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   relative is dead and gone; that 〃he made such a beautiful prayer one
   dayor that he talked so wellor that he was so sorry for his old
   ways and intended to live so differently if he got betteror that he
   craved nothing in this worldor that he liked people to read to him;
   and pray with him。〃 And because they have this to go upon; they seem to
   have a fortable hope that he is saved! Christ may never have been
   namedthe way of salvation may never have been in the least mentioned。
   But it matters not; there was a little talk of religion; and so they
   are content!

   Now I have no desire to hurt the feelings of anyone who reads this
   paper; but I must and will speak plainly upon this subject。

   Once for all; let me say; that as a general rule; nothing is so
   unsatisfactory as deathbed evidences。 The things that men say; and the
   feelings they express when sick and frightened; are little to be
   depended on。 Often; too often; they are the result of fear; and do not
   spring from the ground of the heart。 Often; too often; they are things
   said by rote; caught from the lips of ministers and anxious friends;
   but evidently not felt。 And nothing can prove all this more clearly
   than the well…known fact; that the great majority of persons who make
   promises of amendment on a sick bed; and then for the first time talk
   about religion; if they recover; go back to sin and the world。

   When a man has lived a life of thoughtlessness and folly; I want
   something more than a few fair words and good wishes to satisfy me
   about his soul; when he es to his deathbed。 It is not enough for me
   that he will let me read the Bible to him; and pray by his
   bedsidethat he says; 〃he has not thought so much as he ought of
   religion; and he thinks he should be a different man if he got better。〃
   All this does not content me: it does not make me feel happy about his
   state。 It is very well as far as it goes; but it is not conversion。 It
   is very well in its way; but it is not faith in Christ。 Until I see
   conversion; and faith in Christ; I cannot and dare not feel satisfied。
   Others may feel satisfied if they please; and after their friend's
   death say; they hope he is gone to heaven。 For my part; I would rather
   hold my tongue and say nothing。 I would be content with the least
   measure of repentance and faith in a dying man; even though it be no
   bigger than a grain of mustard seed。 But to be content with anything
   less than repentance and faith; seems to me next door to infidelity。

   What kind of evidence do you mean to leave behind as to the state of
   your soul? Take example by the penitent thief; and you will do well。

   When we have carried you to your narrow bed; let us not have to hunt up
   stray words; and scraps of religion; in order to make out that you were
   a true believer。 Let us not have to say in a hesitating way one to
   another; 〃I trust he is happy; he talked so nicely one day; and he
   seemed so pleased with a chapter in the Bible on another occasion; and
   he liked such a person; who is a good man。〃 Let us be able to speak
   decidedly as to your condition。 Let us have some solid proof of your
   repentance; your faith; and your holiness; so that none shall be able
   for a moment to question your state。 Depend on it; without this; those
   you leave behind can feel no solid fort about your soul。 We may use
   the form of religion at your burial; and express charitable hopes。 We
   may meet you at the churchyard gate and say; 〃Blessed are the dead that
   die in the Lord。〃 But this will not alter your condition! If you die
   without conversion to Godwithout repentance; and without faithyour
   funeral will only be the funeral of a lost soul; you had better never
   have been born。

   IV。 We are meant; in the next place; to learn from these verses; that
   believers in Christ when they die are with the Lord。

   This you may gather from our Lord's words to the penitent thief: 〃This
   day shalt thou be with Me in paradise。〃 And you have an expression very
   like it in the Epistle to the Philippians; where Paul says he has a
   desire to 〃depart and be with Christ。〃 (Phil。 i。 23。)

   I shall say but little on this subject。 I would simply lay it before
   you; for your own private meditations。 To my own mind it is very full
   of fort and peace。

   Believers after death are 〃with Christ。〃 That answers many a difficult
   question; which otherwise might puzzle man's busy; restless mind。 The
   abode of dead saints; their joys; their feelings; their happiness; all
   seem met by this simple expressionthey are 〃with Christ。〃

   I cannot enter into full explanations about the separate state of
   departed believers。 It is a high and deep subject; such as man's mind
   can neither grasp nor fathom。 I know their happiness falls short of
   what it will be when their bodies are raised again; in the resurrection
   at the last day; and Jesus returns to earth。 Yet I know also they enjoy
   a blessed rest; a rest from laboura rest from sorrowa rest from
   painand a rest from sin。 But it does not follow because I cannot
   explain these things; that I am not persuaded they are far happier than
   they ever were on earth。 I see their happiness in this very passage;
   〃They are with Christ;〃 and when I see that; I see enough。

   If the sheep are with the Shepherdif the members are with the
   Headif the children of Christ's family are with Him who loved them
   and carried them all the days of their pilgrimage on earth; all must be
   well; all must be right。

   I cannot describe what kind of place paradise is; because I cannot
   understand the condition of a soul separate from the body。 But I ask no
   brighter view of paradise than thisthat Christ is there。 '45' All
   other things in the picture which imagination draws of the state
   between death and resurrection; are nothing in parison of this。 How
   He is there; and in what way He is there; I know not。 Let me only see
   Christ in paradise when my eyes close in death; and that sufficeth me。
   Well does the Psalmist say; 〃In Thy presence is fulness of joy。〃 (Psa。
   xvi。 11。) It was a true saying of a dying girl; when her mother tried
   to fort her by describing what paradise would be。 〃There;〃 she said
   to the child; 〃there you will have no pains; and no sickness; there you
   will see your brothers and sisters who have gone before you; and will
   be always happy。〃 〃Ah; mother!〃 was the reply; 〃but there is one thing
   better than all; and that is; Christ will be there。〃

   It may be you do not think much about your soul。 It may be you know
   little of Christ as your Saviour; and have never tasted by experience
   that He is precious。 And yet perhaps you hope to go to paradise when
   you die。 Surely this passage is one that should make you think。
   Paradise is a place where Christ is。 Then can it be a place that you
   would enjoy??

   It may be you are a believer; and yet tremble at the thought of the
   grave。 It seems cold and dreary。 You feel as if all before you was dark
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