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the history of caliph vathek-第12章

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 gaily on the roof; and fancied that he heard during his repast loud shouts of laughter resound through the sky; in a manner that inspired the fullest assurance。

All was in motion at the palace; lights were kept burning through the whole of the night; the sound of implements and of artisans finishing their work; the voices of women and their guardians who sung at their embroidery; all conspired to interrupt the stillness of nature and infinitely delight the heart of Vathek; who imagined himself going in triumph to sit upon the throne of Soliman。

The people were not less satisfied than himself; all assisted to accelerate the moment which should rescue them from the wayward caprices of so extravagant a master。

The day preceding the departure of this infatuated prince was employed by Carathis in repeating to him the decrees of the mysterious parchment; which she had thoroughly gotten by heart; and in recommending him not to enter the habitation of any one by the way; 〃for well thou knowest;〃 added she; 〃how liquorish thy taste is after good dishes and young damsels; let me; therefore; enjoin thee to be content with thy old cooks; who are the best in the world; and not to forget that in thy ambulatory seraglio there are three dozen pretty faces; which Bababalouk hath not yet unveiled。 I myself have a great desire to watch over thy conduct; and visit the subterranean palace; which no doubt contains whatever can interest persons like us; there is nothing so pleasing as retiring to caverns; my taste for dead bodies and everything like mummy is decided; and I am confident thou wilt see the most exquisite of their kind。  Forget me not; then; but the moment thou art in possession of the talismans which are to open to thee the mineral kingdoms and the centre of the earth itself; fail not to despatch some trusty genius to take me and my cabinet; for the oil of the serpents I have pinched to death will be a pretty present to the Giaour; who cannot but be charmed with such dainties。〃

Scarcely had Carathis ended this edifying discourse when the sun; setting behind the mountain of the Four Fountains; gave place to the rising moon; this planet; being that evening at full; appeared of unusual beauty and magnitude in the eyes of the women; the eunuchs; and the pages; who were all impatient to set forward。  The city re…echoed with shouts of joy and flourishing of trumpets; nothing was visible but plumes nodding on pavilions; and aigrets shining in the mild lustre of the moon; the spacious square resembled an immense parterre; variegated with the most stately tulips of the East。

Arrayed in the robes which were only worn it the most distinguished ceremonials; and supported by his Vizir and Bababalouk; the Caliph descended the grand staircase of the tower in the sight of all his people; he could not forbear pausing at intervals to admire the superb appearance which everywhere courted his view; whilst the whole multitude; even to the camels with their sumptuous burdens; knelt down before him。  For some time a general stillness prevailed; which nothing happened to disturb but the shrill screams of some eunuchs in the rear; these vigilant guards; having remarked certain cages of the ladies swagging somewhat awry; and discovered that a few adventurous gallants had contrived to get in; soon dislodged the enraptured culprits。  The majesty of so magnificent a spectacle was not; however; violated by incidents like these。 Vathek meanwhile saluted the moon with an idolatrous air; that neither pleased Morakanabad nor the Doctors of the Law; any more than the vizirs and the grandees of his court; who were all assembled to enjoy the last view of their sovereign。

At length the clarions and trumpets from the top of the tower announced the prelude of departure; though the instruments were in unison with each other; yet a singular dissonance was blended with their sounds; this proceeded from Carathis; who was singing her direful orisons to the Giaour; whilst the negresses and mutes supplied thorough…base without articulating a word。  The good Mussulmans fancied that they heard the sullen hum of those nocturnal insects which presage evil; and importuned Vathek to beware how he ventured his sacred person。

On a given signal the great standard of the Califat was displayed; twenty thousand lances shone around it; and the Caliph; treading loyally on the cloth of gold which had been spread for his feet; ascended his litter amidst the general awe that possessed his subjects。

The expedition commenced with the utmost order and so entire a silence; that even the locusts were heard from the thickets on the plain of Catoul。  Gaiety and good…humour prevailing; six good leagues were past before the dawn; and the morning star was still glittering in the firmament when the whole of this numerous train had halted on the banks of the Tigris; where they encamped to repose for the rest of the day。

The three days that followed were spent in the same manner; but on the fourth the heavens looked angry; lightnings broke forth in frequent flashes; re…echoing peals of thunder succeeded; and the trembling Circassians clung with all their might to their ugly guardians。  The Caliph himself was greatly inclined to take shelter in the large town of Gulchissar; the governor of which came forth to meet him; and tendered every kind of refreshment the place could supply; but; having examined his tablets; he suffered the rain to soak him almost to the bone; notwithstanding the importunity of his first favourites。  Though he began to regret the palace of the senses; yet he lost not sight of his enterprise; and his sanguine expectations confirmed his resolution; his geographers were ordered to attend him; but the weather proved so terrible that these poor people exhibited a lamentable appearance; and; as no long journeys had been undertaken since the time of Haroun al Raschid; their maps of the different countries were in a still worse plight than themselves; every one was ignorant which way to turn; for Vathek; though well versed in the course of the heavens; no longer knew his situation on earth; he thundered even louder than the elements; and muttered forth certain hints of the bow…string; which were not very soothing to literary ears。  Disgusted at the toilsome weariness of the way; he determined to cross over the craggy heights and follow the guidance of a peasant; who undertook to bring him in four days to Rocnabad。  Remonstrances were all to no purpose; his resolution was fixed; and an invasion commenced on the province of the goats; who sped away in large troops before them。  It was curious to view on these half calcined rocks camels richly caparisoned; and pavilions of gold and silk waving on their summits; which till then had never been covered but with sapless thistles and fern。

The females and eunuchs uttered shrill wailings at the sight of the precipices below them; and the dreary prospects that opened in the vast gorges of the mountains。  Before they could reach the ascent of the steepest rock; night overtook them; and a boisterous tempest arose; which; having rent the awnings of the palanquins and cages; exposed to the raw gusts the poor ladies within; who had nev
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