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the history of caliph vathek-第18章

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Megnoun; he too was a poet) inspired that unresisting languor so frequently fatal to the female heart; the women all doted upon him; for though he had passed his thirteenth year; they still detained him in the harem; his dancing was light as the gossamer waved by the zephyrs of spring; but his arms; which twined so gracefully with those of the young girls in the dance; could neither dart the lance in the chase; nor curb the steeds that pastured his uncle's domains。  The bow; however; he drew with a certain aim; and would have excelled his competitors in the race; could he have broken the ties that bound him to Nouronihar。

The two brothers had mutually engaged their children to each other; and Nouronihar loved her cousin more than her eyes; both had the same tastes and amusements; the same long; languishing looks; the same tresses; the same fair complexions; and when Gulchenrouz appeared in the dress of his cousin he seemed to be more feminine than even herself。  If at any time he left the harem to visit Fakreddin; it was with all the bashfulness of a fawn; that consciously ventures from the lair of its dam; he was however; wanton enough to mock the solemn old grey…beards to whom he was subject; though sure to be rated without mercy in return; whenever this happened he would plunge into the recesses of the harem; and sobbing; take refuge in the arms of Nouronihar; who loved even his faults beyond the virtues of others。

It fell out this evening that; after leaving the Caliph in the meadow; she ran with Gulchenrouz over the green sward of the mountain that sheltered the vale where Fakreddin had chosen to reside。  The sun was dilated on the edge of the horizon; and the young people; whose fancies were lively and inventive; imagined they beheld in the gorgeous clouds of the west the domes of Shadukiam and Amberabad; where the Peris have fixed their abode。 Nouronihar; sitting on the slope of the hill; supported on her knees the perfumed head of Gulchenrouz; the air was calm; and no sound stirred but the voices of other young girls; who were drawing cool water from the streams below。  The unexpected arrival of the Caliph; and the splendour that marked his appearance; had already filled with emotion the ardent soul of Nouronihar; her vanity irresistibly prompted her to pique the prince's attention; and this she before took good care to effect whilst he picked up the jasmine she had thrown upon him。  But when Gulchenrouz asked after the flowers he had culled for her bosom; Nouronihar was all in confusion; she hastily kissed his forehead; arose in a flutter; and walked with unequal steps on the border of the precipice。  Night advanced; and the pure gold of the setting sun had yielded to a sanguine red; the glow of which; like the reflection of a burning furnace; flushed Nouronihar's animated countenance。  Gulchenrouz; alarmed at the agitation of his cousin; said to her with a supplicating accent:

〃Let us be gone; the sky looks portentous; the tamarisks tremble more than common; and the raw wind chills my very heart; come! let us be gone; 'tis a melancholy night!〃

Then; taking hold of her hand; he drew it towards the path he besought her to go。  Nouronihar unconsciously followed the attraction; for a thousand strange imaginations occupied her spirit; she passed the large round of honeysuckles; her favourite resort; without ever vouchsafing it a glance; yet Gulchenrouz could not help snatching off a few shoots in his way; though he ran as if a wild beast were behind。

The young females seeing him approach in such haste; and according to custom expecting a dance; instantly assembled in a circle; and took each other by the hand; but Gulchenrouz; coming up out of breath; fell down at once on the grass。  This accident struck with consternation the whole of this frolicsome party; whilst Nouronihar; half distracted; and overcome; both by the violence of her exercise and the tumult of her thoughts; sunk feebly down at his side; cherished his cold hands in her bosom; and chafed his temples with a fragrant unguent。  At length he came to himself; and; wrapping up his head in the robe of his cousin; entreated that she would not return to the harem; he was afraid of being snapped at by Shaban; his tutor; a wrinkled old eunuch of a surly disposition; for having interrupted the stated walk of Nouronihar; he dreaded lest the churl should take it amiss。  The whole of this sprightly group; sitting round upon a mossy knoll; began to entertain themselves with various pastimes; whilst their superintendents the eunuchs were gravely conversing at a distance。 The nurse of the Emir's daughter; observing her pupil sit ruminating with her eyes on the ground; endeavoured to amuse her with diverting tales; to which Gulchenrouz; who had already forgotten his inquietudes; listened with a breathless attention; he laughed; he clapped his hands; and passed a hundred little tricks on the whole of the company; without omitting the eunuchs; whom he provoked to run after him; in spite of their age and decrepitude。

During these occurrences the moon arose; the wind subsided; and the evening became so serene and inviting; that a resolution was taken to sup on the spot。  Sutlememe; who excelled in dressing a salad; having filled large bowls of porcelain with eggs of small birds; curds turned with citron juice; slices of cucumber; and the inmost leaves of delicate herbs; handed it round from one to another; and gave each their shares in a large spoon of Cocknos。  Gulchenrouz; nestling as usual in the bosom of Nouronihar; pouted out his vermilion little lips against the offer of Sutlememe; and would take it only from the hand of his cousin; on whose mouth he hung like a bee inebriated with the quintessence of flowers。  One of the eunuchs ran to fetch melons; whilst others were employed in showering down almonds from the branches that overhung this amiable party。

In the midst of this festive scene there appeared a light on the top of the highest mountain; which attracted the notice of every eye; this light was not less bright than the moon when at full; and might have been taken for her; had it not been that the moon was already risen。  The phenomenon occasioned a general surprise; and no one could conjecture the cause; it could not be a fire; for the light was clear and bluish; nor had meteors ever been seen of that magnitude or splendour。  This strange light faded for a moment; and immediately renewed its brightness; it first appeared motionless at the foot of the rock; whence it darted in an instant to sparkle in a thicket of palm…trees; from thence it glided along the torrent; and at last fixed in a glen that was narrow and dark。  The moment it had taken its direction; Gulchenrouz; whose heart always trembled at anything sudden or rare; drew Nouronihar by the robe; and anxiously requested her to return to the harem; the women were importunate in seconding the entreaty; but the curiosity of the Emir's daughter prevailed; she not only refused to go back; but resolved at all hazards to pursue the appearance。  Whilst they were debating what was best to be done; the light shot forth so dazzling a blaze; that they all fled away shrieking; Nouronihar followed them a fe
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