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the history of caliph vathek-第16章

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ly to leave the bath。  Whilst he was issuing these mandates the young Nouronihar; daughter of the Emir; who was sprightly as an antelope; and full of wanton gaiety; beckoned one of her slaves to let down the great swing; which was suspended to the ceiling by cords of silk; and whilst this was doing; winked to her companions in the bath; who; chagrined to be forced from so soothing a state of indolence; began to twist it round Bababalouk; and tease him with a thousand vagaries。

When Nouronihar perceived that he was exhausted with fatigue; she accosted him with an arch air of respectful concern; and said:  〃My lord; it is not by any means decent that the chief eunuch of the Caliph; our Sovereign; should thus continue standing; deign but to recline your graceful person upon this sofa; which will burst with vexation if it have not the honour to receive you。〃

Caught by these flattering accents; Bababalouk gallantly replied: 〃Delight of the apple of my eye!  I accept the invitation of thy honeyed lips; and; to say truth; my senses are dazzled with the radiance that beams from thy charms。〃

〃Repose; then; at your ease;〃 replied the beauty; and placed him on the pretended sofa; which; quicker than lightning; gave way all at once。  The rest of the women; having aptly conceived her design; sprang naked from the bath; and plied the swing with such unmerciful jerks; that it swept through the whole compass of a very lofty dome; and took from the poor victim all power of respiration; sometimes his feet rased the surface of the water; and at others the skylight almost flattened his nose; in vain did he pierce the air with the cries of a voice that resembled the ringing of a cracked basin; for their peals of laughter were still more predominant。

Nouronihar; in the inebriety of youthful spirits; being used only to eunuchs of ordinary harems; and having never seen anything so royal and disgusting; was far more diverted than all of the rest; she began to parody some Persian verses; and sang with an accent most demurely piquant:

〃O gentle white dove; as thou soar'st through the air; Vouchsafe one kind glance on the mate of thy love; Melodious Philomel; I am thy rose; Warble some couplet to ravish my heart!〃

The sultanas and their slaves; stimulated by these pleasantries; persevered at the swing with such unremitted assiduity; that at length the cord which had secured it snapped suddenly asunder; and Bababalouk fell floundering like a turtle to the bottom of the bath。  This accident occasioned a universal shout; twelve little doors; till now unobserved; flew open at once; and the ladies in an instant made their escape; after throwing all the towels on his head; and putting out the lights that remained。

The deplorable animal; in water to the chin; overwhelmed with darkness; and unable to extricate himself from the wrap that embarrassed him; was still doomed to hear for his further consolation the fresh bursts of merriment his disaster occasioned。 He bustled; but in vain; to get from the bath; for the margin was become so slippery with the oil spilt in breaking the lamps; that at every effort he slid back with a plunge; which resounded aloud through the hollow of the dome。  These cursed peals of laughter at every relapse were redoubled; and he; who thought the place infested rather by devils than women; resolved to cease groping; and abide in the bath; where he amused himself with soliloquies; interspersed with imprecations; of which his malicious neighbours reclining on down suffered not an accent to escape。  In this delectable plight the morning surprised him。  The Caliph; wondering at his absence; had caused him to be everywhere sought for。  At last he was drawn forth; almost smothered from the wisp of linen; and wet even to the marrow。  Limping and chattering his teeth; he appeared before his master; who inquired what was the matter; and how he came soused in so strange a pickle。

〃And why did you enter this cursed lodge?〃 answered Bababalouk; gruffly。  〃Ought a monarch like you to visit with his harem the abode of a grey…bearded Emir; who knows nothing of life?  And with what gracious damsels doth the place; too; abound!  Fancy to yourself how they have soaked me like a burnt crust; and made me dance like a jack…pudding the live…long night through; on their damnable swing!  What an excellent lesson for your sultanas to follow; into whom I have instilled such reserve and decorum!〃

Vathek; comprehending not a syllable of all this invective; obliged him to relate minutely the transaction; but instead of sympathising with the miserable sufferer; he laughed immoderately at the device of the swing; and the figure of Bababalouk mounting upon it。  The stung eunuch could scarcely preserve the semblance of respect。

〃Ay; laugh; my lord! laugh;〃 said he; 〃but I wish this Nouronihar would play some trick on you; she is too wicked to spare even majesty itself。〃

Those words made for the present but a slight impression on the Caliph; but they not long after recurred to his mind。

This conversation was cut short by Fakreddin; who came to request that Vathek would join in the prayers and ablutions to be solemnised on a spacious meadow; watered by innumerable streams。 The Caliph found the waters refreshing; but the prayers abominably irksome; he diverted himself; however; with the multitude of Calenders; Santons; and Dervises; who were continually coming and going; but especially with the Brahmins; Fakirs; and other enthusiasts; who had travelled from the heart of India; and halted on their way with the Emir。  These latter had; each of them; some mummery peculiar to himself。  One dragged a huge chain wherever he went; another an ouranoutang; whilst a third was furnished with scourges; and all performed to a charm; some clambered up trees; holding one foot in the air; others poised themselves over a fire; and without mercy filliped their noses。  There were some amongst them that cherished vermin; which were not ungrateful in requiting their caresses。  These rambling fanatics revolted the hearts of the Dervises; the Calenders; and Santons; however; the vehemence of their aversion soon subsided; under the hope that the presence of the Caliph would cure their folly; and convert them to the Mussulman faith; but; alas! how great was their disappointment! for Vathek; instead of preaching to them; treated them as buffoons; bade them present his compliments to Visnow and Ixhora; and discovered a predilection for a squat old man from the isle of Serendib; who was more ridiculous than any of the rest。

〃Come!〃 said he; 〃for the love of your gods bestow a few slaps on your chops to amuse me。〃

The old fellow; offended at such an address; began loudly to weep; but; as he betrayed a villainous drivelling in his tears; the Caliph turned his back and listened to Bababalouk; who whispered; whilst he held the umbrella over him:  〃Your Majesty should be cautious of this odd assembly which hath been collected I know not for what。  Is it necessary to exhibit such spectacles to a mighty potentate; with interludes of Talapoins more mangy than dogs?  Were I you; I would command a fire to be kindled; and at once purge the earth of the Emir; his harem;
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