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the deliverance-第52章

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〃It will end that way some day; I reckon;〃 he said with a sigh; 〃and you know I'm almost of a mind with Cynthia about it。 It does seem a downright pity。 Not that Jim isn't a good chap and all that; but he's an honest; hard…working farmer and nothing more and; good heavens! just look at Lila! Why; she's beautiful enough to set the world afire。〃

Smiling broadly; Tucker tossed a scrap of cornbread into Spy's open jaws; then his gaze travelled leisurely to the hen…house; which Lila had just unlocked。 As she pushed back the door there was a wild flutter of wings; and the big fowls flew in a swarm about her feet; one great red…and…black rooster craning his long neck after the basin she held beneath her arm。 While she scattered the soft dough on the ground she bent her head slightly sideways; looking up at Jim; who stood regarding her with enraptured eyes。

〃Well; I don't know that much good ever comes of setting anything afire;〃 answered Tucker with his amiable chuckle; 〃the danger is that you're apt to cause a good deal of trouble somewhere; and it's more than likely you'll get singed yourself in putting out the flame。 You needn't worry about Lila; Christopher; she's the kind of womanand they're rarewho doesn't have to have her happiness made to order; give her any fair amount of the raw material and she'll soon manage to fit it perfectly to herself。 The stuff is in her; I tell you; the atmosphere is about her… …can't you feel itand she's going to be happy; whatever comes。 A woman who can make over a dress the sixth time as cheerfully as she did the first has the spirit of a Caesar; and doesn't need your lamentations。 If you want to be a Jeremiah; you must go elsewhere。〃

〃Oh; I dare say she'll grow content; but it does seem such a terrible waste。 She's the image of that Saint…Memin portrait of Aunt Susannah; and if she'd only been born a couple of generations ago she would probably have been the belle of two continents。 Such women must be scarce anywhere。〃

〃She's pretty enough; certainly; and I think Jim knows it。 There's but one thing I've ever seen that could compare with her for colour; and that's a damask rose that blooms in May on an old bush in the front yard。 When all is said; however; that young Weatherby is no clodhopper; you know; and I'm not sure that he isn't worthier of her than any highsounding somebody across the water would have been。 He can love twice as hard; I'll wager; and that's the chief thing; after all; it's worth more than big titles or fine clothesor even than dead grandfathers; with due respect to Cynthia。 I tell you; Lila may never stir from the midst of these tobacco fields; she may be buried alive all her days between these muddy roads that lead heaven knows where; and yet she may live a lot bigger and fuller life than she might have done with all London at her feet; as they say it was at your Greataunt Susannah's。 The person who has to have outside props to keep him straight must have been made mighty crooked at the start; and Lila's not like that。〃

Christopher stooped and pulled Spy's ears。

〃That's as good a way to look at it as any other; I reckon;〃 he remarked; 〃and now I've got to hurry the shoeing of the mare。〃

He crossed over and joined Lila and Jim before the henhouse door; where he put the big fowls to noisy flight。

〃Well; you're a trusty neighbour; 〃 he cried good…humoredly; striking Jim a friendly blow that sent him reeling out into the path。

Lila passed her hand in a sweeping movement round the inside of the basin and flirted the last drops of dough from her finger…tips。

〃A few of your pats will cripple Jim for a week;〃 she observed; 〃so you'd better be careful; he's too useful a friend to lose while there are any jobs to do。〃

〃Why; if I had that muscle I could run a farm with one hand;〃 said Jim。 〃Give a plough a single push; Christopher; and I believe it would run as long as there was level ground。〃

Cynthia; standing at the kitchen window with a cuptowel slung across her arm; watched the three chatting merrily in the sunshine; and the look of rigid resentment settled like a mask upon her face。 She was still gazing out upon them when Docia opened the door behind her and informed her in a whisper that 〃Ole miss wanted her moughty quick。〃

〃All right; Docia。 Is anything the matter?〃

〃Naw'm; 'tain' nuttin' 'tall de matter。 She's des got fidgetty。〃

〃Well; I'll come in a minute。 Are you better to…day? How's your heart?〃

〃Lawd; Miss Cynthia; hit's des bruised all over。 Ev'y breaf I draw hits it plum like a hammer。 I hyear hit thump; thump; thump all de blessed time。〃

〃Be careful; then。 Tell mother I'm coming at once。〃

She hung the cup…towel on the rack; and; taking off her blue checked apron; went along the little platform to the main part of the house and into the old lady's parlour; where the morning sunshine fell across the faces of generations of dead Blakes。 The room was still furnished with the old rosewood furniture; and the old damask curtains hung before the single window; which gave on the overgrown front yard and the twisted aspen。 Though the rest of the house suggested only the direst poverty; the immediate surroundings of Mrs。 Blake revealed everywhere the lavish ease so characteristic of the old order which had passed away。 The carving on the desk; on the book…cases; on the slender sofa; was all wrought by tedious handwork; the delicate damask coverings to the chairs were still lustrous after almost half a century; and the few vases scattered here and there and filled with autumn flowers were; for the most part; rare pieces of old royal Worcester。 While it was yet Indian summer; there was no need of fires; and the big fireplace was filled with goldenrod; which shed a yellow dust down on the rude brick hearth。

The old lady; inspired by her indomitable energy; was already dressed for the day in her black brocade; and sat bolt upright among the pillows in her great oak chair。

〃Some one passed the window whistling; Cynthia。 Who was it? The whistle had a pleasant; cheery sound。〃

〃It must have been Jim Weatherby; I think: old Jacob's son。〃

〃Is he over here?〃

〃To see Christopheryes。〃

〃Well; be sure to remind the servants to give him something to eat in the kitchen before he goes back; and I think; if he's a decent young man; I should like to have a little talk with him about his family。 His father used to be one of our most respectable labourers。〃

〃It would tire you; I fear; mother。 Shall I give you your knitting now?〃

〃You have a most peculiar idea about me; my child。 I have not yet reached my dotage; and I don't think that a little talk with young Weatherby could possibly be much of an ordeal。 Is he an improper person?〃

〃No; no; of course not; you shall see him whenever you like。 I was only thinking of you。〃

〃Well; I'm sure I am very grateful for your consideration; my dear; but there are times; occasionally; you know; when it is better for one to judge for oneself。 I sometimes think that your only fault; Cynthia; is that you are a littlejust a very little bit; you understandinclined to manage things too much。 Your poor father used to say that a domineering woman was like a kicking cow; but this doesn't appl
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