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   sacrament: another day they go to the race…course in the morning and
   the opera at night。 One day they are almost in hysterics under the
   sermon of some sensational preacher: another day they are weeping over
   some novel。 They are constantly labouring to persuade themselves that
   to mix a little with worldly people on their own ground does good。 Yet
   in their case it is very clear they do no good; and only get harm。

   These are they who cannot find it in their hearts to quarrel with their
   besetting sin; whether it be sloth; indolence; ill…temper; pride;
   selfishness; impatience; or what it may。 They allow it to remain a
   tolerably quiet and undisturbed tenant of their hearts。 They say; 〃it
   is their health; or their constitutions; or their temperaments; or
   their trials; or their way。 Their father; or mother; or grandmother;
   was so before themselves; and they are sure they cannot help it。〃 And
   when you meet after the absence of a year or so; you hear the same

   But all; all; all may be summed up in one single sentence。 They are the
   brethren and sisters of Lot。 They linger。

   Ah; if you are a lingering soul; you are not happy! You know you are
   not。 It would be strange indeed if you were so。 Lingering is the sure
   destruction of a happy Christianity。 A lingerer's conscience forbids
   him to enjoy inward peace。

   Perhaps at one time you did run well。 But you have left your first
   loveyou have never felt the same fort since; and you never will
   till you return to your 〃first works。〃 (Rev。 ii。 5。) Like Peter; when
   the Lord Jesus was taken prisoner; you are following the Lord afar off;
   and; like him; you will find the way not pleasant; but hard。

   e and look at Lot。 e and mark Lot's history。 e and consider
   Lot's 〃lingering;〃 and be wise。

   III。 Let us next consider the reasons that may account for Lot's

   This is a question of great importance; and I ask most serious
   attention to it。 To know the root of a disease is one step towards a
   remedy。 He that is forewarned is forearmed。

   Who is there among the readers of this paper that feels secure; and has
   no fear of lingering? e and listen while I tell you a few passages
   of Lot's history。 Do as he did; and it will be a miracle indeed if you
   do not get into the same state of soul at last。

   One thing then I observe in Lot is thishe made a wrong choice in
   early life。

   There was a time when Abraham and Lot lived together。 They both became
   rich; and could live together no longer。 Abraham; the elder of the two;
   in the true spirit of humility and courtesy; gave Lot the choice of the
   country; when they resolved to part pany: 〃If thou;〃 he said; 〃wilt
   take the left hand; then I will go to the right; or if thou depart to
   the right hand; then I will go to the left。〃 (Gen。 xiii。 9。)

   And what did Lot do?We are told he saw that the plains of Jordan;
   near Sodom; were rich; fertile; and well watered。 It was a good land
   for cattle; and full of pastures。 He had large flocks and herds; and it
   just suited his requirements。 And this was the land he chose for a
   residence; simply because it was a rich; 〃well watered land。〃 (Gen。
   xiii。 10。)

   It was near the town of Sodom! He cared not for that。The men of
   Sodom; who would be his neighbours; were wicked! It mattered not。They
   were sinners before God exceedingly! It made no difference to him。The
   pasture was rich。 The land was good。 He wanted such a country for his
   flocks and herds。 And before that argument all scruples and doubts; if
   indeed he had any; at once went down。

   He chose by sight; and not by faith。 He asked no counsel of God; to
   preserve him from mistakes。 He looked to the things of time; and not of
   eternity。 He thought of his worldly profit; and not of his soul。 He
   considered only what would help him in this life。 He forgot the solemn
   business of the life to e。 This was a bad beginning。

   But I observe also that Lot mixed with sinners when there was no
   occasion for his doing so。

   We are first told that he 〃pitched his tent toward Sodom。〃 (Gen。 xiii。
   12。) This; as I have already shown; was a great mistake。

   But the next time he is mentioned; we find him actually living in Sodom
   itself。 The Spirit says expressly; 〃He dwelt in Sodom。〃 (Gen。 xiv。 12。)
   His tents were left。 The country was forsaken。 He occupied a house in
   the very streets of that wicked town。

   We are not told the reason of this change。 We are not aware that any
   occasion could have arisen for it。 We are sure there could have been no
   mand of God。 Perhaps his wife liked the town better than the
   country; for the sake of society。 It is plain she had no grace herself。
   Perhaps she persuaded Lot it was needful for the advantage of his
   daughters; that they might marry; and get settled in life。 Perhaps the
   daughters urged living in the town for the sake of gay pany: they
   were evidently light…minded young women。 Perhaps Lot liked it himself;
   in order to make more of his flocks and herds。 Men never want reasons
   to confirm their wills。 But one thing is very clearLot dwelt in the
   midst of Sodom without good cause。

   When a child of God does these two things which I have named; we never
   need be surprised if we hear; by and by; unfavourable accounts about
   his soul。 We never need wonder if he bees deaf to the warning voice
   of affliction; as Lot was (Gen。 xiv。 12); and turns out a lingerer in
   the day of trial and danger; as Lot did。

   Make a wrong choice in lifean unscriptural choiceand settle
   yourself down unnecessarily in the midst of worldly people; and I know
   no surer way to damage your own spirituality; and to go backward about
   your eternal concerns。 This is the way to make the pulse of your soul
   beat feebly and languidly。 This is the way to make the edge of your
   feeling about sin bee blunt and dull。 This is the way to dim the
   eyes of your spiritual discernment; till you can scarcely distinguish
   good from evil; and stumble as you walk。 This is the way to bring a
   moral palsy on your feet and limbs; and make you go tottering and
   trembling along the road to Zion; as if the grasshopper was a burden。
   This is the way to sell the pass to your worst enemyto give the devil
   vantage…ground in the battleto tie your arms in fightingto fetter
   your legs in runningto dry up the sources of your strengthto
   cripple your energiesto cut off your own hair; like Samson; and give
   yourself into the hands of the Philistines; to put out your own eyes;
   grind at the mill; and bee a slave。

   I call on every reader of this paper to mark well what I am saying。
   Settle these things down in your mind。 Do not forget them。 Recollect
   them in the morning。 Recall them to memory at night。 Let them sink down
   deeply into your heart。 If ever you would be safe from 〃lingering;〃
   beware of needless mingling with worldly people。 Beware of Lot's
   choice! If you would not settle down into a dry; dull; sleepy; lazy;
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