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the history of caliph vathek-第28章

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ii falling prostrate at the foot of her throne。  In this manner they advanced by moonlight; till they came within view of the two towering rocks that form a kind of portal to the valley; at whose extremity rose the vast ruins of Istakar。  Aloft on the mountain glimmered the fronts of various royal mausoleums; the horror of which was deepened by the shadows of night。  They passed through two villages almost deserted; the only inhabitants remaining being a few feeble old men; who; at the sight of horses and litters; fell upon their knees and cried out:

〃O Heaven! is it then by these phantoms that we have been for six months tormented?  Alas! it was from the terror of these spectres and the noise beneath the mountains; that our people have fled; and left us at the mercy of maleficent spirits!〃

The Caliph; to whom these complaints were but unpromising auguries; drove over the bodies of these wretched old men; and at length arrived at the foot of the terrace of black marble; there he descended from his litter; handing down Nouronihar; both with beating hearts stared wildly around them; and expected with an apprehensive shudder the approach of the Giaour; but nothing as yet announced his appearance。

A death…like stillness reigned over the mountain and through the air; the moon dilated on a vast platform the shades of the lofty columns; which reached from the terrace almost to the clouds; the gloomy watch…towers; whose numbers could not be counted; were veiled by no roof; and their capitals; of an architecture unknown in the records of the earth; served as an asylum for the birds of darkness; which; alarmed at the approach of such visitants; fled away croaking。

The chief of the eunuchs; trembling with fear; besought Vathek that a fire might be kindled。

〃No!〃 replied he; 〃there is no time left to think of such trifles; abide where thou art; and expect my commands。〃

Having thus spoken; he presented his hand to Nouronihar; and; ascending the steps of a vast staircase; reached the terrace; which was flagged with squares of marble; and resembled a smooth expanse of water; upon whose surface not a leaf ever dared to vegetate; on the right rose the watch…towers; ranged before the ruins of an immense palace; whose walls were embossed with various figures; in front stood forth the colossal forms of four creatures; composed of the leopard and the griffin; and; though but of stone; inspired emotions of terror; near these were distinguished by the splendour of the moon; which streamed full on the place; characters like those on the sabres of the Giaour; that possessed the same virtue of changing every moment; these; after vacillating for some time; at last fixed in Arabic letters; and prescribed to the Caliph the following words:

〃Vathek! thou hast violated the conditions of my parchment; and deservest to be sent back; but; in favour to thy companion; and as the meed for what thou hast done to obtain it; EBLIS permitteth that the portal of his palace shall be opened; and the subterranean fire will receive thee into the number of its adorers。〃

He scarcely had read these words before the mountain against which the terrace was reared trembled; and the watch…towers were ready to topple headlong upon them; the rock yawned; and disclosed within it a staircase of polished marble that seemed to approach the abyss; upon each stair were planted two large torches; like those Nouronihar had seen in her vision; the camphorated vapour ascending from which gathered into a cloud under the hollow of the vault。

This appearance; instead of terrifying; gave new courage to the daughter of Fakreddin。  Scarcely deigning to bid adieu to the moon and the firmament; she abandoned without hesitation the pure atmosphere to plunge into these infernal exhalations。  The gait of those impious personages was haughty and determined; as they descended by the effulgence of the torches they gazed on each other with mutual admiration; and both appeared so resplendent; that they already esteemed themselves spiritual Intelligences; the only circumstance that perplexed them was their not arriving at the bottom of the stairs; on hastening their descent with an ardent impetuosity; they felt their steps accelerated to such a degree; that they seemed not walking; but falling from a precipice。  Their progress; however; was at length impeded by a vast portal of ebony; which the Caliph without difficulty recognised; here the Giaour awaited them with the key in his hand。

〃Ye are welcome;〃 said he to them; with a ghastly smile; 〃in spite of Mahomet and all his dependants。  I will now admit you into that palace where you have so highly merited a place。〃

Whilst he was uttering these words he touched the enamelled lock with his key; and the doors at once expanded; with a noise still louder than the thunder of mountains; and as suddenly recoiled the moment they had entered。

The Caliph and Nouronihar beheld each other with amazement; at finding themselves in a place which; though roofed with a vaulted ceiling; was so spacious and lofty that at first they took it for an immeasurable plain。  But their eyes at length growing familiar to the grandeur of the objects at hand; they extended their view to those at a distance; and discovered rows of columns and arcades; which gradually diminished till they terminated in a point; radiant as the sun when he darts his last beams athwart the ocean; the pavement; strewed over with gold dust and saffron; exhaled so subtle an odour as almost overpowered them; they; however; went on; and observed an infinity of censers; in which ambergris and the wood of aloes were continually burning; between the several columns were placed tables; each spread with a profusion of viands; and wines of every species sparkling in vases of crystal。  A throng of Genii and other fantastic spirits of each sex danced in troops; at the sound of music which issued from beneath。

In the midst of this immense hall a vast multitude was incessantly passing; who severally kept their right hands on their hearts; without once regarding anything around them; they had all the livid paleness of death; their eyes; deep sunk in their sockets; resembled those phosphoric meteors that glimmer by night in places of interment。  Some stalked slowly on; absorbed in profound reverie; some; shrieking with agony; ran furiously about; like tigers wounded with poisoned arrows; whilst others; grinding their teeth in rage; foamed along; more frantic than the wildest maniac。 They all avoided each other; and; though surrounded by a multitude that no one could number; each wandered at random; unheedful of the rest; as if alone on a desert which no foot had trodden。

Vathek and Nouronihar; frozen with terror at a sight so baleful; demanded of the Giaour what these appearances might mean; and why these ambulating spectres never withdrew their hands from their hearts。

〃Perplex not yourselves;〃 replied he bluntly; 〃with so much; at once you will soon be acquainted with all; let us haste and present you to Eblis。〃

They continued their way through the multitude but; notwithstanding their confidence at first; they were not sufficiently composed to examine with attention the various per
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