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   shall revile you; and persecute you; and say all manner of evil against
   you falsely; for my sake。 Rejoice and be exceeding glad; for great is
   your reward in heaven。〃 (Matt。 v。 11; 12。)

   (c) Count up and pare; for another thing; the friends and the
   enemies; if you are a true…hearted and holy Christian。 On the one side
   of you is the enmity of the devil and the wicked。 On the other; you
   have the favour and friendship of the Lord Jesus Christ。 Your enemies;
   at most; can only bruise your heel。 They may rage loudly; and pass
   sea and land to work your ruin; but they cannot destroy you。 Your
   Friend is able to save to the uttermost all them that e unto God by
   Him。 None shall ever pluck His sheep out of His hand。 It is
   written〃Be not afraid of them that kill the body; and after that have
   no more that they can do。 But I will forewarn you whom ye shall fear:
   Fear Him; which after He hath killed hath power to cast into hell; yea;
   I say unto you; fear Him。〃 (Luke xii。 5。)

   (d) Count up and pare; for another thing; the life that now is and
   the life to e; if you are a true…hearted and holy Christian。 The
   time present; no doubt; is not a time of ease。 It is a time of watching
   and praying; fighting and struggling; believing and working。 But it is
   only for a few years。 The time future is the season of rest and
   refreshing。 Sin shall be cast out。 Satan shall be bound。 And; best of
   all; it shall be a rest for ever。 It is written〃Our light affliction;
   which is but for a moment; worketh for us a far more exceeding and
   eternal weight of glory; while we look not at the things which are
   seen; but at the things which are not seen: for the things which are
   seen are temporal; but the things which arc not seen are eternal。〃 (2
   Cor。 iv。 17; 18。)

   (e) Count up and pare; for another thing; the pleasures of sin and
   the happiness of God's service; if you are a true…hearted and holy
   Christian; The pleasures that the worldly man gets by his ways are
   hollow; unreal; and unsatisfying。 They are like the fire of thorns;
   flashing and crackling for a few minutes; and then quenched for ever。
   The happiness that Christ gives to His people is something solid;
   lasting; and substantial。 It is not dependent on health or
   circumstances。 It never leaves a man; even in death。 It ends in a crown
   of glory that fadeth not away。 It is written〃The joy of the hypocrite
   is but for a moment。〃〃As the crackling of thorns under a pot; so is
   the laughter of the fool。〃 (Job xx。 5; Eccl。 vii。 6。) But it is also
   written〃Peace I leave with you; my peace give I unto you: not as the
   world giveth; give I unto you。 Let not your heart be troubled; neither
   let it be afraid。〃 (John xiv。 27。)

   (f) Count up and pare; for another thing; the trouble that true
   Christianity entails; and the troubles that are in store for the wicked
   beyond the grave。 Grant for a moment that Bible…reading; and praying;
   and repenting; and believing; and holy living; require pains and
   self…denial。 It is all nothing pared to that 〃wrath to e〃 which
   is stored up for the impenitent and unbelieving。 A single day in hell
   will be worse than a whole life spent in carrying the cross。 The 〃worm
   that never dies; and the fire that is not quenched;〃 are things which
   it passes man's power to conceive fully or describe。 It is
   written〃Son; remember that thou in thy life…time receivedst thy good
   things; and likewise Lazarus evil things; but now he is forted and
   thou art tormented。〃 (Luke xvi。 25。)

   (g) Count up and pare; in the last place; the number of those who
   turn from sin and the world and serve Christ; and the number of those
   who forsake Christ and return to the world。 On the one side you will
   find thousandson the other you will find none。 Multitudes are every
   year turning out of the broad way and entering the narrow。 None who
   really enter the narrow way grow tired ot it and return to the broad。
   The footsteps in the downward road are often to be seen turning out of
   it。 The footsteps in the road to heaven are all one way。 It is
   written〃The way of the wicked is darkness〃〃The way of transgressors
   is hard。〃 (Prov。 iv。 19; xiii。 15。) But it is also written〃The path
   of the just is as the shining light; which shineth more and more unto
   the perfect day。〃 (Prov。 iv。 8。)

   Such sums as these; no doubt; are often not done correctly。 Not a few;
   I am well aware; are ever 〃halting between two opinions。〃 They cannot
   make up their minds that it is worth while to serve Christ。 The losses
   and gains; the advantages and disadvantages; the sorrows and the joys;
   the helps and the hindrances with that faith we shall set things down
   at their true value。 Filled with that faith we shall neither add to the
   cross nor subtract from the crown。 Our conclusions will be all correct。
   Our sum total will be without error。

   (1) In conclusion; let every reader of this paper think seriously;
   whether his religion costs him anything at present。 Very likely it
   costs you nothing。 Very probably it neither costs you trouble; nor
   time; nor thought; nor care; nor pains; nor reading; nor praying; nor
   self…denial; nor conflict; nor working; nor labour of any kind。 Now
   mark what I say。 Such a religion as this will never save your soul。 It
   will never give you peace while you live; nor hope while you die。 It
   will not support you in the day of affliction; nor cheer you in the
   hour of death。 A religion which costs nothing is worth nothing。 Awake
   before it is too late。 Awake and repent。 Awake and be converted。 Awake
   and believe。 Awake and pray。 Rest not till you can give a satisfactory
   answer to my question; 〃What does it cost?〃

   (2) Think; if you want stirring motives for serving God; what it cost
   to provide a salvation for your soul。 Think how the Son of God left
   heaven and became Man; suffered on the cross; and lay in the grave; to
   pay your debt to God; and work out for you a plete redemption。 Think
   of all this and learn that it is no light matter to possess an immortal
   soul。 It is worth while to take some trouble about one's soul。

   Ah; lazy man or woman; is it really e to this; that you will miss
   heaven for lack of trouble? Are you really determined to make shipwreck
   for ever; from mere dislike to exertion? Away with the cowardly;
   unworthy thought。 Arise and play the man。 Say to yourself; 〃Whatever it
   may cost; I will; at any rate; strive to enter in at the strait gate。〃
   Look at the cross of Christ; and take fresh courage。 Look forward to
   death; judgment; and eternity; and be in earnest。 It may cost much to
   be a Christian; but you may be sure it pays。

   (3) If any reader of this paper really feels that he has counted the
   cost; and taken up the cross; I bid him persevere and press on。 I dare
   say you often feel your heart faint; and are sorely tempted to give up
   in despair。 Your enemies seem so many; your besetting sins so strong;
   your friends so few; the way so steep and narrow; 
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