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   beware of needless mingling with worldly people。 Beware of Lot's
   choice! If you would not settle down into a dry; dull; sleepy; lazy;
   barren; heavy; carnal; stupid; torpid state of soul; beware of Lot's

   (a) Remember this in choosing a dwelling…place; or residence。 It is not
   enough that the house is fortablethe situation goodthe air
   finethe neighbourhood pleasantthe rent or price smallthe living
   cheap。 There are other things yet to be considered。 You must think of
   your immortal soul。 Will the house you think of help you towards heaven
   or hell?Is the Gospel preached within an easy distance?Is Christ
   crucified within reach of your door?Is there a real man of God near;
   who will watch over your soul? I charge you; if you love life; not to
   overlook this。 Beware of Lot's choice。

   (b) Remember this in choosing a calling; a place; or profession in
   life。 It is not enough that the salary is highthe wages goodthe
   work lightthe advantages numerousthe prospects of getting on most
   favourable。 Think of your soul; your immortal soul。 Will it be
   prospered or drawn back? Will you have your Sundays free; and be able
   to have one day in the week for your spiritual business? I beseech you;
   by the mercies of God; to take heed what you do。 Make no rash decision。
   Look at the place in every lightthe light of God as well as the light
   of the world。 Gold may be bought too dear。 Beware of Lot's choice。

   (c) Remember this in choosing a husband or wife; if you are unmarried。
   It is not enough that your eye is pleasedthat your tastes are
   metthat your mind find congenialitythat there is amiability and
   affectionthat there is a fortable home for life。There needs
   something more than this。 There is a life yet to e。 Think of your
   soul; your immortal soul。 Will it be helped upwards or dragged
   downwards by the union you are planning?Will it be made more
   heavenly; or more earthlydrawn nearer to Christ; or to the
   world?Will its religion grow in vigour; or will it decay?I pray
   you; by all your hopes of glory; allow this to enter into your
   calculations。 〃Think;〃 as old Baxter said; and 〃think; and think
   again;〃 before you mit yourself。 〃Be not unequally yoked。〃 (2 Cor。
   vi。 14。) Matrimony is nowhere named among the means of conversion。
   Remember Lot's choice。

   (d) Remember this; if you are ever offered a situation on a
   railway。It is not enough to have good pay and regular employmentthe
   confidence of the directors; and the best chance of rising to a higher
   post。 These things are very well in their way; but they are not
   everything。 How will your soul fare if you serve a railway pany that
   runs Sunday trains? What day in the week will you have for God and
   eternity? What opportunities will you have for hearing the Gospel
   preached? I solemnly warn you to consider this。 It will profit you
   nothing to fill your purse; if you bring leanness and poverty on your
   soul。 Beware of selling your Sabbath for the sake of a good place!
   Remember Esau's mess of pottage。 Beware of Lot's choice!

   Some reader may perhaps think; 〃A believer need not fear; he is a sheep
   of Christ; he will never perish; he cannot e to much harm。 It cannot
   be that such small matters can be of great importance。〃

   Well; you may think so。 But I warn you; if you neglect these matters;
   your soul will never prosper。 A true believer will certainly not be
   cast away; although he may linger。 But if he does linger; it is vain to
   suppose that his religion will thrive。 Grace is a tender plant。 Unless
   you cherish it and nurse it well; it will soon bee sickly in this
   evil world。 It may droop; though it cannot die。 The brightest gold will
   soon bee dim when exposed to a damp atmosphere。 The hottest iron
   will soon bee cold。 It requires pains and toil to bring it to a red
   heat: it requires nothing but letting alone; or a little cold water to
   bee black and hard。

   You may be an earnest; zealous Christian now。 You may feel like David
   in his prosperity: 〃I shall never be moved。〃 (Psalm xxx。 6。) But be not
   deceived。 You have only got to walk in Lot's steps and make Lot's
   choice; and you will soon e to Lot's state of soul。 Allow yourself
   to do as he did; presume to act as he acted; and be very sure you will
   soon discover you have bee a wretched 〃lingerer〃 like him。 You will
   find; like Samson; the presence of the Lord is no longer with you。 You
   will prove; to your own shame; an undecided; hesitating man; in the day
   of trial。 There will e a canker on your religion; and eat out its
   vitality without your knowing it。 There will e a slow consumption on
   your spiritual strength; and waste it away insensibly。 And at length
   you will wake up to find your hands hardly able to do the Lord's work;
   and your feet hardly able to carry you along the Lord's way; and your
   faith no bigger than a grain of mustard seed; and this; perhaps; at
   some turning point in your life; at a time when the enemy is ing in
   like a flood; and your need is the sorest。

   Ah; if you would not bee a lingerer in religion; consider these
   things! Beware of doing what Lot did!

   IV。 Let us inquire now what kind of fruit Lot's lingering spirit bore
   at last。

   I would not pass over this point for many reasons; and especially in
   the present day。 There are not a few who will feel disposed to say;
   〃After all; Lot was saved: he was justifiedhe got to heaven。 I want
   no more。 If I do but get to heaven; I shall be content。〃 If this be the
   thought of your heart; just stay a moment; and listen to me a little
   longer。 I will show you one or two things in Lot's history which
   deserve attention; and may perhaps induce you to alter your mind。

   I think it of first importance to dwell upon this subject。 I always
   will contend that eminent holiness and eminent usefulness are most
   closely connectedthat happiness and 〃following the Lord fully〃 go
   side by sideand that if believers will linger; they must not expect
   to be useful in their day and generation; or to be very saintly and
   Christlike; or to enjoy great fort and peace in believing;

   (a) Let us mark; then; for one thing; that Lot did no good among the
   inhabitants of Sodom。

   Lot probably lived in Sodom many years。 No doubt he had many precious
   opportunities for speaking of the things of God; and trying to turn
   away souls from sin。 But Lot seems to have effected just nothing at
   all。 He appears to have had no weight or influence with the people who
   lived around him。 He possessed none of that respect and reverence which
   even the men of the world will frequently concede to a bright servant
   of God。

   Not one righteous person could be found in all Sodom; outside the walls
   of Lot's home。 Not one of his neighbours believed his testimony。 Not
   one of his acquaintances honoured the Lord whom he worshipped。 Not one
   of his servants served his master's God。 Not one of 〃all the people
   from every quarter〃 cared a jot for his opinion when he t
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