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the yellow god-第16章

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her thoughts。

〃A little;〃 she answered; 〃so far as I can be afraid of anything any
more。 And you?〃

〃A little also。 I think that he will give us trouble。 He can be very
malevolent and resourceful。〃

〃Resourceful; Alan; well; so can I。 I'll back my wits against his any
day。 He shan't separate us by anything short of murder; which he won't
go in for。 Men like that don't like to break the law; they have too
much to lose。 But no doubt he will make things uncomfortable for you;
if he can; for several reasons。〃

Again they walked on lost in reflections; when Barbara suddenly saw
her lover's face brighten。

〃What is it; Alan?〃 she asked。

〃Something that is rare enough with me; Barbaraan idea。 You remember
speaking about that Asiki gold just now。 Well; why shouldn't I go and
get it?〃

She stared at him。

〃It sounds a little speculative;〃 she said; 〃something like one of my
uncle's companies。〃

〃Not half so speculative as you think。 I have no doubt it is there and
Jeekie knows the way。 Also I seem to remember that there is a map and
an account of the whole thing in Uncle Austin's diaries; though to
tell you the truth the old fellow wrote such a fearful hand; that I
have never taken the trouble to read it。 You see;〃 he went on with
enthusiasm; 〃it is the kind of business that I can do。 I am thoroughly
salted to fever; I know the West Coast; where I spent three years on
that Boundary Commission; I have studied the natives and can talk
several of their dialects。 Of course there would be a risk; but there
are risks in everything; and like you I am not afraid about that; for
I believe that we have got our lives before us。〃

〃Read up those diaries; Alan; and we will talk the thing over again。
I'll pump Jeekie; who will tell me anything by coaxing; and try to get
at the truth。 Meanwhile what are you going to do about my uncle?〃

〃Speak to him; of course; and have the row over。〃

〃Yes;〃 she answered; 〃that is the best and the most honest。 Of course
he can turn you out; but he can't prevent my seeing you。 If he does;
go home to Yarleys and I'll come over and call。 Here we are; let us go
in by the back door;〃 and she pointed to her crushed hat; and laughed。



While Alan and Barbara; on the most momentous occasion of their lives;
were seated upon the fallen oak in the woods that thrilled with the
breath of spring; another interview was taking place in Mr。 Champers…
Haswell's private suite at The Court; the decorations of which; as he
was wont to inform his visitors; had cost nearly £2000。 Sir Robert;
whose taste at any rate was good; thought them so appalling that while
waiting for his host and partner; whom he had come to see; he took a
seat in the bow window of the sitting…room and studied the view that
nobody had been able to spoil。 Presently Mr。 Haswell emerged from his
bedroom; wrapped in a dressing gown and looking very pale and shaky。

〃Delighted to see you all right again;〃 said Sir Robert as he wheeled
up a chair into which Mr。 Haswell sank。

〃I am not all right; Aylward;〃 he answered; 〃I am not all right at
all。 Never had such an upset in my life; thought I was going to die
when that accursed savage told his beastly tale。 Aylward; you are a
man of the world; tell me; what is the meaning of the thing? You
remember what we thought we saw in the office; and thenthat story。〃

〃I don't know;〃 he answered; 〃frankly I don't know。 I am a man who has
never believed in anything I cannot see and test; one who utterly
lacks faith。 In my leisure I have examined into the various religious
systems and found them to be rubbish。 I am convinced that we are but
highly…developed mammals born by chance; and when our day is done;
departing into the black nothingness out of which we came。 Everything
else; that is; what is called the higher and spiritual part; I
attribute to the superstitions incident to the terror of the hideous
position in which we find ourselves; that of gods of a sort hemmed in
by a few years of fearful and tormented life。 But you know the old
arguments; so why should I enter on them? And now I am confronted with
an experience which I cannot explain。 I certainly thought that in the
office on Friday evening I saw that gold mask to which I had taken so
strange a fancy that I offered to give Vernon £17;000 for it because I
thought that it brought us luck; swim across the floor of our room and
look first into your face and then into mine。 Well; the next night
that negro tells his story。 What am I to make of it?〃

〃Can't tell you;〃 answered Mr。 Champers…Haswell with a groan。 〃All I
know is that it nearly made a corpse of me。 I am not like you;
Aylward; I was brought up as an Evangelical; and although I haven't
given much thought to these matters of late yearswell; we don't
shake them off in a hurry。 I daresay there is something somewhere; and
when the black man was speaking; that something seemed uncommonly
near。 It got up and gripped me by the throat; shaking the mortal
breath out of me; and upon my word; Aylward; I have been wishing all
the morning that I had led a different kind of life; as my old parents
and my brother John; Barbara's father; who was a very religious kind
of man; did before me。〃

〃It is rather late to think of all that now; Haswell;〃 said Sir
Robert; shrugging his shoulders。 〃One takes one's line and there's an
end。 Personally I believe that we are overstrained with the fearful
and anxious work of this flotation; and have been the victims of an
hallucination and a coincidence。 Although I confess that I came to
look upon the thing as a kind of mascot; I put no trust in any fetish。
How can a bit of gold move; and how can it know the future? Well; I
have written to them to clear it out of the office to…morrow; so it
won't trouble us any more。 And now I have come to speak to you on
another matter。〃

〃Not business;〃 said Mr。 Haswell with a sigh。 〃We have that all the
week and there will be enough of it on Monday。〃

〃No;〃 he answered; 〃something more important。 About your niece

Mr。 Haswell glanced at him with those little eyes of his which were so
sharp that they seemed to bore like gimlets。

〃Barbara?〃 he said。 〃What of Barbara?〃

〃Can't you guess; Haswell? You are pretty good at it; generally。 Well;
it is no use beating about the bush; I want to marry her。〃

At this sudden announcement his partner became exceedingly interested。
Leaning back in the chair he stared at the decorated ceiling; and
uttered his favourite wind…in…the…wires whistle。

〃Indeed;〃 he said。 〃I never knew that matrimony was in your line;
Aylward; any more than it has been in mine; especially as you are
always preaching against it。 Well; has the young lady given her

〃No; I have not spoken to her。 I meant to do so this morning; but she
has slipped off somewhere; with Vernon; I suppose。〃

Mr。 Haswell whistled again; but on a new note。

〃Pray do stop that noise;〃 said Sir Robert; 〃it gets upon my nerves;
which are shaky this morning。 Listen: It is a curious thing; one less
to be understood even than the coincidence of the Yellow God; but at
my present age of f
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