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   His best things are so interwoven and intermingled with corruption;
   that the contrast only brings out into sharper relief the truth and
   extent of the fall。 That one and the same creature should be in some
   things so high and in others so lowso great and yet so littleso
   noble and yet so meanso grand in his conception and execution of
   material things; and yet so grovelling and debased in his
   affectionsthat he should be able to plan and erect buildings like
   those to Carnac and Luxor in Egypt; and the Parthenon at Athens; and
   yet worship vile gods and goddesses; and birds; and beasts; and
   creeping thingsthat he should be able to produce tragedies like those
   of 苨chylus and Sophocles; and histories like that of Thucydides; and
   yet be a slave to abominable vices like those described in the first
   chapter of the Epistle to the Romansall this is a sore puzzle to
   those who sneer at 〃God's Word written;〃 and scoff at us as
   Bibliolaters。 But it is a knot that we can untie with the Bible in our
   hands。 We can acknowledge that man has all the marks of a majestic
   temple about hima temple in which God once dwelt; but a temple which
   is now in utter ruinsa temple in which a shattered window here; and a
   doorway there; and a column there; still give some faint idea of the
   magnificence of the original design; but a temple which from end to end
   has lost its glory and fallen from its high estate。 And we say that
   nothing solves the plicated problem of man's condition but the
   doctrine of original or birth…sin and the crushing effects of the fall。

   Let us remember; besides this; that every part of the world bears
   testimony to the fact that sin is the universal disease of all mankind。
   Search the globe from east to west and from pole to polesearch every
   nation of every clime in the four quarters of the earthsearch every
   rank and class in our own country from the highest to the lowestand
   under every circumstance and condition; the report will be always the
   same。 The remotest islands in the Pacific Ocean; pletely separate
   from Europe; Asia; Africa; and America; beyond the reach alike of
   Oriental luxury and Western arts and literatureislands inhabited by
   people ignorant of books; money; steam; and gunpowderuncontaminated
   by the vices of modern civilizationthese very islands have always
   been found; when first discovered; the abode of the vilest forms of
   lust; cruelty; deceit; and superstition。 If the inhabitants have known
   nothing else; they have always known how to sin! Everywhere the human
   heart is naturally 〃deceitful above all things; and desperately
   wicked。〃 (Jer。 xvii。 9。) For my part; I know no stronger proof of the
   inspiration of Genesis and' the Mosaic account of the origin of man;
   than the power; extent; and universality of sin。 Grant that mankind
   have all sprung from one pair; and that this pair fell (as Gen。 iii。
   tells us); and the state of human nature everywhere is easily accounted
   for。 Deny it; as many do; and you are at once involved in inexplicable
   difficulties。 In a word; the uniformity and universality of human
   corruption supply one of the most unanswerable instances of the
   enormous 〃difficulties of infidelity。〃

   After all; I am convinced that the greatest proof of the extent and
   power of sin is the pertinacity with which it cleaves to man even after
   he is converted and has bee the subject of the Holy Ghost's
   operations。 To use the language of the Ninth Article; 〃this infection
   of nature doth remainyea; even in them that are regenerate。〃 So
   deeply planted are the roots of human corruption; that even after we
   are born again; renewed; 〃washed; sanctified; justified;〃 and made
   living members of Christ; these roots remain alive in the bottom of our
   hearts; and; like the leprosy in the walls of the house; we never get
   rid of them until the earthly house of this tabernacle is dissolved。
   Sin; no doubt; in the believer's heart; has no longer dominion。 It is
   checked; controlled; mortified; and crucified by the expulsive power of
   the new principle of grace。 The life of a believer is a life of
   victory; and not of failure。 But the very struggles which go on within
   his bosom; the fight that he finds it needful to fight daily; the
   watchful jealousy which he is obliged to exercise over his inner man;
   the contest between the flesh and the spirit; the inward 〃groanings〃
   which no one knows but he who has experienced themall; all testify to
   the same great truth; all show the enormous power and vitality of sin。
   Mighty indeed must that foe be who even when crucified is still alive!
   Happy is that believer who understands it; and while he rejoices in
   Christ Jesus has no confidence in the flesh; and while he says; 〃Thanks
   be unto God who giveth us the victory;〃 never forgets to watch and pray
   lest he fall into temptation!

   (4) Concerning the guilt; vileness; and offensivenesS of sin in the
   sight of God; my words shall be few。 I say 〃few〃 advisedly。 I do not
   think; in the nature of things; that mortal man can at all realize the
   exceeding sinfulness of sin in the sight of that holy and perfect One
   with whom we have to do。 On the one hand; God is that eternal Being who
   〃chargeth His angels with folly;〃 and in whose sight the very 〃heavens
   are not clean。〃 He is One who reads thoughts and motives as well as
   actions; and requires 〃truth in the inward parts。〃 (Job xv。 18; xv。 15;
   Psa。 li。 6。) We; on the other handpoor blind creatures; here to…day
   and gone tomorrow; born in sin; surrounded by sinners; living in a
   constant atmosphere of weakness; infirmity; and imperfectioncan form
   none but the most inadequate conceptions of the hideousness of evil。 We
   have no line to fathom it; and no measure by which to gauge it。 The
   blind man can see no difference between a masterpiece of Titian or
   Raphael; and the Queen's Head on a village signboard。 The deaf man
   cannot distinguish between a penny whistle and a cathedral organ。 The
   very animals whose smell is most offensive to us have no idea that they
   are offensive; and are not offensive to one another。 And man; fallen
   man; I believe; can have no just idea what a vile thing sin is in the
   sight of that God whose handiwork is absolutely perfectperfect
   whether we look through telescope or microscopeperfect in the
   formation of a mighty planet like Jupiter; with his satellites; keeping
   time to a second as he rolls round the sunperfect in the formation of
   the smallest insect that crawls over a foot of ground。 But let us
   nevertheless settle it firmly in our minds that sin is 〃the abominable
   thing that God hateth〃that God 〃is of purer eyes than to behold
   iniquity; and cannot look upon that which is evil〃that the least
   transgression of God's law makes us 〃guilty of all〃that 〃the soul
   that sinneth shall die〃that 〃the wages of sin is death〃that God
   shall 〃judge the secrets of men〃that there is a worm that never dies;
   and a fire that is not quenched
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