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   up to a cannon's mouth; or lead a forlorn hope; or storm a breach; has
   found it impossible to face the mockery of a few panions; and has
   flinched from the path of duty to avoid it。 To be laughed at! To be
   made a joke of! To be jested and sneered at! To be reckoned weak and
   silly! To be thought a fool!There is nothing grand in all this; and
   many; alas; cannot make up their minds to undergo it!

   Yet here is a man who made up his mind to it; and did not shrink from
   the trial。 Moses saw reproach and scorn before him; and he chose them;
   and accepted them for his portion。

   Such then were the things that Moses chose: afflictionthe pany of
   a despised peopleand scorn。

   Set down beside all this; that Moses was no weak; ignorant; illiterate
   person; who did not know what he was about。 You are specially told he
   was 〃mighty in words and in deeds;〃 and yet he chose as he did! (Acts
   vii。 22。)

   Set down; too; the circumstances of his choice。 He was not obliged to
   choose as he did。 None pelled him to take such a course。 The things
   he took up did not force themselves upon him against his will。 He went
   after them; they did not e after him。 All that he did; he did of his
   own free choicevoluntarily; and of his own accord。

   And then judge whether it is not true that his choices were as
   wonderful as his refusals。 Since the world began; I suppose; none ever
   made such a choice as Moses did in our text。

   III。 And now let me go on to a third thing:let me speak of the
   principle which moved Moses; and made him do as he did。

   How can this conduct of his be accounted for? What possible reason can
   be given for it? To refuse that which is generally called good; to
   choose that which is monly thought evil; this is not the way of
   flesh and blood。 This is not the manner of man; this requires some
   explanation。 What will that explanation be?

   We have the answer in the text。 I know not whether its greatness or its
   simplicity is more to be admired。 It all lies in one little word; and
   that word is 〃faith。〃

   Moses had faith。 Faith was the mainspring of his wonderful conduct。
   Faith made him do as he did; choose what he chose; and refuse what he
   refused。 He did it all because he believed。

   God set before the eyes of his mind His own will and purpose。 God
   revealed to him that a Saviour was to be born of the stock of Israel;
   that mighty promises were bound up in these children of Abraham; and
   yet to be fulfilled; that the time for fulfilling a portion of these
   promises was at hand; and Moses put credit in this; and believed。 And
   every step in his wonderful career; every action in his journey through
   life after leaving Pharaoh's courthis choice of seeming evil; his
   refusal of seeming goodall; all must be traced up to this fountain;
   all will be found to rest on this foundation。 God had spoken to him;
   and he had faith in God's word。

   He believed that God would keep His promisesthat what He had said He
   would surely do; and what He had covenanted He would surely perform。

   He believed that with God nothing was impossible。 Reason and sense
   might say that the deliverance of Israel was out of the question: the
   obstacles were too many; the difficulties too great。 But faith told
   Moses that God was all…sufficient。 God had undertaken the work; and it
   would be done。

   He believed that God was all wise。 Reason and sense might tell him that
   his line of action was absurd; that he was throwing away useful
   influence; and destroying all chance of benefiting his people; by
   breaking with Pharaoh's daughter。 But faith told Moses that if God said
   〃Go this way;〃 it must be the best。

   He believed that God was all merciful。 Reason and sense might hint that
   a more pleasant manner of deliverance might be found; that some
   promise might be effected; and many hardships be avoided。 But faith
   told Moses that God was love; and would not give His people one drop of
   bitterness beyond what was absolutely needed。

   Faith was a telescope to Moses。 It made him see the goodly land afar
   offrest; peace; and victory; when dim…sighted reason could only see
   trial and barrenness; storm and tempest; weariness and pain;

   Faith was an interpreter to Moses。 It made him pick out a fortable
   meaning in the dark mands of God's handwriting; while ignorant sense
   could see nothing in it but mystery and foolishness。

   Faith told Moses that all this rank and greatness was of the earth;
   earthy; a poor; vain; empty thing; frail; fleeting; and passing away;
   and that there was no true greatness like that of serving God。 He was
   the king; he the true nobleman who belonged to the family of God。 It
   was better to be last in heaven than first in hell。

   Faith told Moses that worldly pleasures were 〃pleasures of sin。〃 They
   were mingled with sin; they led on to sin; they were ruinous to the
   soul; and displeasing to God。 It would be small fort to have
   pleasure while God was against him。 Better suffer and obey God; than be
   at ease and sin。

   Faith told Moses that these pleasures after all were only for a
   〃season。〃 They could not last; they were all short…lived; they would
   weary him soon; he must leave them all in a few years。

   Faith told him that there was a reward in heaven for the believer far
   richer than the treasures in Egypt; durable riches; where rust could
   not corrupt; nor thieves break through and steal。 The crown there would
   be incorruptible; the weight of glory would be exceeding and
   eternal;and faith bade him look away to an unseen heaven if his eyes
   were dazzled with Egyptian gold。

   Faith told Moses that affliction and suffering were not real
   evils。They were the school of God; in which He trains the children of
   grace for glorythe medicines which are needful to purify our corrupt
   willsthe furnace which must burn away our drossthe knife which must
   cut the ties that bind us to the world。

   Faith told Moses that the despised Israelites were the chosen people of
   God。 He believed that to them belonged the adoption; and the covenant;
   and the promises; and the glory; that of them the seed of the woman was
   one day to be born; who should bruise the serpent's head; that the
   special blessing of God was upon them; that they were lovely and
   beautiful in His eyesand that it was better to be a doorkeeper among
   the people of God than to reign in the palaces of wickedness。

   Faith told Moses that all the reproach and scorn poured out on him was
   〃the reproach of Christ〃;that it was honourable to be mocked and
   despised for Christ's sakethat whoso persecuted Christ's people was
   persecuting Christ Himselfand that the day must e when His enemies
   would bow before Him and lick the dust。 All this; and much more; of
   which I cannot speak particularly; Moses saw by faith。 These were the
   things he believed; and believing; did what he did。 He was persuaded of
   them; and embraced themhe reckoned them as certaintieshe regarded
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