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   of Christ was to be built。

   The foundation of the true Church was laid at a mighty cost。 It needed
   that the Son of God should take our nature upon Him; and in that nature
   live; suffer; and die; not for His own sins; but for ours。 It needed
   that in that nature Christ should go to the grave; and rise again。 It
   needed that in that nature Christ should go up to heaven; to sit at the
   right hand of God; having obtained eternal redemption for all His
   people。 No other foundation could have met the necessities of lost;
   guilty; corrupt; weak; helpless sinners。

   That foundation; once obtained; is very strong。 It can bear the weight
   of the sins of all the world。 It has borne the weight of all the sins
   of all the believers who have built on it。 Sins of thought; sins of the
   imagination; sins of the heart; sins of the head; sins which everyone
   has seen; and sins which no man knows; sins against God; and sins
   against man; sins of all kinds and descriptionsthat mighty rock can
   bear the weight of all these sins; and not give way。 The mediatorial
   office of Christ is a remedy sufficient for all the sins of all the

   To this one foundation every member of Christ's true Church is joined。
   In many things believers are disunited and disagreed。 In the matter of
   their soul's foundation they are all of one mind。 Whether Episcopalians
   or Presbyterians; Baptists or Methodists; believers all meet at one
   point。 They are all built on the rock。 Ask where they get their peace;
   and hope; and joyful expectation of good things to e。 You will find
   that all flows from that one mighty source; Christ the Mediator between
   God and man; and the office that Christ holds; as the High Priest and
   Surety of sinners。

   Look to your foundation; if you would know whether or not you are a
   member of the one true Church。 It is a point that may be known to
   yourself。 Your public worship we can see; but we cannot see whether you
   are personally built upon the rock。 Your attendance at the Lord's table
   we can see; but we cannot see whether you are joined to Christ; and one
   with Christ; and Christ in you。 Take heed that you make no mistake
   about your own personal salvation。 See that your own soul is upon the
   rock。 Without this; all else is nothing。 Without this; you will never
   stand in the day of judgment。 Better a thousand times in that day to be
   found in a cottage 〃upon the rock;〃 than in a palace upon the sand!

   IV。 I proceed in the fourth place to speak of the Implied Trials of the
   Church; to which our text refers。 There is mention made of 〃the gates
   of hell。〃 By that expression we are meant to understand the power of
   the prince of hell; even the devil。 (pare Psalm ix。 13; cvii。 18;
   Isa。 xxxviii。 10。)

   The history of Christ's true Church has always been one of conflict and
   war。 It has been constantly assailed by a deadly enemy; Satan; the
   prince of this world。 The devil hates the true Church of Christ with an
   undying hatred。 He is ever stirring up opposition against all its
   members。 He is ever urging the children of this world to do his will;
   and to injure and harass the people of God。 If he cannot bruise the
   head; he will bruise the heel。 If he cannot rob the believers of
   heaven; he will vex them by the way。

   Warfare with the powers of hell has been the experience of the whole
   body of Christ for six thousand years。 It has always been a bush
   burning; though not consumeda woman fleeing into the wilderness; but
   not swallowed up。 (Exod。 iii。 2; Rev。 xii。 6; 16。) The visible Churches
   have their times of prosperity and seasons of peace; but never has
   there been a time of peace for the true Church。 Its conflict is
   perpetual。 Its battle never ends。

   Warfare with the powers of hell is the experience of every individual
   member of the true Church。 Each has to fight。 What are the lives of all
   the saints; but records of battles? What were such men as Paul; and
   James; and Peter; and John; and Polycarp; and Chrysostom; and
   Augustine; and Luther; and Calvin; and Latimer; and Baxter; but
   soldiers engaged in a constant warfare? Sometimes the persons of the
   saints have been assailed; and sometimes their property。 Sometimes they
   have been harassed by calumnies and slanders; and sometimes by open
   persecution。 But in one way or another the devil has been continually
   warring against the Church。 The 〃gates of hell〃 have been continually
   assaulting the people of Christ。

   We who preach the Gospel can hold out to all who e to Christ;
   〃exceeding great and precious promises。〃 (2 Pet。 i。 4。) We can offer
   boldly to you; in our Master's name; the peace of God which passeth all
   understanding。 Mercy; free grace; and full salvation; are offered to
   every one who will e to Christ; and believe on Him。 But we promise
   you no peace with the world; or with the devil。 We warn you; on the
   contrary; that there must be warfare so long as you are in the body。 We
   would not keep you back; or deter you from Christ's service。 But we
   would have you 〃count the cost;〃 and fully understand what Christ's
   service entails。 (Luke xiv。 28。)

   (a) Marvel not at the enmity of the gates of hell。 〃If ye were of the
   world; the world would love his own。〃 (John xv。 19。) So long as the
   world is the world; and the devil the devil; so long there must be
   warfare; and believers in Christ must be soldiers。 The world hated
   Christ; and the world will hate true Christians; as long as the earth
   stands。 As the great reformer; Luther; said; 〃Cain will go on murdering
   Abel so long as the Church is on earth。〃

   (b) Be prepared for the enmity of the gates of hell。 Put on the whole
   armour of God。 The tower of David contains a thousand bucklers; all
   ready for the use of God's people。 The weapons of our warfare have been
   tried by millions of poor sinners like ourselves; and have never been
   found to fail。

   (c) Be patient under the enmity of the gates of hell。 It is all working
   together for your good。 It tends to sanctify。 It will keep you awake。
   It will make you humble。 It will drive you nearer to the Lord Jesus
   Christ。 It will wean you from the world。 It will help to make you pray
   more。 Above all; it will make you long for heaven。 It will teach you to
   say with heart as well as lips; 〃e; Lord Jesus。 Thy kingdom e。〃

   (d) Be not cast down by the enmity of hell。 The warfare of the true
   child of God is as much a mark of grace as the inward peace which he
   enjoys。 No cross; no crown! No conflict; no saving Christianity!
   〃Blessed are ye;〃 said our Lord Jesus Christ; 〃when men shall revile
   you; and persecute you; and say all manner of evil against you falsely;
   for my sake。〃 If you are never persecuted for religion's sake; and all
   men speak well of you; you may well doubt whether you belong to 〃the
   Church on the rock。〃 (Matt。 v。 11; Luke vi。 26。)

   V。 There remains one thing more to be consideredthe Security of the
   true Church of Christ。 There is a g
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