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   not raze them out。〃Discourses by Stephen Charnock; of Emmanuel
   College; Cambridge。 1680。

   (24) 〃Some rob themselves of their own fort by placing saving faith
   in full assurance。 Faith; and sense of faith; are two distinct and
   separable mercies; you may have truly received Christ; and not receive
   the knowledge or assurance of it。 Some there be that say; Thou art our
   God;' of whom God never said; You are my people'; these have no
   authority to be called the sons of God: others there are; of whom God
   saith; These are my people;' yet they dare not call God their God';
   these have authority to be called the sons of God; yet know it not。
   They have received Christ; that is their safety; but they have not yet
   received the knowledge and assurance of it; that is their
   trouble。 。 。 。 The father owns his child in the cradle; who yet knows
   him not to be his father。〃Method of Grace; by John Flavel; Minister
   of the Gospel at Dartmouth; Devon。 1680。

   (25) 〃It is confessed weak faith hath as much peace with God; through
   Christ; as another hath by strong faith; but not so much bosom peace。

   〃Weak faith will as surely land the Christian in heaven as strong
   faith; for it is impossible the least dram of true grace should perish;
   being all incorruptible seed; but the weak; doubting Christian is not
   like to have so pleasant a voyage thither as another with strong faith。
   Though all in the ship e safe to shore; yet he that is all the way
   sea…sick hath not so fortable a voyage as he that is strong and
   healthful。〃The Christian in plete Armour; by William Gurnall;
   sometime Ejector of Lavenham; Suffolk。 1680。

   (26) 〃Be not discouraged if it doth not yet appear to you that you were
   given by the Father to the Son。 It may be; though you do not see it。
   Many of the given do not for a long time know it; yea; I see no great
   danger in saying that not a few of the given to the Son may be in
   darkness; and doubts; and fears about it; till the last and brightest
   day declare it; and till the last sentence proclaims it。

   〃If; therefore; any of you be in the dark about your own election; be
   not discouraged: it may be; though you do not know it。〃Sermons on the
   Lord's Prayer; by Robert Traill; Minister of the Gospel; in London; and
   sometime at Cranbrook; Kent。 1690。

   (27) 〃Assurance is not essential to the being of faith。 It is a strong
   faith; but we read likewise of a weak faith; little faith; faith like a
   grain of mustard seed。 True saving faith in Jesus Christ is only
   distinguishable by its different degrees; but in every degree and in
   every subject; it is universally of the same kind。〃Sermons; by the
   Key。 John Newton; sometime Vicar of Olney; and Rector of St。 Mary;
   Woolnoth; London。 1767。

   (28) 〃There is no reason why weak believers should conclude against
   themselves。 Weak faith unites as really with Christ as strong faithas
   the least bud in the vine is drawing sap and life from the root; no
   less than the strongest branch。 Weak believers; therefore; have
   abundant cause to be thankful; and while they reach after growth in
   grace; ought not to overlook what they have already received。〃Letter
   of Rev。 Henry Venn。 1784。

   (29) 〃The faith necessary and sufficient for our salvation is not
   assurance。 Its tendency doubtless is to produce that lively expectation
   of the Divine favour which will issue in a full confidence。 But the
   confidence is not itself the faith of which we speak; nor is it
   necessarily included in it: nay; it is a totally distinct thing。

   〃Assurance will generally acpany a high degree of faith。 But there
   are sincere persons who are endued with only small measures of grace;
   or in whom the exercise of that grace may be greatly obstructed。 When
   such defects or hindrances prevail; many fears and distresses may be
   expected to arise。〃The Christian System; by the Rev。 Thomas Robinson;
   Vicar of St。 Mary's; Leicester。 1795。

   (30) 〃Salvation; and the joy of salvation; are not always
   contemporaneous; the latter does not always acpany the former in
   present experience。

   〃A sick man may be under a process of recovery; and yet be in doubt
   concerning the restoration of his health。 Pain and weakness may cause
   him to hesitate。 A child may be heir to Ms estate or kingdom; and yet
   derive no joy from the prospect of his future inheritance。 He may be
   unable to trace his genealogy; or to read his title…deeds; and the
   testament of his father; or with a capacity of reading them he may be
   unable to understand their import; and his guardian may for a time deem
   it right to suffer him to remain in ignorance。 But his ignorance does
   not affect the validity of his title。

   〃Personal assurance of salvation is not necessarily connected with
   faith。 They are not essentially the same。 Every believer might indeed
   infer; from the effect produced in his own heart; his own safety and
   privileges; but many who truly believe are unskilful in the word of
   righteousness; and fail of drawing the conclusion from Scriptural
   premises which they would be justified in drawing。〃Lectures on the
   51st Psalm; by the Rev。 Thomas Biddulph; Minister of St。 James's;
   Bristol。 1830。 134

   '19' 〃Full assurance that Christ hath delivered Paul from condemnation;
   yea; so full and real as produceth thanksgiving and triumphing in
   Christ; may and doth consist with plaints and outcries of a wretched
   condition for the indwelling of the body of sin。〃Rutherford's Triumph
   of Faith。 1645。

   '20' We do not vindicate every vain pretender to the witness of the
   spirit'; we are aware that there are those in whose professions of
   religion we can see nothing but their forwardness and confidence to
   remend them。 But let us not reject any doctrine of revelation
   through an over…anxious fear of consequences。〃Robinson's Christian
   System。 〃True assurance is built upon a Scripture basis: presumption
   hath no Scripture to show for its warrant; it is like a will without
   seal and witnesses; which is null and void in law。 Presumption wants
   both the witness of the Word and the seal of the Spirit。 Assurance
   always keeps the heart in a lowly posture; but presumption is bred of
   pride。 Feathers fly up; but gold descends; he who hath this golden
   assurance; his heart descends in humility。〃Watson's Body of Divinity。
   1650。 〃Presumption is joined with looseness of life; persuasion with a
   tender conscience; that dares sin because it is sure; this dares not
   for fear of losing assurance。 Persuasion will not sin; because it cost
   her Saviour so dear; presumption will sin; because grace doth abound。
   Humility is the way to heaven。 They that are proudly secure of their
   going to heaven do not so often e thither as they that are afraid of
   going to hell。〃Adams on Second Epistle of Peter。 1633。

   '21' 〃They are quite mistaken that think faith and humility are
   inconsistent; they not only a
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