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   sees you through and through; and will expose you at the last day;
   except you repent。

   Oh! believe me; hypocrisy is a losing game。 It will never answer to
   seem one thing and be another; to have the name of Christian; and not
   the reality。 Be sure; if your conscience smites you and condemns you in
   this matterbe sure your sin will find you out。 The eye that saw Achan
   steal the golden wedge and hide it; is upon you。 The book that recorded
   the deeds of Gehazi; and Ananias; and Sapphira; is recording your ways。
   Jesus mercifully sends you a word of warning to…day。 He says; 〃I know
   thy works。〃 But think also what encouragement there is here for every
   honest and true…hearted believer。 To you also Jesus says; 〃I know thy
   works。〃 You see no beauty in any action that you do。 All seems
   imperfect; blemished; and defiled。 You are often sick at heart of your
   own short…ings。 You often feel that your whole life is one great
   arrear; and that every day is either a blank or a blot。 But know now
   that Jesus can see some beauty in everything that you do from a
   conscientious desire to please Him。 His eye can discern excellence in
   the least thing which is a fruit of His own Spirit。 He can pick out the
   grains of gold from amidst the dross of your performances; and sift the
   wheat from amidst the chaff; in all your doings。 Your tears are all put
   into His bottle。 Your endeavours to do good to others; however feeble;
   are written in His book of remembrance。 The least cup of cold water
   given in His name shall not lose its reward。 He does not forget your
   work and labour of love; however little the world may regard it。

   It is very wonderful; but so it is。 Jesus loves to honour the work of
   His Spirit in His people; and to pass over their frailties。 He dwells
   on the faith of Rahab; but not on her lie。 He mends His Apostles for
   continuing with Him in His temptations; and passes over their ignorance
   and want of faith。 (Luke xxii。 28。) 〃Like as a father pitieth his
   children; so the Lord pitieth them that fear Him。〃 (Ps。 ciii。 13。) And
   as a father finds a pleasure in the least acts of his children; of
   which a stranger knows nothing; so I suppose the Lord finds a pleasure
   in our poor feeble efforts to serve Him。

   But it is all very wonderful。 I can well understand the righteous in
   the day of judgment saying; 〃Lord; when saw we Thee an hungered and fed
   Thee; or thirsty and gave Thee drink? When saw we Thee a stranger; and
   took Thee in? or naked; and clothed Thee? Or when saw we Thee sick or
   in prison; and came unto Thee?〃 (Matt。 xxv。 37…39。) It may well seem
   incredible and impossible that they can have done anything worth naming
   in the great day! Yet so it is。 Let all believers take the fort of
   it。 The Lord says; 〃I know thy works。〃 It ought to humble you。 But it
   ought not to make you afraid。

   III。 I ask my readers to observe; in the third and last place; that in
   every epistle the Lord Jesus makes a promise to the man that overes。

   Seven times over Jesus gives to the Churches exceeding great and
   precious promises。 Each is different; and each full of strong
   consolation: but each is addressed to the overing Christian。 It is
   always 〃he that overeth;〃 or 〃to him that overeth。〃 I ask you to
   take notice of this。

   Every professing Christian is the soldier of Christ。 He is bound by his
   baptism to fight Christ's battle against sin; the world; and the devil。
   The man that does not do this breaks his vow。 He is a spiritual
   defaulter。 He does not fulfil the engagements made for him。 The man
   that does not do this is practically renouncing his Christianity。 The
   very fact that he belongs to a Church; attends a Christian place of
   worship; and calls himself a Christian is a public declaration that he
   desires to be reckoned a soldier of Jesus Christ。

   Armour is provided for the professing Christian; if he will only use
   it。 〃Take unto you;〃 says Paul to the Ephesians; 〃the whole armour of
   God。〃 〃Stand; having your loins girt about with truth; and having on
   the breastplate of righteousness。〃 〃Take the helmet of salvation; and
   the sword of the Spirit; which is the Word of God。〃 〃Above all; take
   the shield of faith。〃 (Ephes。 vi。 13…17。) And not least; the professing
   Christian has the best of leaders: Jesus the Captain of Salvation;
   through whom he may be more than conquerorthe best of provisions; the
   bread and water of lifeand the best of pay promised to him: an
   eternal weight of glory。

   All these are ancient things。 I will not be drawn off from my subject
   in order to dwell on them now。

   The one point I want to impress upon your soul just now is this; that
   the true believer is not only a soldier; but a victorious soldier。He
   not only professes to fight on Christ's side against sin; the world;
   and the devil; but he does actually fight and overe。

   Now this is one。 grand distinguishing mark of true Christians。 Other
   men; perhaps; like to be numbered in the ranks of Christ's army。 Other
   men may have lazy wishes; and languid desires after the crown of glory。
   But it is the true Christian alone who does the work of a soldier。 He
   alone fairly meets the enemies of his soulreally fights with them;
   and in that fight overes them。

   One great lesson I want men to learn from these seven epistles is this;
   that if you would prove you are born again and going to heaven; you
   must be a victorious soldier of Christ。 If you would make it clear that
   you have any title to Christ's precious promises; you must fight the
   good fight in Christ's cause; and in that fight you must conquer。

   Victory is the only satisfactory evidence that you have a saving
   religion。 You like good sermons perhaps。 You respect the Bible; and
   read it occasionally。 You say your prayers night and morning。 You have
   family prayers; and give to Religious Societies。 I thank God for this。
   It is an very good。 But how goes the battle? How does the great
   conflict go on all this time? Are you overing the love of the world
   and the fear of man? Are you overing the passions; tempers; and
   lusts of your own heart? Are you resisting the devil and making him
   flee from you? How is it in this matter? You must either rule or serve
   sin; and the devil; and the world。 There is no middle course。 You must
   either conquer or be lost。

   I know well it is a hard battle that you have to fight; and I want you
   to know it too。 You must fight the good fight of faith; and endure
   hardships; if you would lay hold of eternal life。 You must make up your
   mind to a daily struggle; if you would reach heaven。 There may be short
   roads to heaven invented by man; but ancient Christianity; the good old
   way; is the way of the crossthe way of conflict。 Sin; the world; and
   the devil must be actually mortified; resisted; and overe。

   This is the road that saints of old have trodden in; and left their
   record on high。

   (a) When Moses refused the pleasures of sin in Egypt; and c
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