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   learns to say with St。 Paul; 〃To me to live is Christ。〃 (Phil。 i。 21。)


   〃Upon this rock I will build my church; and the gates of hell shall not
   prevail against it。〃Matt。 xvi。 18。

   DO we belong to the Church which is built upon a rock? Are we members
   of the only Church in which our souls can be saved?These are serious
   questions。 They deserve serious consideration。 I ask the attention of
   all who read this paper; while I try to show the one true; holy;
   Catholic Church; and to guide men's feet into the only safe fold。 〃What
   is this Church? What is it like? What are its marks? Where is it to be
   found?〃 On all these points I have something to say。 I am going to
   unfold the words of our Lord Jesus Christ; which stand at the head of
   this page。 He declares; 〃Upon this rock I will build my Church; and the
   gates of hell shall not prevail against it。〃

   There are five things in these famous words which demand our

   I。 A Building: 〃My Church。〃

   II。 A Builder: Christ says; 〃I will build my Church。〃

   III。 A Foundation: 〃Upon this rock I will build my Church。〃

   IV。 Perils Implied: 〃The gates of hell。〃

   V。 Security Asserted: 〃The gates of hell shall not prevail against it。〃

   The whole subject demands special attention in the present day。
   Holiness; we must never forget; is the prominent characteristic of all
   who belong to the one true Church。

   I。 We have; firstly; a Building mentioned in the text。 The Lord Jesus
   Christ speaks of 〃my Church。〃

   Now what is this Church? Few inquiries can be made of more importance
   than this。 For want of due attention to this subject; the errors that
   have crept into the world are neither few nor small。

   The Church of our text is no material building。 It is no temple made
   with hands of wood; or brick; or stone; or marble。 It is a pany of
   men and women。It is no particular visible Church on earth。 It is not
   the Eastern Church or the Western Church。 It is not the Church of
   England or the Church of Scotland。Above all; it certainly is not the
   Church of Rome。 The Church of our text is one that makes far less show
   than any visible Church in the eyes of man; but is of far more
   importance in the eyes of God。

   The Church of our text is made up of all true believers in the Lord
   Jesus Christ; of all who are really holy and converted people。 It
   prehends all who have repented of sin; and fled to Christ by faith;
   and been made new creatures in Him。 It prises all God's elect; all
   who have received God's grace; all who have been washed in Christ's
   blood; all who have been clothed in Christ's righteousness; all who
   have been born again and sanctified by Christ's Spirit。 All such; of
   every name; and rank; and nation; and people; and tongue; pose the
   Church of our text。 This is the body of Christ。 This is the flock of
   Christ。 This is the bride。 This is the Lamb's wife。 This is 〃the holy
   Catholic and Apostolic Church〃 of the Apostles' Creed and the Nicene
   Creed。 This is 〃the blessed pany of all faithful people;〃 spoken of
   in the munion Service of the Church of England。 This is 〃THE CHURCH

   The members of this Church do not all worship God in the same way; or
   use the same form of government。 Some of them are governed by bishops
   and some of them by elders。 Some of them use a prayer…book when they
   meet for public worship and some of them use none。 The thirty…fourth
   Article of the Church of England most wisely declares; 〃It is not
   necessary that ceremonies should be in all places one and alike。〃 But
   the members of this Church all e to one throne of grace。 They all
   worship with one heart。 They are all led by one Spirit。 They are all
   really and truly holy。 They can all say 〃Alleluia;〃 and they can all
   reply; 〃Amen。〃

   This is that Church to which all visible churches on earth are servants
   and handmaidens。 Whether they are Episcopalian; Independent; or
   Presbyterian; they all serve the interests of the one true Church。 They
   are the scaffolding behind which the great building is carried on。 They
   are the husk under which the living kernel grows。 They have their
   various degrees of usefulness。 The best and worthiest of them is that
   which trains up most members for Christ's true Church。 But no visible
   church has any right to say; 〃We are the only True Church。 We are the
   men; and wisdom shall die with us。〃 No visible Church should ever dare
   to say; 〃We shall stand for ever。 The gates of hell shall not prevail
   against me。〃

   This is that Church to which belong the Lord's gracious promises of
   preservation; continuance; protection; and final glory。〃Whatsoever;〃
   says Hooker; 〃we read in Scripture concerning the endless love and
   saving mercy which God showeth towards His Churches; the only proper
   subject thereof is this Church; which we properly term the mystical
   body of Christ。〃Small and despised as the true Church may be in this
   world; it is precious and honourable in the sight of God。 The temple of
   Solomon in all its glory was mean and contemptible in parison with
   that Church which is built upon a rock。

   I trust the things I have just been saying will sink down into the
   minds of all who read this paper。 See that you hold sound doctrine upon
   the subject of 〃the Church。〃 A mistake here may lead on to dangerous
   and soul…ruining errors。 The Church which is made up of true believers
   is the Church for which we; who are ministers; are specially ordained
   to preach。 The Church which prises all who repent and believe the
   Gospel is the Church to which we desire you to belong。 Our work is not
   done; and our hearts are not satisfied until you are made a new
   creature; and are a member of the one true Church。 Outside of the
   Church which is 〃built on the rock〃 there can be NO SALVATION。

   II。 I pass on to the second point to which I propose to invite your
   attention。 Our text contains not merely a building; but a Builder。 The
   Lord Jesus Christ declares; 〃I will build my Church。〃

   The true Church of Christ is tenderly cared for by all the three
   Persons in the blessed Trinity。 In the plan of salvation revealed in
   the Bible; beyond doubt God the Father chooses; God the Son redeems;
   and God the Holy Ghost sanctifies every member of Christ's mystical
   body。 God the Father; God the Son; and God the Holy Ghost; three
   Persons and one God; co…operate for the salvation of every saved soul。
   This is truth; which ought never to be forgotten。 Nevertheless; there
   is a peculiar sense in which the help of the Church is laid on the Lord
   Jesus Christ。 He is peculiarly and pre…eminently the Redeemer and
   Saviour of the Church。 Therefore it is that we find Him saying in our
   text; 〃I will buildthe work of building is my special work。〃

   It is Christ who calls the members of the Church in due time。 They are
   〃the called of Jesus Christ
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