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   and yet be saved!

   I grant it costs much to be a true Christian。 But who in his sound
   senses can doubt that it is worth any cost to have the soul saved? When
   the ship is in danger of sinking; the crew think nothing of casting
   overboard the precious cargo。 When a limb is mortified; a man will
   submit to any severe operation; and even to amputation; to save life。
   Surely a Christian should be willing to give up anything which stands
   between him and heaven。 A religion that costs nothing is worth nothing!
   A cheap Christianity; without a cross; will prove in the end a useless
   Christianity; without a crown。

   II。 I have now; in the second place; to explain why 〃counting the cost〃
   is of such great importance to man's soul。

   I might easily settle this question by laying down the principle; that
   no duty enjoined by Christ can ever be neglected without damage。 I
   might show how many shut their eyes throughout life to the nature of
   saving religion; and refuse to consider what it really costs to be a
   Christian。 I might describe how at last; when life is ebbing away; they
   wake up; and make a few spasmodic efforts to turn to God。 I might tell
   you how they find to their amazement that repentance and conversion are
   no such easy matters as they had supposed; and that it costs 〃a great
   sum〃 to be a true Christian。 They discover that habits of pride and
   sinful indulgence; and love of ease; and worldliness; are not so easily
   laid aside as they had dreamed。 And so; after a faint struggle; they
   give up in despair; and leave the world hopeless; graceless; and unfit
   to meet God! They had flattered themselves all their days that religion
   would be easy work when they once took it up seriously。 But they open
   their eyes too late; and discover for the first time that they are
   ruined because they never 〃counted the cost。〃

   But there is one class of persons to whom especially I wish to address
   myself in handling this part of my subject。。 It is a large classan
   increasing classand a class which in these days is in peculiar
   danger。 Let me in a few plain words try to describe this class。 It
   deserves our best attention。

   The persons I speak of are not thoughtless about religion: they think a
   good deal about it。 They are not ignorant of religion: they know the
   outlines of it pretty well。 But their great defect is that they are not
   〃rooted and grounded〃 in their faith。 Too often they have picked up
   their knowledge second hand; from being in religious families; or from
   being trained in religious 。ways; but have never worked it out by their
   own inward experience。 Too often they have hastily taken up a
   profession of religion under the pressure of circumstances; from
   sentimental feelings; from animal excitement; or from a vague desire to
   do like others around them; but without any solid work of grace in
   their hearts。 Persons like these are in a position of immense danger。
   They are precisely those; if Bible examples are worth anything; who
   need to be exhorted 〃to count the cost。〃

   For want of 〃counting the cost〃 myriads of the children of Israel
   perished miserably in the wilderness between Egypt and Canaan。 They
   left Egypt full of zeal and fervour; as if nothing could stop them。 But
   when they found dangers and difficulties in the way; their courage soon
   cooled down。 They had never reckoned on trouble。 They had thought the
   promised land would be all before them in a few days。 And so; when
   enemies; privations; hunger; and thirst began to try them; they
   murmured against Moses and God; and would fain have gone back to Egypt。
   In a word; they had 〃not counted the cost;〃 and so lost everything; and
   died in their sins。

   For want of 〃counting the cost;〃 many of our Lord Jesus Christ's
   hearers went back after a time; and 〃walked no more with Him。〃 (John
   vi。 66。) When they first saw His miracles; and heard His preaching;
   they thought 〃the kingdom of God would immediately appear。〃 They cast
   in their lot with His Apostles; and followed Him without thinking of
   the consequences。 But when they found that there were hard doctrines to
   be believed; and hard work to be done; and hard treatment to be borne;
   their fait gave way entirely; and proved to be nothing at all。 In a
   word; they had not 〃counted the cost;〃 and so made shipwreck of their

   For want of 〃counting the cost;〃 King Herod returned to his old sins;
   and destroyed his soul。 He liked to hear John the Baptist preach。 He
   〃observed〃 and honoured him as a just and holy man。 He even 〃did many
   things〃 which were right and good。 But when he found that he must give
   up his darling Herodias; his religion entirely broke down。 He had not
   reckoned on this。 He had not 〃counted the cost。〃 (Mark vi。 20。)

   For want of 〃counting the cost;〃 Demas forsook the pany of St。 Paul;
   forsook the Gospel; forsook Christ; forsook heaven。 For a long time he
   journeyed with the great Apostle of the Gentiles; and was actually a
   〃fellow…labourer。〃 But when he found he could not have the friendship
   of this world as well as the friendship of God; he gave up his
   Christianity and clave to the world。 〃Demas hath forsaken me;〃 says St。
   Paul; 〃having loved this present world。〃 (2 Tim。 iv。 10。) He had not
   〃counted the cost。〃

   For want of 〃counting the cost;〃 the hearers of powerful Evangelical
   preachers often e to miserable ends。 They are stirred and excited
   into professing what they have not really experienced。 They receive the
   Word with a 〃joy〃 so extravagant that it almost startles old
   Christians。 They run for a time with such zeal and fervour that they
   seem likely to outstrip all others。 They talk and work for spiritual
   objects with such enthusiasm that they make older believers feel
   ashamed。 But when the novelty and freshness of their feelings is gone;
   a change es over them。 They prove to have been nothing more than
   stony…ground hearers。 The description the great Master gives in the
   Parable of the Sower is exactly exemplified。 〃Temptation or persecution
   arises because of the Word; and they are offended。〃 (Matt。 xiii。 21。)
   Little by little their zeal melts away; and their love bees cold。 By
   and by their seats are empty in the assembly of God's people; and they
   are heard of no more among Christians。 And why? They had 〃never counted
   the cost。〃

   For want of 〃counting the cost;〃 hundreds of professed converts; under
   religious revivals; go back to the world after a time; and bring
   disgrace on religion。 They begin with a sadly mistaken notion of what
   is true Christianity。 They fancy it consists in nothing more than a
   so…called 〃ing to Christ;〃 and having strong inward feelings of joy
   and peace。 And so; when they find; after a time; that there is a cross
   to be carried; that our hearts are deceitful; and that there is a busy
   devil always near us; they cool down in disgust; and return to their
   old sins。 And why? Because they had really never known wh
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