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   forth thirtyfold; we should seek to bring forth sixty; and if we have
   brought forth sixty; we should strive to bring forth a hundred。 The
   will of the Lord is our sanctification; and it ought to be our will
   too。 (Matt。 xiii。 23; 1 Thess。 iv。 3。)

   One thing; at all events; we may depend uponthere is an inseparable
   connection between diligence and assurance。 〃Give diligence〃 says
   Peter; 〃to make your calling and election sure。〃 (2 Peter i。 10。) 〃We
   desire;〃 says Paul; 〃that every one of you do show the same diligence
   to the full assurance of hope unto the end。〃 (Heb。 vi。 11。) 〃The soul
   of the diligent;〃 says Solomon; 〃shall be made fat。〃 (Prov。 xiii。 4。)
   There is much truth in the old maxim of the Puritans: 〃Faith of
   adherence es by hearing; but faith of assurance es not without

   Is any reader of this paper one of those who desires assurance; but has
   not got it? Mark my words。 You will never get it without diligence;
   however much you may desire it。 There are no gains without pains in
   spiritual things; any more than in temporal。 〃The soul of the sluggard
   desireth and hath nothing。〃 (Prov。 xiii。 4。) '36'

   (3) Another mon cause of a want of assurance is an inconsistent walk
   in life。

   With grief and sorrow I feel constrained to say that I fear nothing
   more frequently prevents men attaining an assured hope than this。 The
   stream of professing Christianity in this day is far wider than it
   formerly was; and I am afraid we must admit at the same time it is much
   less deep。

   Inconsistency of life is utterly destructive of peace of conscience。
   The two things are inpatible。 They cannot and they will not go
   together。 If you will have your besetting sins; and cannot make up your
   minds to give them upif you will shrink from cutting off the right
   hand and plucking out the right eye when occasion requires itI will
   engage you will have no assurance。

   A vacillating walka backwardness to take a bold and decided linea
   readiness to conform to the worlda hesitating witness for Christa
   lingering tone of religiona flinching from a high standard of
   holiness and spiritual lifeall these make up a sure receipt for
   bringing a blight upon the garden of your soul。

   It is vain to suppose you will feel assured and persuaded of your own
   pardon and acceptance with God; unless you count all God's mandments
   concerning all things to be right; and hate every sin; whether great or
   small。 (Psalm cxix。 128。) One Achan allowed in the camp of your heart
   will weaken your hands and lay your consolations low in the dust。 You
   must be daily sowing to the Spirit; if you are to reap the witness of
   the Spirit。 You will not find and feel that all the Lord's ways are
   ways of pleasantness; unless you labour in all your ways to please the
   Lord。 '37'

   I bless God that our salvation in no wise depends on our own works。 By
   grace we are savednot by works of righteousnessthrough
   faithwithout the deeds of the law。 But I never would have any
   believer for a moment forget that our sense of salvation depends much
   on the manner of our living。 Inconsistency will dim our eyes; and bring
   clouds between us and the sun。 The sun is the same behind the clouds;
   but you will not be able to see its brightness or enjoy its warmth; and
   your soul will be gloomy and cold。 It is in the path of well doing that
   the day…spring of assurance will visit you; and shine down upon your

   〃The secret of the Lord;〃 says David; 〃is with them that fear Him; and
   He will show them His covenant。〃 (Psalm xxv。 14。)

   〃To him that ordereth his conversation aright; will I show the
   salvation of God。〃 (Psalm l。 23。)

   〃Great peace have they which love Thy law; and nothing shall offend
   them。〃 (Psalm cxix。 165。)

   〃If we walk in the light; as He is in the light; we have fellowship one
   with another。〃 (1 John i。 7。)

   〃Let us not love in word; neither in tongue; but in deed and in truth;
   and hereby we know that we are of the truth; and shall assure our
   hearts before Him。〃 (1 John iii。 18; 19。)

   〃Hereby we do know that we know Him; if we keep His mandments。〃 (1
   John ii。 3。)

   Paul was a man who exercised himself to have always a conscience void
   of offence toward God and toward man。 (Acts xxiv。 16。) He could say
   with boldness; 〃I have fought the good fight; I have kept the faith。〃 I
   do not therefore wonder that the Lord enabled him to add with
   confidence; 〃Henceforth there is a crown laid up for me; and the Lord
   shall give it me at that day。〃

   If any believer in the Lord Jesus desires assurance; and has not got
   it; let him think over this point also。 Let him look at his own heart;
   look at his own conscience; look at his own life; look at his own ways;
   look at his own home。 And perhaps when he has done that; he will be
   able to say; 〃There is a cause why I have no assured hope。〃

   I leave the three matters I have just mentioned to the private
   consideration of every reader of this paper。 I am sure they are worth
   examining。 May we examine them honestly。 And may the Lord give us
   understanding in all things。

   (1) And now in closing this important inquiry; let me speak first to
   those readers who have not yet given themselves to the Lord; who have
   not yet e out from the world; chosen the good part; and followed

   I ask you then to learn from this subject; the privileges and forts
   of a true Christian。

   I would not have you judge of the Lord Jesus Christ by His people。 The
   best of servants can give you but a faint idea of that glorious Master。
   Neither would I have you judge of the privileges of His kingdom; by the
   measure of fort to which many of His people attain。 Alas; we are
   most of us poor creatures! We e short; very short; of the
   blessedness we might enjoy。 But; depend upon it; there are glorious
   things in the city of our God; which they who have an assured hope
   taste; even in their lifetime。 There are lengths and breadths of peace
   and consolation there; which it has not entered into your heart to
   conceive。 There is bread enough and to spare in our Father's house;
   though many of us certainly eat but little of it; and continue weak。
   But the fault must not be laid to our Master's charge: it is all our

   And; after all; the weakest child of God has a mine of forts within
   him; of which you know nothing。 You see the conflicts and tossings of
   the surface of his heart; but you see not the pearls of great price
   which are hidden in the depths below。 The feeblest member of Christ
   would not change conditions with you。 The believer who possesses the
   least assurance is far better off than you are。 He has a hope; however
   faint; but you have none at all。 He has a portion that will never be
   taken from him; a Saviour that will never be taken from him; a Saviour
   that will never forsake him; a treasure that fadeth not away; however
   little he may realize it all at present。 But; as for you; 
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