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   Lord; or whether we die; may we die unto the Lord; of if He es for
   us; may we be found in peace; without spot; and blameless!


   〃Fight the good fight of faith。〃1 Timothy vi。 12。

   IT is a curious fact that there is no subject about which most people
   feel such deep interest as 〃fighting。〃 Young men and maidens; old men
   and little children; high and low; rich and poor; learned and
   unlearned; all feel a deep interest in wars; battles and fighting。

   This is a simple fact; whatever way we may try to explain it。 We should
   call that Englishman a dull fellow who cared nothing about the story of
   Waterloo; or Inkermann; or Balaclava or Lucknow。 We should think that
   heart cold and stupid which was not moved and thrilled by the struggles
   at Sedan and Strasburg; and Metz; and Paris; during the war between
   France and Germany。

   But there is another warfare of far greater importance than any war
   that was ever waged by man。 It is a warfare which concerns not two or
   three nations only; but every Christian man and woman born into the
   world。 The warfare I speak of is the spiritual warfare。 It is the fight
   which everyone who would be saved must fight about his soul。

   This warfare; I am aware; is a thing of which many know nothing。 Talk
   to them about it; and they are ready to set you down as a madman; an
   enthusiast; or a fool。 And yet it is as real and true as any war the
   world has ever seen。 It has its hand…to…hand conflicts and its wounds。
   It has its watchings and fatigues。 It has its sieges and assaults。 It
   has its victories and its defeats。 Above all; it has consequences which
   are awful; tremendous; and most peculiar。 In earthly warfare the
   consequences to nations are often temporary and remediable。 In the
   spiritual warfare it is very different。 Of that warfare; the
   consequences; when the fight is over; are unchangeable and eternal。

   It is of this warfare that St。 Paul spoke to Timothy; when he wrote
   those burning words; 〃Fight the good fight of faith; lay hold on
   eternal life。〃 It is of this warfare that I propose to speak in this
   paper。 I hold the subject to be closely connected with that of
   sanctification and holiness。 He that would understand the nature of
   true holiness must know that the Christian is 〃a man of war。〃 If we
   would be holy we must fight。

   I。 The first thing I have to say is this: True Christianity is a fight。

   True Christianity! Let us mind that word 〃true。〃 There is a vast
   quantity of religion current in the world which is not true; genuine
   Christianity。 It passes muster; it satisfies sleepy consciences; but it
   is not good money。 It is not the real thing which was called
   Christianity eighteen hundred years ago。 There are thousands of men and
   women who go to churches and chapels every Sunday; and call themselves
   Christians。 Their names are in the baptismal register。 They are
   reckoned Christians while they live。 They are married with a Christian
   marriage service。 They mean to be buried as Christians when they die。
   But you never see any 〃fight〃 about their religion! Of spiritual
   strife; and exertion; and conflict; and self…denial; and watching; and
   warring; they know literally nothing at all。 Such Christianity may
   satisfy man; and those who say anything against it may be thought very
   hard and uncharitable; but it certainly is not the Christianity of the
   Bible。 It is not the religion which the Lord Jesus founded; and His
   Apostles preached。 It is not the religion which produces real holiness。
   True Christianity is 〃a fight。〃

   The true Christian is called to be a soldier; and must behave as such
   from the day of his conversion to the day of his death。 He is not meant
   to live a life of religious ease; indolence; and security。 He must
   never imagine for a moment that he can sleep and doze along the way to
   heaven; like one travelling in an easy carriage。 If he takes his
   standard of Christianity from the children of this world; he may be
   content with such notions; but he will find no countenance for them in
   the Word of God。 If the Bible is the rule of his faith and practice; he
   will find his course laid down very plainly in this matter。 He must

   With whom is the Christian soldier meant to fight? Not with other
   Christians。 Wretched indeed is that man's idea of religion who fancies
   that it consists in perpetual controversy! He who is never satisfied
   unless he is engaged in some strife between church and church; chapel
   and chapel; sect and sect; faction and faction; party and party; knows
   nothing yet as he ought to know。 No doubt it may be absolutely needful
   sometimes to appeal to law courts; in order to ascertain the right
   interpretation of a Church's Articles; and rubrics; and formularies。
   But; as a general rule; the cause of sin is never so much helped as
   when Christians waste their strength in quarrelling with one another;
   and spend their time in petty squabbles。

   No; indeed! The principal fight of the Christian is with the world; the
   flesh; and the devil。 These are his never…dying foes。 These are the
   three chief enemies against whom he must wage war。 Unless he gets the
   victory over these three; all other victories are useless and vain。 If
   he had a nature like an angel; and were not a fallen creature; the
   warfare would not be so essential。 But with a corrupt heart; a busy
   devil; and an ensnaring world; he must either 〃fight〃 or be lost。

   He must fight the flesh。 Even after conversion he carries within him a
   nature prone to evil; and a heart weak and unstable as water。 That
   heart will never be free from imperfection in this world; and it is a
   miserable delusion to expect it。 To keep that heart from going astray;
   the Lord Jesus bids us 〃watch and pray。〃 The spirit may be ready; but
   the flesh is weak。 There is need of a daily struggle and a daily
   wrestling in prayer。 〃I keep under my body;〃 cries St。 Paul; 〃and bring
   it into subjection。〃'〃I see a law in my members warring against the
   law of my mind; and bringing me into captivity。〃〃O wretched man that
   I am; who shall deliver me from the body of this death?〃〃They that
   are Christ's have crucified the flesh with the affections and
   lusts。〃〃Mortify your members which are upon the earth。〃 (Mark xiv。
   38; 1 Cor。 ix。 27; Rom。 vii。 23; 24; Gal。 v。 24; Coloss。 iii。 5。)

   He must fight the world。 The subtle influence of that mighty enemy must
   be daily resisted; and without a daily battle can never be overe。
   The love of the world's good thingsthe fear of the world's laughter
   or blamethe secret desire to keep in with the worldthe secret wish
   to do as others in the world do; and not to run into extremesall
   these are spiritual foes which beset the Christian continually on his
   way to heaven; and must be conquered。 〃The friendship of the world is
   enmity with God: whosoever therefore will be a friend of th
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