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michael strogoff-第34章

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〃Come;〃 said the officer;

Marfa Strogoff; with firm step; followed the Tartar。  Some moments
afterwards she found herself in the chief square in the presence
of Ivan Ogareff; to whom all the details of this scene had
been immediately reported。

Ogareff; suspecting the truth; interrogated the old Siberian woman。
〃Thy name?〃 he asked in a rough voice。

〃Marfa Strogoff。〃

〃Thou hast a son?〃


〃He is a courier of the Czar?〃


〃Where is he?〃

〃At Moscow。〃

〃Thou hast no news of him?〃

〃No news。〃

〃Since how long?〃

〃Since two months。〃

〃Who; then; was that young man whom thou didst call thy son a few
moments ago at the posting…house?〃

〃A young Siberian whom I took for him;〃 replied Marfa Strogoff。  〃This is
the tenth man in whom I have thought I recognized my son since the town
has been so full of strangers。  I think I see him everywhere。〃

〃So this young man was not Michael Strogoff?〃

〃It was not Michael Strogoff。〃

〃Dost thou know; old woman; that I can torture thee until thou
avowest the truth?〃

〃I have spoken the truth; and torture will not cause me to alter
my words in any way。〃

〃This Siberian was not Michael Strogoff?〃 asked a second
time Ivan Ogareff。

〃No; it was not he;〃 replied a second time Marfa Strogoff。  〃Do you
think that for anything in the world I would deny a son whom God
has given me?〃

Ivan Ogareff regarded with an evil eye the old woman who braved
him to the face。  He did not doubt but that she had recognized her
son in this young Siberian。  Now if this son had first renounced
his mother; and if his mother renounced him in her turn; it could
occur only from the most weighty motive。  Ogareff had therefore
no doubt that the pretended Nicholas Korpanoff was Michael Strogoff;
courier of the Czar; seeking concealment under a false name;
and charged with some mission which it would have been important
for him to know。  He therefore at once gave orders for his pursuit。
Then 〃Let this woman be conducted to Tomsk;〃 he said。

While the soldiers brutally dragged her off; he added between his teeth;
〃When the moment arrives I shall know how to make her speak;
this old sorceress!〃


IT was fortunate that Michael Strogoff had left the posting…house
so promptly。  The orders of Ivan Ogareff had been immediately
transmitted to all the approaches of the city; and a full
description of Michael sent to all the various commandants;
in order to prevent his departure from Omsk。  But he had
already passed through one of the breaches in the wall;
his horse was galloping over the steppe; and the chances
of escape were in his favor。

It was on the 29th of July; at eight o'clock in the evening;
that Michael Strogoff had left Omsk。  This town is situated about halfway
between Moscow and Irkutsk; where it was necessary that he should arrive
within ten days if he wished to get ahead of the Tartar columns。
It was evident that the unlucky chance which had brought him
into the presence of his mother had betrayed his incognito。
Ivan Ogareff was no longer ignorant of the fact that a courier of the Czar
had just passed Omsk; taking the direction of Irkutsk。  The dispatches
which this courier bore must have been of immense importance。
Michael Strogoff knew; therefore; that every effort would be made
to capture him。

But what he did not know; and could not know; was that Marfa Strogoff
was in the hands of Ivan Ogareff; and that she was about to atone;
perhaps with her life; for that natural exhibition of her feelings which
she had been unable to restrain when she suddenly found herself in the
presence of her son。  And it was fortunate that he was ignorant of it。
Could he have withstood this fresh trial?

Michael Strogoff urged on his horse; imbuing him with all his own
feverish impatience; requiring of him one thing only; namely; to bear
him rapidly to the next posting…house; where he could be exchanged
for a quicker conveyance。

At midnight he had cleared fifty miles; and halted at the station
of Koulikovo。  But there; as he had feared; he found neither
horses nor carriages。  Several Tartar detachments had passed
along the highway of the steppe。  Everything had been stolen
or requisitioned both in the villages and in the posting…houses。
It was with difficulty that Michael Strogoff was even able
to obtain some refreshment for his horse and himself。

It was of great importance; therefore; to spare his horse; for he could
not tell when or how he might be able to replace it。  Desiring; however;
to put the greatest possible distance between himself and the horsemen
who had no doubt been dispatched in pursuit; he resolved to push on。
After one hour's rest he resumed his course across the steppe。

Hitherto the weather had been propitious for his journey。
The temperature was endurable。  The nights at this time of the year
are very short; and as they are lighted by the moon; the route
over the steppe is practicable。  Michael Strogoff; moreover;
was a man certain of his road and devoid of doubt or hesitation;
and in spite of the melancholy thoughts which possessed him
he had preserved his clearness of mind; and made for his
destined point as though it were visible upon the horizon。
When he did halt for a moment at some turn in the road it was
to breathe his horse。  Now he would dismount to ease his steed
for a moment; and again he would place his ear to the ground
to listen for the sound of galloping horses upon the steppe。
Nothing arousing his suspicions; he resumed his way。

On the 30th of July; at nine o'clock in the morning; Michael Strogoff
passed through the station of Touroumoff and entered the swampy district
of the Baraba。

There; for a distance of three hundred versts; the natural obstacles
would be extremely great。  He knew this; but he also knew that he would
certainly surmount them。

These vast marshes of the Baraba; form the reservoir to all
the rain…water which finds no outlet either towards the Obi
or towards the Irtych。  The soil of this vast depression is
entirely argillaceous; and therefore impermeable; so that the waters
remain there and make of it a region very difficult to cross
during the hot season。  There; however; lies the way to Irkutsk;
and it is in the midst of ponds; pools; lakes; and swamps;
from which the sun draws poisonous exhalations; that the road winds;
and entails upon the traveler the greatest fatigue and danger。

Michael Strogoff spurred his horse into the midst of a grassy prairie;
differing greatly from the close…cropped sod of the steppe; where feed the
immense Siberian herds。  The grass here was five or six feet in height;
and had made room for swamp…plants; to which the dampness of the place;
assisted by the heat of summer; had given giant proportions。
These were principally canes and rushes; which formed a tangled network;
an impenetrable undergrowth; sprinkled everywhere with a thousand
flowers remarkable for the brightness of their color。

Michael Strogoff; galloping amongst this undergrowth of cane;
was no longer visible from the swamps which bordered the road。
The tall grass rose above him; and
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