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the yellow god-第65章

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cannot have meant to murder me。〃

〃Don't know what he mean; but know his bullet go through my hair;
Major; and give me new parting;〃 grumbled Jeekie as he obeyed。

〃Of course it was a mistake; Vernon; for I suppose it is Vernon;〃 said
Aylward; as he rose。 〃I do not wonder that your servant is angry; but
the truth is that your sudden appearance frightened me out of my wits
and I fired automatically。 We have been living in some danger here and
my nerves are not as strong as they used to be。〃

〃Indeed;〃 answered Alan。 〃No; Jeekie will carry the rifle for you;
yes; and I think that pistol also; every ounce makes a difference
walking in a hot climate; and I remember that you always were
dangerous with firearms。 There; you will be more comfortable so。 And
now; who do you mean by 'we'?〃

〃I mean Barbara and myself;〃 he answered slowly。

Alan's jaw dropped; he shook upon his feet。

〃Barbara and yourself!〃 he said。 〃Do I understand〃

〃Don't you understand nothing; Major;〃 broke in Jeekie。 〃Don't you
believe one word what this pig dog say。 If Miss Barbara marry him he
no want shoot you; he ask you to tea to see the Missus and how much
she love him; ducky! We just go on and call on Miss Barbara and hear
the news。 Walk up; Sir Robert Aylward; Bart。; and show us which way。〃

〃I do not choose to receive you and your impertinent servant at my
camp;〃 said Aylward; grinding his teeth。

〃We quite understand that; Sir Robert Aylward〃

〃Lord Aylward; if you please; Major Vernon。〃

〃I beg your pardonLord Aylward。 I was aware of the contemplated
purchase of that title; I did not know that it had been completed。 I
was about to add that all the same we mean to go to that camp; and
that if any violence towards us is attempted as we approach it; you
will remember that you are in our hands。〃

〃Yes; my Lord;〃 added Jeekie; bowing; 〃and that monkeys don't tell no
tales; my Lord; and that here there ain't no twelve Good…Trues to sit
on noble corpse unhappily deceased; my Lord; and to bring in Crowner's
verdict of done to death lawful or unlawful; according as evidence may
show when got; my Lord。 So march on; for we no breakfast yet。 No; not
that way; round here to left; where I think I hear kettle sing。〃

So having no choice; Aylward came; marching between the other two and
saying nothing。 When they had gone a couple of hundred yards Alan also
heard something; and to him it sounded like a man crying out in pain。
Then suddenly they passed round some great trees and reached a glade
in the forest where there was a spring of water which Alan remembered。
In this glade the camp had been built; surrounded by a 〃boma〃 or
palisade of rough wood; within which stood two tents and some native
shelters made of tall grass and boughs。 Outside of this camp a curious
and unpleasant scene was in progress。

To a small tree that grew there was tied a man; whom from the fashion
of his hair Alan knew to belong to the Coast negroes; while two great
fellows; evidently of another tribe; flogged him unmercifully with
hide whips。

〃Ah!〃 exclaimed Jeekie; 〃that the kettle I hear sing。 Think you better
taken him off the fire; my Lord; or he boil over。 Also his brothers no
seem to like that music;〃 and he pointed to a number of other men who
were standing round watching the scene with sullen dissatisfaction。

〃A matter of camp discipline;〃 muttered Aylward。 〃This man has
disobeyed orders。〃

By now Jeekie was shouting something to the natives in an unknown
tongue; which they seemed to understand well enough。 At any rate the
flogging ceased; the two fellows who were inflicting it slunk away;
and the other men ran towards them; shouting back as they came。

〃All right; Major。 You please stop here one minute with my Lord; late
Bart。 of Bloody Hand。 Some of these chaps friends of mine; I meet them
Old Calabar while we get ready to march last rains。 Now I have little
talk with them and find out thing or two。〃

Aylward began to bluster about interference with his servants and so
forth。 Jeekie turned on him with a very ugly grin; and showing his
white teeth; as was his fashion when he grew fierce。

〃Beg pardon; Right Honourable Lord;〃 he said; or rather snarled; 〃you
do what I tell you just to please Jeekie。 Jeekie no one in England;
but Jeekie damn big Lord too out here; great medicine man; pal of
Little Bonsa。 You remember Little Bonsa; eh! These chaps think it
great honour to meet Jeekie; so; Major; if he stir; please shoot him
through head; Jeekie 'sponsible; not you。 Or if you not like do it; I
come back and see to job myself and don't think those fellows cry very

There was something about Jeekie's manner that frightened Aylward; who
understood for the first time that beneath all the negro's grotesque
talk lay some dreadful; iron purpose; as courage lay under his
affected cowardice and under his veneer of selfishness; fidelity。 At
any rate he halted with Alan; who stood beside him; the revolver of
which Aylward had been relieved by Jeekie; in his hand。 Meanwhile
Jeekie; who held the rifle which he had reloaded; went on and met the
natives about twenty yards away。

〃We always disliked each other; Vernon; but I must say that I never
thought a day would come when you proposed to murder me in my own
camp;〃 said Aylward。

〃Odd thing;〃 answered Alan; 〃but a very similar idea was in my mind。 I
never thought; Lord Aylward; that however unscrupulous you might be
financiallya day would come when you would attempt to shoot down an
unarmed man in an African forest。 Oh! don't waste breath in lying; I
saw you recognize me; aim; and fire; after which Jeekie would have had
the other barrel; and who then would have remained to tell the story;
Lord Aylward?〃

Aylward made no answer; but Alan felt that if wishes could kill him he
would not live long。 His eye fell upon a long; unmistakable mound of
fresh earth; beneath a tree。 He calculated its length; and with a
thrill of terror noticed that it was too small for a negro。

〃Who is buried there?〃 he asked。

〃Find out for yourself;〃 was the sneering answer。

〃Don't be afraid; Lord Aylward; I shall find out everything in time。〃

The conversation between Jeekie and the natives proceeded; their heads
were close together; it grew animated。 They seemed to be coming to
some decision。 Presently one of them ran and cut the lashings of the
man who had been bound to the tree; and he staggered towards them and
joined in the talk; pointing to his wounds。 Then the two fellows who
had been engaged in flogging him; accompanied by eight companions of
the same typethey appeared to be soldiers; for they carried guns
swaggered towards the group who were being addressed by Jeekie; of
whom Alan counted twenty…three。 As they approached Jeekie made some
suggestion which; after one hesitating moment; the others seemed to
accept; for they nodded their heads and separated out a little。

Jeekie stepped forward and asked a question of the guards; to which
they replied with a derisive shout。 Then without a word of warning he
lifted Aylward's express rifle which he carried; and fired first one
barrel and then the other; shooting the two leading so
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