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   not。 They perceived not。 It was hid from their eyes。 Once Peter even
   tried to dissuade our Lord from suffering。 〃Be it far from Thee; Lord;〃
   he said; 〃this shall not be unto Thee。〃 (Matt。 xvi。 22; Luke xviii。 34;
   ix。 45。)

   Frequently you will see things in their spirit and demeanour which are
   not at all to be mended。 One day we are told they disputed among
   themselves who should be greatest。 (Mark ix。 34。) Another day they
   considered not His miracles and their hearts were hardened。 (Mark vi。
   52。) Once two of them wished to call down fire from heaven upon a
   village; because it did not receive them。 (Luke ix。 54。) In the garden
   of Gethsemane the three best of them slept when they should have
   watched and prayed。 In the hour of His betrayal they all forsook Him
   and fled; and worst of all; Peter; the most forward of the twelve;
   denied his Master three times with an oath。

   Even after the resurrection; you see the same unbelief and hardness of
   heart cling to them; though they saw their Lord with their eyes; and
   touched Him with their hands; even then some doubted。 So weak were they
   in faith! So slow of heart were they to 〃believe all that the prophets
   had spoken。〃 (Luke xxiv。 25。) So backward were they in understanding
   the meaning of our Lord's words; and actions; and life; and death。

   But what do you see in our Lord's behaviour towards these disciples all
   through His ministry? You see nothing but unchanging pity; passion;
   kindness; gentleness; patience; long…suffering; and love。 He does not
   cast them off for their stupidity。 He does not reject them for their
   unbelief。 He does not dismiss them for ever for cowardice。 He teaches
   them as they are able to bear。 He leads them on step by step; as a
   nurse does an infant when it first begins to walk。 He sends them kind
   messages as soon as He is risen from the dead。 〃Go;〃 He said to the
   women; 〃Go tell my brethren that they go into Galilee; and there they
   shall see Me。〃 (Matt。 xxviii。 10。) He gathers them round Himself once
   more。 He restores Peter to his place; and bids him 〃feed His sheep。〃
   (John xxi。 17。) He condescends to sojourn with them forty days before
   He finally ascends。 He missions them to go forth as His messengers;
   and preach the Gospel to the Gentiles。 He blesses them in parting; and
   encourages them with that gracious promise; 〃I am with you always; even
   unto the end of the world。〃 (Matt。 xxviii。 20。) Truly this was a love
   that passeth knowledge。 This is not the manner of man。

   Let all the world know that the Lord Christ is very pitiful; and of
   tender mercy。 He will not break the bruised reed; nor quench the
   smoking flax。 As a father pitieth his children; so He pitieth them that
   fear Him。 As one whom his mother forteth; so will He fort His
   people。 (James v。 11; Matt。 xii。 20; Ps。 ciii。 13; Isa。 lxvi。 13。) He
   cares for the lambs of His flock as well as for the old sheep。 He cares
   for the sick and feeble ones of His fold as well as for the strong。 It
   is written that He will carry them in His bosom; rather than let one of
   them be lost。 (Isaiah xl。 11。) He cares for the least members of His
   body; as well as for the greatest。 He cares for the babes of His family
   as well^as the grownup men。 He cares for the tenderest little plants in
   His garden as well as for the cedar of Lebanon。 All are in His book of
   life; and all are under His charge。 All are given to Him in an
   everlasting covenant; and He has undertaken; in spite of all
   weaknesses; to bring every one safe home。 Only let a sinner lay hold on
   Christ by faith and then; however feeble; Christ's word is pledged to
   him; 〃I will never leave thee nor forsake thee。〃 He may correct him
   occasionally in love。 He may gently reprove him at times。 But He will
   never; never give him up。 The devil shall never pluck him from Christ's

   Let all the world know that the Lord Jesus will not cast away His
   believing people because of shortings and infirmities。 The husband
   does not put away his wife because he finds failings in her。 The mother
   does not forsake her infant because it is weak; feeble and ignorant。
   And the Lord Christ does not cast off poor sinners who have mitted
   their souls into His hands because He sees in them blemishes and
   imperfections。 Oh; no! It is His glory to pass over the faults of His
   people; and heal their backslidingsto make much of their weak graces
   and to pardon their many faults。 The eleventh of Hebrews is a wonderful
   chapter。 It is marvellous to observe how the Holy Ghost speaks of the
   worthies whose names are recorded in that chapter。 The faith of the
   Lord's people is there brought forward and had in remembrance。 But the
   faults of many a one; which might easily have been brought up also; are
   left alone; and not mentioned at all。

   Who is there now among the readers of this paper that feels desires
   after salvation; but is afraid to bee decided; lest by…and…by he
   should fall away? Consider; I beseech you; the tenderness and patience
   of the Lord Jesus and be afraid no more。 Fear not to take up the cross
   and e out boldly from the world。 That same Lord and Saviour who bore
   with the disciples is ready and willing to bear with you。 If you
   stumble; He will raise you。 If you err; He will gently bring you back。
   If you faint; He will revive you。 He will not lead you out of Egypt;
   and then suffer you to perish in the wilderness。 He will conduct you
   safe into the promised land。 Only mit yourself to His guidance; and
   then; my soul for yours; He shall carry you safe home。 Only hear
   Christ's voice; and follow Him; and you shall never perish。

   Who is there among the readers of this paper that has been converted
   and desires to do his Lord's will? Take example; this day; by your
   Master's gentleness and long…suffering; and learn to be tender…hearted
   and kind to others。 Deal gently with young beginners。 Do not expect
   them to know everything and understand everything all at once。 Take
   them by the hand。 Lead them on and encourage them。 Believe all things;
   and hope all things; rather than make that heart sad which God would
   not have made sad。 Deal gently with backsliders。 Do not turn your back
   on them as if their case was hopeless。 Use every lawful means to
   restore them to their former place。 Consider yourself; and your often
   infirmities; and do as you would be done by。 Alas; there is a painful
   absence of the Master's mind among many of His disciples。 There are few
   churches; I fear; in the present day; which would have received Peter
   into munion again for many a long year; after denying His Lord。
   There are few believers ready to do the work of Barnabaswilling to
   take young converts by the hand; and encourage them at their first
   beginnings。 Verily we want an outpouring of the Spirit upon believers
   almost as much as upon the world。

   And now; I have only to ask my readers to make a practical use of the
   lessons I have brought before them。 Yo
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