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   is emphatically 〃good;〃 and one fight in which there is no evil。 That
   warfare is the Christian warfare。 That fight is the fight of the soul。

   Now what are the reasons why the Christian fight is a 〃good fight〃?
   What are the points in which his warfare is superior to the warfare of
   this world? Let me examine this matter; and open it out in order。 I
   dare not pass the subject and leave it unnoticed。 I want no one to
   begin the life of a Christian soldier without counting the cost。 I
   would not keep back from anyone that if he would be holy and see the
   Lord he must fight; and that the Christian fight though spiritual is
   real and severe。 It needs courage; boldness; and perseverance。 But I
   want my readers to know that there is abundant encouragement; if they
   will only begin the battle。 The Scripture does not call the Christian
   fight 〃a good fight〃 without reason and cause。 Let me try to show what
   I mean。

   (a) The Christian's fight is good because fought under the best of
   generals。 The Leader and mander of all believers is our Divine
   Saviour; the Lord Jesus Christa Saviour of perfect wisdom; infinite
   love; and almighty power。 The Captain of our salvation never fails to
   lead His soldiers to victory。 He never makes any useless movements;
   never errs in judgment; never mits any mistake。 His eye is on all
   His followers; from the greatest of them even to the least。 The
   humblest servant in His army is not forgotten。 The weakest and most
   sickly is cared for; remembered; and kept unto salvation。 The souls
   whom He has purchased and redeemed with His own blood are far too
   precious to be wasted and thrown away。 Surely this is good!

   (b) The Christian's fight is good; because fought with the best of
   helps。 Weak as each believer is in himself; the Holy Spirit dwells in
   him; and his body is a temple of the Holy Ghost。 Chosen by God the
   Father; washed in the blood of the Son; renewed by the Spirit; he does
   not go a warfare at his own charges; and is never alone。 God the Holy
   Ghost daily teaches; leads; guides; and directs him。 God the Father
   guards him by His almighty power。 God the Son intercedes for him every
   moment; like Moses on the mount; while he is fighting in the valley
   below。 A threefold cord like this can never be broken! His daily
   provisions and supplies never fail。 His missariat is never
   defective。 His bread and his water are sure。 Weak as he seems in
   himself; like a worm; he is strong in the Lord to do great exploits。
   Surely this is good!

   (c) The Christian fight is a good fight; because fought with the best
   of promises。 To every believer belong exceeding great and precious
   promisesall Yea and Amen in Christpromises sure to be fulfilled;
   because made by One who cannot lie; and has power as well as will to
   keep His word。 〃Sin shall not have dominion over you。〃〃The God of
   peace shall bruise Satan under your feet shortly。〃〃He that has begun
   a good work will perform it until the day of Jesus Christ。〃〃When thou
   passeth through the waters I will be with thee; and through the floods;
   they shall not overflow thee。〃〃My sheep shall never perish; neither
   shall anyone pluck them out of my hand。〃〃Him that eth unto Me!
   will in no wise cast out。〃〃I will never leave thee; nor forsake
   thee。〃〃I am persuaded that neither death; nor life; nor things
   present; nor things to e; shall be able to separate us from the love
   of God; which is in Christ Jesus。〃 (Rom。 vi。 14; Rom。 xvi。 20; Philip。
   i。 6; Isa。 xliii。 2; John x。 28; John vi。 37; Heb。 xiii。 5; Rom。 viii。
   38。) Words like these are worth their weight in gold! Who does not know
   that promises of ing aid have cheered the defenders of besieged
   cities; like Lucknow; and raised them above their natural strength?
   Have we never heard that the promise of 〃help before night〃 had much to
   say to the mighty victory of Waterloo? Yet all such promises are as
   nothing pared to the rich treasure of believers; the eternal
   promises of God。 Surely this is good!

   (d) The Christian's fight is a good fight; because fought with the best
   of issues and results。 No doubt it is a wa薄n which there an;
   tremendous struggles; agonizing conflicts; wounds; bruises; watchings;
   fastings; and fatigue。 But still every believer; without exception; is
   〃more than conqueror through Him that loved him。〃 (Rom。 viii。 37。) No
   soldiers of Christ are ever lost; missing; or left dead on the
   battlefield。 No mourning will ever need to be put on; and no tears to
   be shed for either private or officer in the army of Christ。 The muster
   roll; when the last evening es; will be found precisely the same
   that it was in the morning。 The English Guards marched out of London to
   the Crimean campaign a magnificent body of men; but many of the gallant
   fellows laid their bones in a foreign grave; and never saw London
   again。 Far different shall be the arrival of the Christian army in 〃the
   city which hath foundations; whose builder and maker is God。〃 (Heb。 xi。
   10。) Not one shall be found lacking。 The words of our great Captain
   shall be found true: 〃Of them which Thou hast given Me I have lost
   none。〃 (John xviii。 9。) Surely this is good!

   (e) The Christian's fight is good; because it does good to the soul of
   him that fights it。 All other wars have a bad; lowering; and
   demoralising tendency。 They call forth the worst passions of the human
   mind。 They harden the conscience; and sap the foundations of religion
   and morality。 The Christian warfare alone tends to call forth the best
   things that are left in man。 It promotes humility and charity; it
   lessens selfishness and worldliness; it induces men to set their
   affections on things above。 The old; the sick; the dying; are never
   known to repent of fighting Christ's battles against sin; the world;
   and the devil。 Their only regret is that they did not begin to serve
   Christ long before。 The experience of that eminent saint; Philip Henry;
   does not stand alone。 In his last days he said to his family; 〃I take
   you all to record that a life spent in the service of Christ is the
   happiest life that a man can spend upon earth。〃 Surely this is good!

   (f) The Christian's fight is a good fight; because it does good to the
   world。 All other wars have a devastating; ravaging; and injurious
   effect。 The march of an army through a land is an awful scourge to the
   inhabitants。 Wherever it goes it impoverishes; wastes; and does harm。
   Injury to persons; property; feelings; and morals invariably
   acpanies it。 Far different are the effects produced by Christian
   soldiers。 Wherever they live they are a blessing。 They raise the
   standard of religion and morality。 They invariably check the progress
   of drunkenness。 Sabbath…breaking; profligacy; and dishonesty。 Even
   their enemies are obliged to respect them。 Go where you please; you
   will rarely find that barracks and garrisons do good to the
   neighbourhood。 But go where you please; you will find that the presence
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