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   Man no less than perfect God。 He in whom I am told by Scripture to
   trust is not only a great High Priest; but a feeling High Priest。 He is
   not only a powerful Saviour; but a sympathising Saviour; He is not only
   the Son of God; mighty to save; but the Son of man; able to feel。

   Who does not know that sympathy is one of the sweetest things left to
   us in this sinful world? It is one of the bright seasons in our dark
   journey here below; when we can find a person who enters into our
   troubles; and goes along with us in our anxietieswho can weep when we
   weep; and rejoice when we rejoice。

   Sympathy is far better than money; and far rarer too。 Thousands can
   give who know not what it is to feel。 Sympathy has the greatest power
   to draw us and to open our hearts。 Proper and correct counsel often
   falls dead and useless on a heavy heart。 Cold advice often makes us
   shut up; shrink; and withdraw into ourselves; when tendered in the day
   of trouble。 But genuine sympathy in such a day will call out all our
   better feelings; if we have any; and obtain an influence over us when
   nothing else can。 Give me the friend who; though poor in gold and
   silver; has always ready a sympathizing heart。

   Our God knows all this well。 He knows the very secrets of man's heart。
   He knows the ways by which that heart is most easily approached; and
   the springs by which that heart is most readily moved。 He has wisely
   provided that the Saviour of the Gospel should be feeling as well as
   mighty。 He has given us one who has not only a strong hand to pluck us
   as brands from the burning; but a sympathizing heart on which the
   labouring and heavy…laden may find rest。

   I see a marvellous proof of love and wisdom in the union of two natures
   in Christ's person。 It was marvellous love in our Saviour to condescend
   to go through weakness and humiliation for our sakes; ungodly rebels as
   we are。 It was marvellous wisdom to fit Himself in this way to be the
   very Friend of friends; who could not only save man; but meet him on
   his own ground。 I want one able to perform all things needful to redeem
   my soul。 This Jesus can do; for He is the eternal Son of God。 I want
   one able to understand my weakness and infirmities; and to deal gently
   with my soul; while tied to a body of death。 This again Jesus can do;
   for He was the Son of man; and had flesh and blood like my own。 Had my
   Saviour been God only; I might perhaps have trusted Him; but I never
   could have e near to Him without fear。 Had my Saviour been Man only;
   I might have loved Him; but I never could have felt sure that He was
   able to take away my sins。 But; blessed be God; my Saviour is God as
   well as Man; and Man as well as GodGod; and so able to deliver
   meMan; and so able to feel with me。 Almighty power and deepest
   sympathy are met together in one glorious person; Jesus Christ; my
   Lord。 Surely a believer in Christ has a strong consolation。 He may well
   trust; and not be afraid。

   If any reader of this paper knows what it is to go to the throne of
   grace for mercy and pardon; let him never forget that the Mediator by
   whom he draws near to God is the Man Christ Jesus。

   Your soul's business is in the hand of a High Priest who can be touched
   with the feeling of your infirmities。 You have not to do with a being
   of so high and glorious a nature that your mind can in no wise
   prehend Him。 You have to do with Jesus; who had a body like your own
   and was a Man upon earth like yourself。 He well knows that world
   through which you are struggling; for He dwelt in the midst of it
   thirty…three years。 He well knows 〃the contradictions of sinners;〃
   which so often discourages you; for He endured it Himself。 (Heb。 xii。
   3。) He well knows the art and cunning of your spiritual enemy; the
   devil; for He wrestled with him in the wilderness。 Surely; with such an
   advocate you may well feel bold。

   If you know what it is to apply to the Lord Jesus for spiritual fort
   in earthly troubles; you should well remember the days of His flesh;
   and His human nature。

   You are applying to One who knows your feelings by experience; and has
   drunk deep of the bitter cup; for He was 〃a Man of sorrows; and
   acquainted with grief。〃 (Isa。 liii。 3。) Jesus knows the heart of a
   manthe bodily pains of a manthe difficulties of a man; for he was a
   Man Himself; and had flesh and blood upon earth。 He sat wearied by the
   well at Sychar。 He wept over the grave of Lazarus at Bethany。 He sweat
   great drops of blood at Gethsemane。 He groaned with anguish at Calvary。

   He is no stranger to your sensations。 He is acquainted with everything
   that belongs to human nature; sin only excepted。

   (a) Are you poor and needy? So also was Jesus。 The foxes had holes; and
   the birds of the air had nests; but the Son of man had not where to lay
   His head。 He dwelt in a despised city。 Men used to say; 〃Can any good
   thing e out of Nazareth?〃 (John i。 46。) He was esteemed a
   carpenter's son。 He preached in a borrowed boat; rode into Jerusalem on
   a borrowed ass; and was buried in a borrowed tomb。

   (b) Are you alone in the world; and neglected by those who ought to
   love you? So also was Jesus。 He came unto His own; and they received
   Him not。 He came to be a Messiah to the lost sheep of the house of
   Israel; and they rejected Him。 The princes of this world would not
   acknowledge Him。 The few that followed Him were publicans and
   fishermen。 And even these at the last forsook Him; and were scattered
   every man to his own place。

   (c) Are you misunderstood; misrepresented; slandered; and persecuted?
   So also was Jesus。 He was called a glutton and a wine…bibber; a friend
   of publicans; a Samaritan; a madman; and a devil。 His character was
   belied。 False charges were laid against Him。 An unjust sentence was
   passed upon Him; and; though innocent; He was condemned as a
   malefactor; and as such died on the cross。

   (d) Does Satan tempt you; and offer horrid suggestions to your mind? So
   also did he tempt Jesus。 He bade Him to distrust God's fatherly
   providence。 〃mand these stones to be made bread。〃 He proposed to Him
   to tempt God by exposing Himself to unnecessary danger。 〃Cast Thyself
   down〃 from the pinnacle of the temple。 He suggested to Him to obtain
   the kingdoms of the world for His own; by one little act of submission
   to himself。 〃All these things will I give Thee; if Thou wilt fall down
   and worship me。〃 (Matt。 iv。 1…10。)

   (e) Do you ever feel great agony and conflict of mind? Do you feel in
   darkness as if God had left you? So did Jesus。 Who can tell the extent
   of the sufferings of mind He went through in the garden? Who can
   measure the depth of His soul's pain when He cried; 〃My God! my God!
   why hast Thou forsaken me?〃 (Matt。 xxvii。 46。)

   It is impossible to conceive a Saviour more suited to the wants of
   man's heart than our Lord Jesus Christsuited not only by His power;
   but by His sympathysuited not only by His divinity; 
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