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   unlearnedall alike must carry arms and go to war。 All have by nature
   a heart full of pride; unbelief; sloth; worldliness; and sin。 All are
   living in a world beset with snares; traps; and pitfalls for the soul。
   All have near them a busy; restless; malicious devil。 All; from the
   queen in her palace down to the pauper in the workhouse; all must
   fight; if they would be saved。

   It is a fight of perpetual necessity。 It admits of no breathing time;
   no armistice; no truce。 On week…days as well as on Sundaysin private
   as well as in publicat home by the family fireside as well as
   abroadin little things like management of tongue and temper; as well
   as in great ones like the government of kingdomsthe Christian's
   warfare must unceasingly go on。 The foe we have to do with keeps no
   holidays; never slumbers; and never sleeps。 So long as we have breath
   in our bodies we must keep on our armour; and remember we are on an
   enemy's ground。 〃Even on the brink of Jordan;〃 said a dying saint; 〃I
   find Satan nibbling at my heels。〃 We must fight till we die。

   Let us consider well these propositions。 Let us take care that our own
   personal religion is real; genuine; and true。 The saddest symptom about
   many so…called Christians is the utter absence of anything like
   conflict and fight in their Christianity。 They eat; they drink; they
   dress; they work; they amuse themselves; they get money; they spend
   money; they go through a scanty round of formal religious services once
   or twice every week。 But the great spiritual warfareits watchings and
   strugglings; its agonies and anxieties; its battles and contestsof
   all this they appear to know nothing at all。 Let us take care that this
   case is not our own。 The worst state of soul is 〃when the strong man
   armed keepeth the house; and his goods are at peace〃when he leads men
   and women 〃captive at his will;〃 and they make no resistance。 The worst
   chains are those which are neither felt nor seen by the prisoner。 (Luke
   xi。 21; 2 Tim。 ii。 26。)

   We may take fort about our souls if we know anything of an inward
   fight and conflict。 It is the invariable panion of genuine Christian
   holiness。 It is not everything; I am well aware; ut it is something。 Do
   we find in our heart of hearts a spiritual struggle? Do we feel
   anything of the flesh lusting against the spirit and the spirit against
   the flesh; so that we cannot do the things we would? (Gal。 v。 17。) Are
   we conscious of two principles within us; contending for the mastery?
   Do we feel anything of war in our inward man? Well; let us thank God
   for it! It is a good sign。 It is strongly probable evidence of the
   great work of sanctification。 All true saints are soldiers。 Anything is
   better than apathy; stagnation; deadness; and indifference。 We are in a
   better state than many。 The most part of so…called Christians have no
   feeling at all。 We are evidently no friends of Satan。 Like the kings of
   this world; he wars not against his own subjects。 The very fact that he
   assaults us should fill our minds with hope。 I say again; let us take
   fort。 The child of God has two great marks about him; and of these

   II。 I pass on to the second thing which I have to say in handling my
   subject: True Christianity is the fight of faith。

   In this respect the Christian warfare is utterly unlike the conflicts
   of this world。 It does not depend on the strong arm; the quick eye; or
   the swift foot。 It is not waged with carnal weapons; but with
   spiritual。 Faith is the hinge on which victory turns。 Success depends
   entirely on believing。

   A general faith in the truth of God's written Word is the primary
   foundation of the Christian soldier's character。 He is what he is; does
   what he does; thinks as he thinks; acts as he acts; hopes as he hopes;
   behaves as he behaves; for one simple reasonhe believes certain
   propositions revealed and laid down in Holy Scripture。 〃He that eth
   to God must believe that He is; and that He is a Rewarder of them that
   diligently seek Him。〃 (Heb。 xi。 5。)

   A religion without doctrine or dogma is a thing which many are fond of
   talking of in the present day。 It sounds very fine at first。 It looks
   very pretty at a distance。 But the moment we sit down to examine and
   consider it; we shall find it a simple impossibility。 We might as well
   talk of a body without bones and sinews。 No man will ever be anything
   or do anything in religion; unless he believes something。 Even those
   who profess to hold the miserable and unfortable views of the Deists
   are obliged to confess that they believe something。 With all their
   bitter sneers against dogmatic theology and Christian credulity; as
   they call it; they themselves have a kind of faith。

   As for true Christians; faith is the very backbone of their spiritual
   existence。 No one ever fights earnestly against the world; the flesh
   and the devil; unless he has engraven on his heart certain great
   principles which he believes。 What they are he may hardly know; and may
   certainly not be able to define or write down。 But there they are; and;
   consciously or unconsciously; they form the roots of his religion。
   Wherever you see a man; whether rich or poor; learned or unlearned;
   wrestling manfully with sin; and trying to overe it; you may be sure
   there are certain great principles which that man believes。 The poet
   who wrote the famous lines:

   〃For modes of faith let graceless zealots fight;

   He can't be wrong whose life is in the right;〃

   was a clever man; but a poor divine。 There is no such thing as right
   living without faith and believing。

   A special faith in our Lord Jesus Christ's person; work; and office; is
   the life; heart; and mainspring of the Christian soldier's character。

   He sees by faith an unseen Saviour; who loved him; gave Himself for
   him; paid his debts for him; bore his sins; carried his transgressions;
   rose again for him; and appears in heaven for him as his Advocate at
   the right hand of God。 He sees Jesus; and clings to Him。 Seeing this
   Saviour and trusting in Him; he feels peace and hope; and willingly
   does battle against the foes of his soul。

   He sees his own many sinshis weak heart; a tempting world; a busy
   devil; and if he looked only at them he might well despair。 But he sees
   also a mighty Saviour; an interceding Saviour; a sympathizing
   SaviourHis blood; His righteousness; His everlasting priesthoodand
   he believes that all this is his own。 He sees Jesus; and casts his
   whole weight on Him。 Seeing Him he cheerfully fights on; with a full
   confidence that he will prove 〃more than conqueror through Him that
   loved him。〃 (Rom。 viii。 37。)

   Habitual lively faith in Christ's presence and readiness to help is the
   secret of the Christian soldier fighting successfully。

   It must never be forgotten that faith admits of degrees。 All men do not
   believe alik
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