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   Egypt: for he had respect unto the repense of the reward。〃Hebrews
   xi。 24…26。

   THE characters of God's most eminent saints; as drawn and described in
   the Bible; form a most useful part of Holy Scripture。 Abstract
   doctrines; and principles; and precepts; are all most valuable in their
   way; but after all; nothing is more helpful than a pattern or example。
   Do we want to know what practical holiness is? Let us sit down and
   study the picture of an eminently holy man。 I propose in this paper to
   set before my readers the history of a man who lived by faith; and left
   us a pattern of what faith can do in promoting holiness of character。
   To all who want to know what 〃living by faith〃 means; I offer Moses as
   an example。

   The eleventh chapter of the Epistle to the Hebrews; from which my text
   is taken; is a great chapter: it deserves to be printed in golden
   letters。 I can well believe it must have been most cheering and
   encouraging to a converted Jew。 I suppose no members of the early
   Church found so much difficulty in a profession of Christianity as the
   Hebrews did。 The way was narrow to all; but preeminently so to them。
   The cross was heavy to all but surely they had to carry double weight。
   And this chapter would refresh them like a cordialit would be as
   〃wine to those that be of heavy hearts。〃 Its words would 〃be pleasant
   as the honey…b; sweet to the soul; and health to the bones。〃 (Prov。
   xxxi。 6; xvi。 24。)

   The three verses I am going to explain are far from being the least
   interesting in the chapter。 Indeed I think few; if any; have so strong
   a claim on our attention。 And I will explain why I say so。

   It seems to me that the work of faith described in the story of Moses
   es home more especially to our own case。 The men of God who are
   named in the former part of the chapter are all examples to us beyond
   question。 But we cannot literally do what most of them did; however
   much we may drink into their spirit。 We are not called upon to offer a
   literal sacrifice like Abelor to build a literal ark like Noahor to
   leave our country literally; and dwell in tents; and offer up our Isaac
   like Abraham。 But the faith of Moses es nearer to us。 It seems to
   operate in a way more familiar to our own experience。 It made him take
   up a line of conduct such as we must sometimes take up ourselves in the
   present day; each in our own walk of life; if we would be consistent
   Christians; And for this reason I think these three verses deserve more
   than ordinary consideration。

   Now I have nothing but the simplest things to say about them。 I shall
   only try to show the greatness of the things Moses did; and the
   principle on which he did them。 And then perhaps we shall be better
   prepared for the practical instruction which the verses appear to hold
   out to every one who will receive it。

   I。 First; then; I will speak of what Moses gave up and refused。

   Moses gave up three things for the sake of his soul。 He felt that his
   soul would not be saved if he kept themso he gave them up。 And in so
   doing; I say that he made three of the greatest sacrifices that man's
   heart can possibly make。 Let us see。

   (1) He gave up rank and greatness。

   〃He refused to be called the son of Pharaoh's daughter。〃 We all know
   his history。 The daughter of Pharaoh had preserved his life; when he
   was an infant。 She had gone further than that: she had adopted him and
   educated him as her own son。

   If some writers of history may be trusted; she was Pharaoh's only
   child。 Some go so far as to say that in the mon order of things;
   Moses would one day have been King of Egypt! '40' That may be; or may
   not; we cannot tell。 It is enough for us to know that; from his
   connection with Pharaoh's daughter; Moses might have been; if he had
   pleased; a very great man。 If he had been content with the position in
   which he found himself at the Egyptian court; he might easily have been
   among the first (if not the very first) in all the land of Egypt。

   Let us think; for a moment; how great this temptation was。

   Here was a man of like passions with ourselves。 He might have had as
   much greatness as earth can well give。 Rank; power; place; honour;
   titles; dignitiesall were before him; and within his grasp。 These are
   the things for which many men are continually struggling。 These are the
   prizes which there is an incessant race in the world around us to
   obtain。 To be somebody; to be looked up to; to raise themselves in the
   scale of society; to get a handle to their namesthese are the very
   things for which many sacrifice time; and thought; and health; and life
   itself。 But Moses would not have them as a gift。 He turned his back
   upon them。 He refused them。 He gave them up!

   (2) And more than thishe refused pleasure。

   Pleasure of every kind; no doubt; was at his feet; if he had liked to
   take it upsensual pleasure; intellectual pleasure; social
   pleasurewhatever could strike his fancy。 Egypt was a land of artists;
   a residence of learned men; a resort of everyone who had skill; or
   science of any description。 There was nothing which could feed the
   〃lust of the flesh; the lust of the eye; or the pride of life;〃 which
   one in the place of Moses might not easily have manded and possessed
   as his own。 (1 John ii。 16。)

   Let us think again; how great was this temptation also。

   Pleasure; be it remembered; is the one thing for which millions live。
   They differ; perhaps; in their views of what makes up real pleasure;
   but all agree in seeking first and foremost to obtain it。 Pleasure and
   enjoyment in the holidays is the grand object to which a schoolboy
   looks forward。 Pleasure and satisfaction in making himself independent
   is the mark on which the young man in business fixes his eye。 Pleasure
   and ease in retiring from business with a fortune is the aim which the
   merchant sets before him。 Pleasure and bodily fort at his own home
   is the sum of the poor man's wishes。 Pleasure and fresh excitement in
   politics; in travelling; in amusements; in pany; in booksthis is
   the goal towards which the rich man is straining。 Pleasure is the
   shadow which all alike are huntinghigh and low; rich and poor; old
   and young; one with anothereach; perhaps; pretending to despise his
   neighbour for seeking iteach in his own way seeking it for
   himselfeach secretly wondering that he does not find iteach firmly
   persuaded that somewhere or other it is to be found。 This was the cup
   that Moses had before his lips。 He might have drunk as deeply as he
   liked of earthly pleasure; but he would not have it。 He turned his back
   upon it。 He refused it。 He gave it up!

   (3) And more than thishe refused riches。

   〃The treasures in Egypt〃 is an expression that seems to tell of
   boundless wealth which Moses might have enjoyed; had he been content to
   remain with Pharaoh's daughter。 We may well suppose these 〃treasures〃
   would have been a mighty fortune。 Enough is still r
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