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   you may turn its fingers round; but it will not go。 A religion that is
   to stand must have a living foundation; and there is none other but

   There must be a real heartfelt belief that God's promises are sure and
   to be depended on; a real belief that what God says in the Bible is all
   true; and that every doctrine contrary to this is false; whatever
   anyone may say。 There must be a real belief that all God's words are to
   be received; however hard and disagreeable to flesh and blood; and that
   His way is right and all others wrong。 This there must be; or you will
   never e out from the world; take up the cross; follow Christ; and be

   You must learn to believe promises better than possessions; things
   unseen better than things seen; things in heaven out of sight better
   than things on earth before your eyes; the praise of the invisible God
   better than the praise of visible man。 Then; and then only; you will
   make a choice like Moses; and prefer God to the world。

   Now I ask every reader of this paper; have you got this faith? If you
   have; you will find it possible to refuse seeming good; and choose
   seeming evil。You will think nothing of to…day's losses; in the hope
   of to…morrow's gains。You will follow Christ in the dark; and stand by
   Him to the very last。 If you have not; I warn you; you will never war a
   good warfare; and 〃so run as to obtain。〃You will soon be offended and
   turn back to the world。

   Above all this there must be a real abiding faith in the Lord Jesus
   Christ。 The life that you live in the flesh you must live by faith of
   the Son of God。 There must be a settled habit of continually leaning on
   Jesus; looking unto Jesus; drawing out of Jesus; and using Him as the
   manna of your soul。 You must strive to be able to say; 〃To me to live
   is Christ。〃 〃I can do all things through Christ which strengthened me。〃
   (Philip。 i。 21; iv。 13。)

   This was the faith by which the old saints obtained a good report。 This
   was the weapon by which they overcame the world。 This made them what
   they were。

   This was the faith that made Noah go on building Ms ark; while the
   world looked on and mockedand Abraham give the choice of the land to
   Lot; and dwell on quietly in tentsand Ruth cleave to Naomi; and turn
   away from her country and her godsand Daniel continue in prayer;
   though he knew the lions' den was preparedand the three children
   refuse to worship idols; though the fiery furnace was before their
   eyesand Moses forsake Egypt; not fearing the wrath of Pharaoh。 All
   these acted as they did because they believed。 They saw the
   difficulties and troubles of this course。 But they saw Jesus by faith
   above them all; and they pressed on。 Well may the Apostle Peter speak
   of faith as 〃precious faith。〃 (2 Peter i。 1。)

   (3) The third thing I say is thisthe true reason why so many are
   worldly and ungodly persons is that they have no faith。

   We must be aware that multitudes of professing Christians would never
   think for a moment of doing as Moses did。 It is useless to speak smooth
   things; and shut your eyes to the fact。 That man must be blind who does
   not see thousands around him who are daily preferring the world to
   Godplacing the things of time before the things of eternity; and the
   things of the body before the things of the soul。 We may not like to
   admit this; and we try hard to blink the fact。 But so it is。

   And why do they do so? No doubt they will all give us reasons and
   excuses。 Some will talk of the snares of the worldsome of the want of
   timesome of the peculiar difficulties of their positionsome of the
   cares and anxieties of life; some of the strength of temptationsome
   of the power of passionssome of the effects of bad panions。 But
   what does it e to after all? There is a far shorter way to account
   for the state of their soulsthey do not believe。 One simple sentence;
   like Aaron's rod; will swallow up all their excusesthey have no

   They do not really think what God says is true。 They secretly flatter
   themselves with the notion; 〃It will surely not be fulfilledthere
   must surely be some other way to heaven beside that which ministers
   speak ofthere cannot surely be so much danger of being lost。〃 In
   short; they do not put implicit confidence in the words that God has
   written and spoken; and so do not act upon them。 They do not thoroughly
   believe hell; and so do not flee from itnor heaven; and so do not
   seek itnor the guilt of sin; and so do not turn from itnor the
   holiness of God; and so do not fear Himnor their need of Christ; and
   so do not trust in Him; nor love Him。 They do not feel confidence in
   God; and so venture nothing for Him。 Like the boy Passion; in Pilgrim's
   Progress; they must have their good things now。 They do not trust God;
   and so they cannot wait。

   Now how is it with ourselves? Do we believe all the Bible? Let us ask
   ourselves that question。 Depend on it; it is a much greater thing to
   believe all the Bible than many suppose。 Happy is the man who can lay
   his hand on his heart and say; 〃I am a believer。〃

   We talk of infidels sometimes as if they were the rarest people in the
   world。 And I grant that open avowed infidelity is happily not very
   mon now。 But there is a vast amount of practical infidelity around
   us; for all that; which is as dangerous in the end as the principles of
   Voltaire and Paine。 There are many who Sunday after Sunday repeat the
   creed; and make a point of declaring their belief in all that the
   Apostolic and Nicene forms contain。 And yet these very persons will
   live all the week as if Christ had never died; and as if there were no
   judgment; and no resurrection of the dead; and no life everlasting at
   all。 There are many who will say; 〃Oh; we know it all;〃 when spoken to
   about eternal things and the value of their souls。 And yet their lives
   show plainly they know not anything as they ought to know; and the
   saddest part of their state is that they think they do!

   It is an awful truth; and worthy of all consideration; that knowledge
   not acted upon; in God's sight; is not merely useless and unprofitable。
   It is much worse than that。 It will add to our condemnation and
   increase our guilt in the judgment day。 A faith that does not influence
   a man's practice is not worthy of the name。 There are only two classes
   in the Church of Christthose who believe and those who do not。 The
   difference between the true Christian and the mere outward professor
   just lies in one wordthe true Christian is like Moses; 〃He has
   faith〃; the mere outward professor has none。 The true Christian
   believes; and therefore lives as he does; the mere professor does not
   believe; and therefore is what he is。 Oh; where is our faith? Let us
   not be faithless; but believing。

   (4) The last thing I say is thisthe true secret of doing great things
   for God is to have great faith。

   I believe that we are all apt to err on this point。 We thi
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