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the history of caliph vathek-第24章

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od…fellers who directed their route; halted on the edge of an extensive marsh; from whence so noxious a vapour arose as would have destroyed any animal but Alboufaki; who naturally inhaled these malignant fogs。 The peasants entreated their convoy not to sleep in this place。

〃To sleep;〃 cried Carathis; 〃what an excellent thought!  I never sleep but for visions; and; as to my attendants; their occupations are too many to close the only eye they each have。〃

The poor peasants; who were not over…pleased with their party; remained open…mouthed with surprise。

Carathis alighted; as well as her negresses; and severally stripping off their outer garments; they all ran in their drawers; to cull from those spots where the sun shone fiercest the venomous plants that grew on the marsh; this provision was made for the family of the Emir; and whoever might retard the expedition to Istakar。  The woodmen were overcome with fear when they beheld these three horrible phantoms run; and; not much relishing the company of Alboufaki; stood aghast at the command of Carathis to set forward; notwithstanding it was noon; and the heat fierce enough to calcine even rocks。  In spite; however; of every remonstrance; they were forced implicitly to submit。

Alboufaki; who delighted in solitude; constantly snorted whenever he perceived himself near a habitation; and Carathis; who was apt to spoil him with indulgence; as constantly turned him aside; so that the peasants were precluded from procuring subsistence; for the milch goats and ewes; which Providence had sent towards the district they traversed; to refresh travellers with their milk; all fled at the sight of the hideous animal and his strange riders。  As to Carathis; she needed no common aliment; for her invention had previously furnished her with an opiate to stay her stomach; some of which she imparted to her mutes。

At the fall of night Alboufaki; making a sudden stop; stamped with his foot; which to Carathis; who understood his paces; was a certain indication that she was near the confines of some cemetery。 The moon shed a bright light on the spot; which served to discover a long wall; with a large door in it standing ajar; and so high that Alboufaki might easily enter。  The miserable guides; who perceived their end approaching; humbly implored Carathis; as she had now so good an opportunity; to inter them; and immediately gave up the ghost。  Nerkes and Cafour; whose wit was of a style peculiar to themselves; were by no means parsimonious of it on the folly of these poor people; nor could anything have been found more suited to their tastes than the site of the burying…ground; and the sepulchres which its precincts contained; there were at least two thousand of them on the declivity of a hill:  some in the form of pyramids; others like columns; and; in short; the variety of their shapes was endless。  Carathis was too much immersed in her sublime contemplations to stop at the view; charming as it appeared in her eyes; pondering the advantages that might accrue from her present situation; she could not forbear to exclaim:

〃So beautiful a cemetery must be haunted by Gouls! and they want not for intelligence; having heedlessly suffered my guides to expire; I will apply for directions to them; and as an inducement will invite them to regale on these fresh corpses。〃

After this short soliloquy she beckoned to Nerkes and Cafour; and made signs with her fingers; as much as to say; 〃Go; knock against the sides of the tombs; and strike up your delightful warblings; that are so like to those of the guests whose company I wish to obtain。〃

The negresses; full of joy at the behests of their mistress; and promising themselves much pleasure from the society of the Gouls; went with an air of conquest; and began their knockings at the tombs; as their strokes were repeated a hollow noise was heard in the earth; the surface hove up into heaps; and the Gouls on all sides protruded their noses; to inhale the effluvia which the carcases of the wood…men began to emit。

They assembled before a sarcophagus of white marble; where Carathis was seated between the bodies of her miserable guides; the princess received her visitants with distinguished politeness; and; when supper was ended; proceeded with them to business。  Having soon learnt from them everything she wished to discover; it was her intention to set forward forthwith on her journey; but her negresses; who were forming tender connections with the Gouls; importuned her with all their fingers to wait at least till the dawn。  Carathis; however; being chastity in the abstract; and an implacable enemy to love and repose; at once rejected their prayer; mounted Alboufaki; and commanded them to take their seats in a moment; four days and four nights she continued her route; without turning to the right hand or left; on the fifth she traversed the mountains and half…burnt forests; and arrived on the sixth before the beautiful screens which concealed from all eyes the voluptuous wanderings of her son。

It was daybreak; and the guards were snoring on their posts in careless security; when the rough trot of Alboufaki awoke them in consternation。  Imagining that a group of spectres ascended from the abyss was approaching; they all without ceremony took to their heels。  Vathek was at that instant with Nouronihar in the bath; hearing tales; and laughing at Bababalouk; who related them; but no sooner did the outcry of his guards reach him; than he flounced from the water like a carp; and as soon threw himself back at the sight of Carathis; who; advancing with her negresses upon Alboufaki; broke through the muslin awnings and veils of the pavilion; at this sudden apparition Nouronihar (for she was not at all times free from remorse) fancied that the moment of celestial vengeance was come; and clung about the Caliph in amorous despondence。

Carathis; still seated on her camel; foamed with indignation at the spectacle which obtruded itself on her chaste view; she thundered forth without check or mercy:  〃Thou double…headed and four…legged monster! what means all this winding and writhing? art thou not ashamed to be seen grasping this limber sapling; in preference to the sceptre of the pre…adamite Sultans? is it then for this paltry doxy that thou hast violated the conditions in the parchment of our Giaour? is it on her thou hast lavished thy precious moments? is this the fruit of the knowledge I have taught thee? is this the end of thy journey? tear thyself from the arms of this little simpleton; drown her in the water before me; and instantly follow my guidance。〃

In the first ebullition of his fury Vathek resolved to make a skeleton of Alboufaki; and to stuff the skins of Carathis and her blacks; but the ideas of the Giaour; the palace of Istakar; the sabres and the talismans; flashing before his imagination with the simultaneousness of lightning; he became more moderate; and said to his mother; in a civil but decisive tone:  〃Dread lady! you shall be obeyed; but I will not drown Nouronihar; she is sweeter to me than a Myrabolan comfit; and is enamoured of carbuncles; especially that of Giamschid; which hath also been promised to be conferred upon her; she the
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