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   behave like strangers and pilgrimsto be distinct from the world in
   employment of time; in conversation; in amusements; in dressto bear a
   faithful witness for Christ in all placesto leave a savour of our
   Master in every societyto be prayerful; humble; unselfish;
   good…tempered; quiet; easily pleased; charitable; patient; meekto be
   jealously afraid of all manner of sin; and tremblingly alive to our
   danger from the worldthese; these are still rare things! They are not
   mon among those who are called true Christians; and; worst of all;
   the absence of them is not felt and bewailed as it should be。

   In a day like this I venture to offer counsel to every believing reader
   of this paper。 Do not turn away from it。 Do not be angry with me for
   plain speaking。 I bid you 〃give diligence to make your calling and
   election sure;〃 (2 Peter i。 10。) I bid you not to be slothfulnot to
   be careless; not to be content with a small measure of gracenot be
   satisfied with being a little better than the world。 I solemnly warn
   you not to attempt doing what never can be doneI mean; to serve
   Christ and yet keep in with the world。 I call upon you; and beseech you
   to be a whole…hearted Christian; to follow after eminent holiness; to
   aim at a high degree of sanctification; to live a consecrated life; to
   present your body a 〃living sacrifice〃 unto God; to 〃walk in the
   spirit。〃 (Rom。 xii。 1; Gal。 v。 25。) I charge you; and exhort youby
   all your hopes of heaven and desires of glory; if you would be happy;
   if you would be usefuldo not be a lingering soul。

   Would you know what the times demand?The shaking of nationsthe
   uprooting of ancient thingsthe overturning of kingdomsthe stir and
   restlessness of men's mindswhat do they say? They all cry
   aloudChristian! do not linger!

   Would you be found ready for Christ at His second appearingyour loins
   girdedyour lamp burningyourself bold; and prepared to meet Him?
   Then do not linger!

   Would you enjoy much sensible fort in your religionfeel the
   witness of the Spirit within youknow whom you have believedand not
   be a gloomy; plaining; sour; downcast; and melancholy Christian?
   Then do not linger!

   Would you enjoy strong assurance of your own salvation; in the day of
   sickness; and on the bed of death?Would you see with the eye of faith
   heaven opening and Jesus rising to receive you? Then do not linger!

   Would you leave great broad evidences behind you when you are
   gone?Would you like us to lay you in the grave with fortable hope;
   and talk of your state after death without a doubt? Then do not linger!

   Would you be useful to the world in your day and generation?Would you
   draw men from sin to Christ; adorn your doctrine; and make your
   Master's cause beautiful and attractive in their eyes? Then do not

   Would you help your children and relatives towards heaven; and make
   them say; 〃We will go with you〃?and not make them infidels and
   despisers of all religion? Then do not linger!

   Would you have a great crown in the day of Christ's appearing; and not
   be the least and smallest star in glory; and not find yourself the last
   and lowest in the kingdom of God? Then do not linger!

   Oh; let not one of us linger! Time does notdeath does notjudgment
   does notthe devil does notthe world does not。 Neither let the
   children of God linger。

   Does any reader of this paper feel that he is a lingerer? Has your
   heart felt heavy; and your conscience sore; while you have been reading
   these pages? Does something within you whisper; 〃I am the man〃? Then
   listen to what I am saying。It is not well with your soul。 Awake; and
   try to do better。

   If you are a lingerer; you must go to Christ at once and be cured。You
   must use the old remedy; you must bathe in the old fountain。 You must
   turn again to Christ and be healed。 The way to do a thing is to do it。
   Do this at once!

   Think not for a moment your case is past recovery。 Think not; because
   you have been long living in a dry; sleepy; and heavy state of soul;
   that there is no hope of revival。 Is not the Lord Jesus Christ an
   appointed Physician for all spiritual ailments? Did He not cure every
   form of disease when He was upon earth? Did He not cast out every kind
   of devil? Did He not raise poor backsliding Peter; and put a new song
   in his mouth? Oh; doubt not; but earnestly believe that He will yet
   revive His work within you! Only return from lingering; and confess
   your folly; and ee at once to Christ。 Blessed are the words of
   the prophet: 〃Only acknowledge thine iniquity。〃〃Return; ye
   backsliding children; and I will heal your backsliding。〃 (Jerem。 iii。
   13; 22。)

   And let us all remember the souls of others; as well as our own。 If at
   any time we see any brother or sister lingering; let us try to awaken
   themtry to arouse themtry to stir them up。 Let us all 〃exhort one
   another〃 as we have opportunity。 〃Let us provoke unto love and good
   works。〃 (Heb。 iii。 13; x。 24。) Let us not be afraid to say to each
   other; 〃Brother; or sister; have you forgotten Lot? Awake! and remember
   Lot!Awake; and linger no more。〃


   〃Remember Lot's Wife。〃Luke xvii。 32。

   THERE are few warnings in Scripture more solemn than that which heads
   this page。 The Lord Jesus Christ says to us; 〃Remember Lot's wife。〃

   Lot's wife was a professor of religion: her husband was a 〃righteous
   man。〃 (2 Peter ii。 8。) She left Sodom with him on the day when Sodom
   was destroyed; she looked back towards the city from behind her
   husband; against God's express mand; she was struck dead at once;
   and turned into a pillar of salt。 And the Lord Jesus Christ holds her
   up as a beacon to His Church: He says; 〃Remember Lot's wife。〃

   It is a solemn warning; when we think of the person Jesus names。 He
   does not bid us remember Abraham; or Isaac; or Jacob; or Sarah; or
   Hannah; or Ruth。 No: He singles out one whose soul was lost for ever。
   He cries to us; 〃Remember Lot's wife。〃

   It is a solemn warning; when we consider the subject Jesus is upon。 He
   is speaking of His own second ing to judge the world: He is
   describing the awful state of unreadiness in which many will be found。
   The last days are on His mind; when He says; 〃Remember Lot's wife。〃

   It is a solemn warning; when we think of the person who gives it。 The
   Lord Jesus is full of love; mercy; and passion: He is one who will
   not break the bruised reed nor quench the smoking flax。 He could weep
   over unbelieving Jerusalem; and pray for the men that crucified Him;
   yet even He thinks it good to remind us of lost souls。 Even He says;
   〃Remember Lot's wife。〃

   It is a solemn warning; when we think of the persons to whom it was
   first given。 The Lord Jesus was speaking to His disciples: He was not
   addressing the scribes and Pharisees; who hated Him; but Peter; James;
   and John; and many others who lov
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