

〃Not nownot now; 〃 protested Will gaily; consumed by an artificial energy。 〃Don't preach to me while the taste of a drink is still in my mouth; for there's no heart so strong as the one whisky puts into a man。 When 
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