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the history of caliph vathek-第21章

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 eunuchs dragged him off with horrible grimaces; and repeated as he went:  〃Ay; I foresaw she would play you some ungracious turn!〃

No sooner was the Caliph gone than the Emir commanded biers to be brought; and forbad that any one should enter the harem。  Every window was fastened; all instruments of music were broken; and the Imams began to recite their prayers; towards the close of this melancholy day Vathek sobbed in silence; for they had been forced to compose with anodynes his convulsions of rage and desperation。

At the dawn of the succeeding morning the wide folding doors of the palace were set open; and the funeral procession moved forward for the mountain。  The wailful cries of 〃La Ilah illa Allah!〃 reached to the Caliph; who was eager to cicatrise himself and attend the ceremonial; nor could he have been dissuaded; had not his excessive weakness disabled him from walking; at the few first steps he fell on the ground; and his people were obliged to lay him on a bed; where he remained many days in such a state of insensibility; as excited compassion in the Emir himself。

When the procession was arrived at the grot of Meimoune; Shaban and Sutlememe dismissed the whole of the train; excepting the four confidential eunuchs who were appointed to remain。  After resting some moments near the biers; which had been left in the open air; they caused them to be carried to the brink of a small lake; whose banks were overgrown with a hoary moss; this was the great resort of herons and storks; which preyed continually on little blue fishes。  The dwarfs; instructed by the Emir; soon repaired thither; and; with the help of the eunuchs; began to construct cabins of rushes and reeds; a work in which they had admirable skill; a magazine also was contrived for provisions; with a small oratory for themselves; and a pyramid of wood neatly piled; to furnish the necessary fuel; for the air was bleak in the hollows of the mountains。

At evening two fires were kindled on the brink of the lake; and the two lovely bodies; taken from their biers; were carefully deposited upon a bed of dried leaves within the same cabin。  The dwarfs began to recite the Koran with their clear shrill voices; and Shaban and Sutlememe stood at some distance; anxiously waiting the effects of the powder。  At length Nouronihar and Gulchenrouz faintly stretched out their arms; and gradually opening their eyes; began to survey with looks of increasing amazement every object around them; they even attempted to rise; but for want of strength fell back again; Sutlememe on this administered a cordial; which the Emir had taken care to provide。

Gulchenrouz; thoroughly aroused; sneezed out aloud; and raising himself with an effort that expressed his surprise; left the cabin; and inhaled the fresh air with the greatest avidity。

〃Yes;〃 said he; 〃I breathe again! again do I exist!  I hear sounds! I behold a firmament spangled over with stars!〃

Nouronihar; catching these beloved accents; extricated herself from the leaves; and ran to clasp Gulchenrouz to her bosom。  The first objects she remarked were their long simars; their garlands of flowers; and their naked feet; she hid her face in her hands to reflect; the vision of the enchanted bath; the despair of her father; and; more vividly than both; the majestic figure of Vathek recurred to her memory; she recollected also that herself and Gulchenrouz had been sick and dying; but all these images bewildered her mind。  Not knowing where she was; she turned her eyes on all sides; as if to recognise the surrounding scene; this singular lake; those flames reflected from its glassy surface; the pale hues of its banks; the romantic cabins; the bulrushes that sadly waved their drooping heads; the storks whose melancholy cries blended with the shrill voices of the dwarfs; everything conspired to persuade them that the Angel of Death had opened the portal of some other world。

Gulchenrouz on his part; lost in wonder; clung to the neck of his cousin:  he believed himself in the region of phantoms; and was terrified at the silence she preserved; at length addressing her:

〃Speak;〃 said he; 〃where are we? do you not see those spectres that are stirring the burning coals? are they Monker and Nakir; come to throw us into them? does the fatal bridge cross this lake; whose solemn stillness perhaps conceals from us an abyss; in which for whole ages we shall be doomed incessantly to sink?〃

〃No; my children!〃 said Sutlememe; going towards them; 〃take comfort! the exterminating Angel; who conducted our souls hither after yours; hath assured us that the chastisement of your indolent and voluptuous life shall be restricted to a certain series of years; which you must pass in this dreary abode; where the sun is scarcely visible; and where the soil yields neither fruits nor flowers。  These;〃 continued she; pointing to the dwarfs; 〃will provide for our wants; for souls so mundane as ours retain too strong a tincture of their earthly extraction; instead of meats your food will be nothing but rice; and your bread shall be moistened in the fogs that brood over the surface of the lake。〃

At this desolating prospect the poor children burst into tears; and prostrated themselves before the dwarfs; who perfectly supported their characters; and delivered an excellent discourse of a customary length upon the sacred camel; which after a thousand years was to convey them to the paradise of the faithful。

The sermon being ended; and ablutions performed; they praised Allah and the Prophet; supped very indifferently; and retired to their withered leaves。  Nouronihar and her little cousin consoled themselves on finding that; though dead; they yet lay in one cabin。 Having slept well before; the remainder of the night was spent in conversation on what had befallen them; and both; from a dread of apparitions; betook themselves for protection to one another's arms。

In the morning; which was lowering and rainy; the dwarfs mounted high poles like minarets; and called them to prayers; the whole congregation; which consisted of Sutlememe; Shaban; the four eunuchs; and some storks; were already assembled。  The two children came forth from their cabin with a slow and dejected pace; as their minds were in a tender and melancholy mood; their devotions were performed with fervour。  No sooner were they finished; than Gulchenrouz demanded of Sutlememe and the rest; 〃how they happened to die so opportunely for his cousin and himself。〃

〃We killed ourselves;〃 returned Sutlememe; 〃in despair at your death。〃

On this; said Nouronihar; who; notwithstanding what was past; had not yet forgotten her vision:  〃And the Caliph! is he also dead of his grief? and will he likewise come hither?〃

The dwarfs; who were prepared with an answer; most demurely replied:  〃Vathek is damned beyond all redemption!〃

〃I readily believe so;〃 said Gulchenrouz; 〃and I am glad from my heart to hear it; for I am convinced it was his horrible look that sent us hither to listen to sermons and mess upon rice。〃

One week passed away on the side of the lake unmarked by any variety; Nouronihar ruminating on the grandeur of which death had deprived her; and Gulchenrouz applying to prayers 
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